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http://www.chosunonline.com/site/data/html_dir/2015/08/17/2015081700573.html …  「映画「楊貴妃」の衣装 製作したのは日本人女性だった…」




 Japan's economy shrinks by 0.4% in a blow for 'Abenomics' growth plan・・・


 「Tシャツも“コピペ”? 佐野研二郎氏を襲った「新たな疑惑」・・・」






 もし日本がGDP比の防衛予算を1.5%程度まで増やしたとしたら、世界での平和維持活動にもっと力を割ける のかもしれない、とは思います。NATO(北大西洋条約機構)加盟国の軍事予算の平均が大体GDP比1.5%です。2%に達している国は、3〜4カ国しかありません。


 Families of British prisoner and Japanese guard united by poem 70 years on・・・
 Norways, an East Ender with a gift for drawing and painting, was a corporal in the Cambridgeshire Regiment when he was captured by the Japanese during the fall of Singapore in February 1942. It was there that he met Yamanaka, whose acts of kindness sustained his faith in humanity amid the wickedness of camp life.
 The young Japanese soldier -- a devout Buddhist with a unbreakable belief in pacifism -- shared his rations with starving prisoners and used his meagre army allowance to buy food for certain PoWs, including Norways.・・・
 He also took an interest in Norways’ artwork. With paper and pencils in very short supply, he would risk punishment by occasionally smuggling in pencils to ensure that Norways could continue drawing.・・・
 Bill Norways spent more than a year in Singapore before being sent to help build the Thailand-Burma “death railway”. Most of the hundreds of British PoWs who built the line had been sent back to Singapore by February 1944. British military records show that Norways, who suffered bouts of dysentery, was too sick to leave his camp in Kanchanaburi, Thailand. But by April 1944 he was well enough to return to Singapore, where he remained until Japan’s defeat in August the following year.・・・
 The two men continued to exchange letters for more than 30 years until Norways’ death in 1986. Yamanaka, who was convinced he would be the first to die, would outlive his friend by a decade.
 “Their letters always maintained that friendship is possible, irrespective of political and social ideologies,” said Toby Norways, a scriptwriting lecturer at the University of Bedfordshire who is turning his father’s experiences into a PhD thesis and a novel.・・・
 There he rests, yards from Bill Norways’ tribute to a friendship formed in war. It ends: “But, prompted by; an even greater power; our hearts conversed; and softly spoke of peace; Dear God; who brothers made of us; touch all men’s souls; so mankind may be thus!” ・・・
 It’s hard to believe that this apparently charming old man could have been part of such a brutal opposing army. But I don’t blame him for the crimes committed by so many of his comrades.・・・
 ・・・Her mother and father worked for the China Inland Mission, one of the largest missionary organisations then operating in the country.
 It had been founded by Mary's great-grandfather, James Hudson Taylor, a preacher from Barnsley, once an important coal mining town in the north of England.・・・
 The China Inland Mission, now renamed OMF International, recently held an event in Barnsley to celebrate the organisation's 150th anniversary.・・・
 That was the end of Western domination of China," she said. "They had crowds of Chinese along the roadside as these white people were carrying whatever they could in their hands - no servants were helping them now - marching off to concentration camp・・・
 The family decided to return to the United States and Mary worked in education before being elected to the New Jersey state assembly for the Democrats.・・・


 On Aug. 7, the American Psychological Association overwhelmingly approved a sweeping ban on any involvement by psychologists in national security interrogations conducted by the U.S. government. This ban includes even non-coercive interrogations.
 The vote was a knee-jerk reaction that some members felt was sorely needed to restore the organization’s reputation after an independent investigation led by David H. Hoffman, a Chicago-based lawyer. The probe found that some association officers and other prominent psychologists shielded APA members who participated in the CIA and Pentagon’s harsh interrogation programs during the George W. Bush administration. These programs involved “soft” torture and “enhanced” interrogation techniques and allowed the government to shield itself from claims of torture by saying health providers were overseeing what was being done. ・・・
 Banning involvement in what the government is doing is simply refusing to take a stand for what is right. Enhanced interrogation and “soft” torture are, in my opinion, ethically wrong and not useful in obtaining reliable information. Some may find times and circumstances to justify their use -- others like myself won’t. The interrogation of prisoners is not wrong and is a necessary part of our continued fight against terrorism. Psychologists can, and must, continue to play an important and ethical role in guiding our governments to do the right thing.





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