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 ・・・Postwar suspicion of it led other European nations and the United States to devote the bulk of their strategic energy to ensuring that Germany would never be all-powerful again. That, in fact, was their overriding concern. ・・・
 This development probably makes Germans themselves and other Europeans uneasy in equal measure. Europe needs leadership. But Germany is reluctant to lead: been there, tried that. Europeans, in turn, are reluctant to be led by a German chancellor. ・・・
 Volkswagen is not the first company to cut corners to make money. It is not the first big company to betray trust and show contempt for society. It is not even the first global corporation to demonstrate a reckless disregard for people’s health and the environment. To state the obvious, there is nothing peculiarly German about such behavior.
 But there is something peculiarly German about the chasm between professed moral rectitude and reckless wrongdoing, between high culture and low conduct, between angels’ wings and nitrogen oxides; and there is something peculiarly German about the devastating impact this has. Volkswagen should be mindful of the extent of the debacle as it assesses how to rectify the damage to its global clients, itself and Germany. Winterkorn’s throwaway line was shameful.・・・




 ・・・While the United States is by far the largest donor to peacekeeping operations, paying for 28 percent of the budget, it ranks 74th on the list of troop-contributors, with just 82 military and police officers seconded to peacekeeping operations. (Bangladesh places first with 9,432.) ・・・
 Obama, in short, believes that peacekeeping is good for the United States, but not good for the United States to do.・・・


 ・・・Xi agreed with U.S. President Barack Obama that both countries would increase their “robust” peacekeeping commitments.・・・
 China will contribute 8,000 troops for a United Nations peacekeeping standby force, China’s President Xi Jinping told the United Nations General Assembly・・・





 Bringing peace to Syria and defeating the Islamic State dominated the start of Monday’s speeches by world leaders at the United Nations General Assembly. Jordan’s King Abdullah II even likened the threat of extremist groups to a “third world war.” Chinese President Xi Jinping, however, focused more on World War II — and on China’s often fraught relationship with the country that invaded it in the 1930s: Japan.
 Indeed, though he barely mentioned the country by name, a surprisingly large portion of Xi’s relatively colorful maiden General Assembly speech referenced — sometimes obliquely — Japan, China’s neighbor, major trading partner, and antagonist.・・・
 ・・・for this speech, Xi was focusing on an international audience of two: Obama and Abe.


 ・・・Chinese people remain concerned in the same proportions about the same issues that faced their country before Xi ascended: Corrupt officials, air and water pollution, and food safety.
 In the spring of 2012, for example, corruption officials rated as a “very big problem” among 50 percent of respondents; that number fell to 44 percent in spring 2015. Air pollution was a “very big problem” to 36 percent then; it’s at 35 percent in 2015. Food safety was a big problem to 41 percent then; it’s to 32 percent in 2015.
 In particular, the wealth gap, for years a subject of very public hand-wringing, seems to have retreated as an issue of public concern — in Spring 2013, a troubling 48 percent saw it as a “very big problem.” Now 33 percent say they do.
 Concern about rising prices has also dropped, with four times as many people saying it was “not a problem at all” or a “small problem” in 2015 than had so answered in 2013.・・・
 77 percent say they are better off than they were five years ago, a slight uptick from 70 percent in 2012. ・・・
 Many observers in Beijing have noted a rising tide of anti-Americanism, one fanned by state media reports and growing tensions between Chinese and American interests. ・・・


 ・・・<イラン・ロシア・イラク・シリア(アサド)からなる>non-coalition coalition<(事実上の同盟)が成立した!>・・・
 it may be that this is all part of a grand plan on the part of the U.S. president. He wanted out of the region. He did not want to put U.S. boots on the ground. He wanted someone or a group from the region to pick up the slack. And that’s exactly what he’s getting.・・・
 ・・・it may be that this is all part of a grand plan on the part of the U.S. president. He wanted out of the region. He did not want to put U.S. boots on the ground. He wanted someone or a group from the region to pick up the slack. And that’s exactly what he’s getting.・・・
 Obama’s plan is now becoming clear. We’ll leave Syria and Iraq to the Russians and the Iranians. Both of the war-torn countries are a mess. There is no political will in the United States to get more involved. What could go wrong? What could the long-term implications be of allowing the Russians and the Iranians to continue their clear and thus far successful strategies of extending their influence in their overlapping neighborhoods by fueling fractures within their neighbors and then stepping in and gaining influence over chunks of those neighbors, thereby also weakening their opponents? It is an approach that has given Russia bits of Georgia and Ukraine and has explained muscle-flexing in Belarus and the Baltics.
 It is the approach that has expanded Iranian influence from Lebanon to Yemen (not to mention, of course, Syria and Iraq).・・・


 Saudi Arabia has given foreign diplomats some 1,100 photographs of the dead from last week’s hajj crush and stampede, Indian and Pakistani authorities said, an indication of a significantly higher death toll than previously offered by the kingdom.・・・


 「・・・テストステロンが減・・・ってしまうと、単に性機能が衰えるという問題だけではすみませ ん。筋肉量が減り、内臓脂肪が増え、メタボリックシンドロームになりやすくなります。また骨も弱くなります。判断力や記憶力などの認知機能が下がり、元気 がなく抑うつ状態になります。・・・さらに心筋梗塞や脳梗塞、糖尿病、がんになるリスクも高まります。・・・
 テストステロンの分泌量<は、>・・・平均的には10代後半〜30代をピークに、40代ごろか ら年1〜2%ずつ低下していきます。個人差が大きいのは、加齢以外にも、さまざまな外的要因の影響を受けるからです。代表的なのはストレスです。・・・



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