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「vwとトヨタの競争が本格化 利益や経営ではトヨタに軍配…」
ブヒ! これは何記事と言うべきか。↓
武力制裁になったら適当な大義名分を掲げて樺太千島を頂戴できるんだけどな (無理だけど)。
集団的自衛権認めず 有志議員が独自骨子案 NHKニュース
どんな法案か、見てみたいねぇw (・∀・)ニヤニヤ
「中国が脱北者を強制送還せず釈放 英TV報道・・・」
・・・ In a widely cited annual survey conducted in December by the Christian Ethics Movement of Korea, South Koreans selected Catholicism as the most trustworthy religion, followed by Buddhism and then Protestantism.
“Unlike other major religious organizations that have suffered numerous financial and sexual scandals over the years, the Catholic Church in South Korea has proven to be remarkably clean,”・・・
・・・the church is more often associated with the downtrodden than are Protestant groups, which generally embrace capitalism wholeheartedly and are aligned with some of the country’s wealthiest citizens and most powerful political leaders.・・・
Separatist leader boasts of fresh tanks and trained troops from Russia・・・
・・・There are 1,200 individuals who have gone through training over a four-month period on the territory of the Russian Federation and who have been introduced here at the most decisive moment・・・
セルゲイ・クズネツォフ(Sergey Kuznetsov。1966年〜。モスクワ在住の作家)
・・・The world of my Soviet childhood didn’t look like a totalitarian dystopia or the threshold of a gulag. It was just boring.・・・
In the ’90s, we discovered that Russian history is cyclical. A phase of boring bureaucracy is replaced by a phase of chaos and violence. So Stalin came to power after the Russian Civil War, and Brezhnev’s boring ’70s replaced the dramatic ’60s.
Bureaucracy promises imperial power and a stable life. The cost is repression and lies.
Anarchy promises freedom and opportunity. The cost is violence and fear.・・・
Like any repressive regime, Mr. Putin’s knows how to create autonomous zones of violence.・・・
Chaos at the margins can make a repressive system stronger. However, the system has to up the ante in order to maintain itself. This time, the zone of lawlessness is bigger than ever. Instead of risking his own Maidan revolution in Red Square, Mr. Putin has exported Russia’s Chechnya-style chaos to the southeast of Ukraine, turning Donbass into Beirut or Gaza. Everyone who lusts for action and violence now has a place to kill and to die.
Perhaps the people of Donbass, members of the Ukrainian military and even the passengers of Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 were killed to save Mr. Putin’s Russia from a new stage of anarchy. ・・・
Now I see that the choice between boredom and chaos is only the tool that corrupt rulers use to save their regimes. I hope that Russia can escape from this deadly cycle in time to avoid new victims, inside and outside.
U.S. warplanes launched airstrikes near Mosul Dam in northern Iraq on Saturday in a joint operation with Iraqi and Kurdish troops to retake the strategically important facility from militants・・・
The official said the operation did not stray beyond the limits on the military set by President Obama, who has said repeatedly that such action would be limited to protecting U.S. personnel in Iraq and to give humanitarian aid.・・・
Iraq's political class has watched with fear and envy in the last fortnight as American jets have slowed the Islamic State extremist group's advance towards the Kurdish stronghold of Irbil.
At the same time, the group, formerly known as Isis, has been trying to encircle Baghdad – untroubled by air strikes. Its manoeuvres near the national capital in recent days have consolidated gains it has made in the last two tumultuous months and made the very existence of Iraq in its current borders ever more precarious.・・・
The killing of a young black man by a police officer in Ferguson, Mo., and the subsequent military-style police response to protests has illuminated two very disturbing phenomena. One is older than our republic -- racial prejudice -- and the other is relatively new -- the militarization of America’s cops. ・・・
・・・the fatal shooting of the unarmed 18-year-old black man, Michael Brown, was murder.・・・
The black community, which makes up two-thirds of the town’s population, reacted with fury and some of the protests devolved into looting. Local police responded as if this was a terrorist attack and, Wednesday night, broke up a peaceful protest with tear gas and rubber bullets. ・・・
Over the last few years, the best police departments have adopted community policing methods that have helped strengthen ties to troubled neighborhoods and taught cops smarter ways to handle tough situations. Unfortunately, at the same time, many departments have gotten equipped with heavy-duty armaments that are far better suited to the battlefields of Iraq than to America’s small towns, such as Ferguson. And, once such big toys of battle are in hand, the compulsion to use them is nearly irresistible.・・・
・・・In recent years, authorities in Boston, New Orleans and other cities have enacted curfews as they contended with upheaval caused by hurricanes, racial tension and terrorism.・・・
Many American cities, including Los Angeles, also maintain curfew laws for juveniles. But it is rare to see them strongly enforced.
Last month, the Baltimore City Council passed one of the country's strictest curfew laws, requiring children under the age of 14 to be home by 9 p.m. Children up to 16 are required to be home by 10 p.m. on school nights and 11 p.m. on weekends.
・・・ women who seek extra-marital affairs usually still love their husbands and are cheating instead of divorcing, because they need more passion.・・・
How does he know this? Because he spied on the conversations women were having on Ashley Madison, a website created for the purpose of having an affair. ・・・
・・・"Suicide should never be presented as an option,・・・That’s a formula for potential contagion.”・・・
「vwとトヨタの競争が本格化 利益や経営ではトヨタに軍配…」
ブヒ! これは何記事と言うべきか。↓
武力制裁になったら適当な大義名分を掲げて樺太千島を頂戴できるんだけどな (無理だけど)。
集団的自衛権認めず 有志議員が独自骨子案 NHKニュース
どんな法案か、見てみたいねぇw (・∀・)ニヤニヤ
「中国が脱北者を強制送還せず釈放 英TV報道・・・」
・・・ In a widely cited annual survey conducted in December by the Christian Ethics Movement of Korea, South Koreans selected Catholicism as the most trustworthy religion, followed by Buddhism and then Protestantism.
“Unlike other major religious organizations that have suffered numerous financial and sexual scandals over the years, the Catholic Church in South Korea has proven to be remarkably clean,”・・・
・・・the church is more often associated with the downtrodden than are Protestant groups, which generally embrace capitalism wholeheartedly and are aligned with some of the country’s wealthiest citizens and most powerful political leaders.・・・
Separatist leader boasts of fresh tanks and trained troops from Russia・・・
・・・There are 1,200 individuals who have gone through training over a four-month period on the territory of the Russian Federation and who have been introduced here at the most decisive moment・・・
セルゲイ・クズネツォフ(Sergey Kuznetsov。1966年〜。モスクワ在住の作家)
・・・The world of my Soviet childhood didn’t look like a totalitarian dystopia or the threshold of a gulag. It was just boring.・・・
In the ’90s, we discovered that Russian history is cyclical. A phase of boring bureaucracy is replaced by a phase of chaos and violence. So Stalin came to power after the Russian Civil War, and Brezhnev’s boring ’70s replaced the dramatic ’60s.
Bureaucracy promises imperial power and a stable life. The cost is repression and lies.
Anarchy promises freedom and opportunity. The cost is violence and fear.・・・
Like any repressive regime, Mr. Putin’s knows how to create autonomous zones of violence.・・・
Chaos at the margins can make a repressive system stronger. However, the system has to up the ante in order to maintain itself. This time, the zone of lawlessness is bigger than ever. Instead of risking his own Maidan revolution in Red Square, Mr. Putin has exported Russia’s Chechnya-style chaos to the southeast of Ukraine, turning Donbass into Beirut or Gaza. Everyone who lusts for action and violence now has a place to kill and to die.
Perhaps the people of Donbass, members of the Ukrainian military and even the passengers of Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 were killed to save Mr. Putin’s Russia from a new stage of anarchy. ・・・
Now I see that the choice between boredom and chaos is only the tool that corrupt rulers use to save their regimes. I hope that Russia can escape from this deadly cycle in time to avoid new victims, inside and outside.
U.S. warplanes launched airstrikes near Mosul Dam in northern Iraq on Saturday in a joint operation with Iraqi and Kurdish troops to retake the strategically important facility from militants・・・
The official said the operation did not stray beyond the limits on the military set by President Obama, who has said repeatedly that such action would be limited to protecting U.S. personnel in Iraq and to give humanitarian aid.・・・
Iraq's political class has watched with fear and envy in the last fortnight as American jets have slowed the Islamic State extremist group's advance towards the Kurdish stronghold of Irbil.
At the same time, the group, formerly known as Isis, has been trying to encircle Baghdad – untroubled by air strikes. Its manoeuvres near the national capital in recent days have consolidated gains it has made in the last two tumultuous months and made the very existence of Iraq in its current borders ever more precarious.・・・
The killing of a young black man by a police officer in Ferguson, Mo., and the subsequent military-style police response to protests has illuminated two very disturbing phenomena. One is older than our republic -- racial prejudice -- and the other is relatively new -- the militarization of America’s cops. ・・・
・・・the fatal shooting of the unarmed 18-year-old black man, Michael Brown, was murder.・・・
The black community, which makes up two-thirds of the town’s population, reacted with fury and some of the protests devolved into looting. Local police responded as if this was a terrorist attack and, Wednesday night, broke up a peaceful protest with tear gas and rubber bullets. ・・・
Over the last few years, the best police departments have adopted community policing methods that have helped strengthen ties to troubled neighborhoods and taught cops smarter ways to handle tough situations. Unfortunately, at the same time, many departments have gotten equipped with heavy-duty armaments that are far better suited to the battlefields of Iraq than to America’s small towns, such as Ferguson. And, once such big toys of battle are in hand, the compulsion to use them is nearly irresistible.・・・
・・・In recent years, authorities in Boston, New Orleans and other cities have enacted curfews as they contended with upheaval caused by hurricanes, racial tension and terrorism.・・・
Many American cities, including Los Angeles, also maintain curfew laws for juveniles. But it is rare to see them strongly enforced.
Last month, the Baltimore City Council passed one of the country's strictest curfew laws, requiring children under the age of 14 to be home by 9 p.m. Children up to 16 are required to be home by 10 p.m. on school nights and 11 p.m. on weekends.
・・・ women who seek extra-marital affairs usually still love their husbands and are cheating instead of divorcing, because they need more passion.・・・
How does he know this? Because he spied on the conversations women were having on Ashley Madison, a website created for the purpose of having an affair. ・・・
・・・"Suicide should never be presented as an option,・・・That’s a formula for potential contagion.”・・・
太田述正ブログは移転しました 。