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「…福沢諭吉が提出した「脱亜論」は日本の思想史に対して深く影響を与え、… 「脱亜入欧」(後進世界であるアジアを脱し、ヨーロッパ列強の一員となる)の機運が盛り上がった後、…岡倉天心は「アジアは一つ」とするアジア主義を打ち出し、日本と中国とインドは文明的にも共通性があることを強調した。この2つの見たところ相反する思想は…第2次世界大戦において完全に結合する。これが、大東亜共栄圏のイデオロギー、すなわち「満州・中国と同盟し、アジアを統一して、アングロサクソンの世界に対抗しよう」というものだった。…」
Russia's proposal for Syrian President Bashar al-Assad to place his chemical weapons under international supervision and then destroy them is quickly gaining steam. ・・・
There's just one problem: the plan would be nearly impossible to actually carry out. ・・・
私が、「日支戦争をどう見るか」シリーズ(未公開)で彼の新著を俎上に載せ、台北タイムスに掲載された彼のコラムにも反論投稿を行った(コラム#省略)ところの、ミター(RANA MITTER)が、今度はフォーリンポリシー誌にコラムを掲載したので、これにも反論投稿をしておいたよ。↓
China and the United States really were allies in the battle against fascism・・・
・・・an ever-more aggressive Japanese imperialism, with the occupation of Manchuria in 1931 the clear signal that Tokyo had aggressive designs on China.・・・
If they had surrendered <in 1941> -- or even earlier, in 1938 -- China would have become a Japanese colony, and Tokyo could have moved much earlier against Southeast Asia or even British India, making Allied victory in the Pacific far more difficult. ・・・
Stilwell pressured Chiang into taking part in an ill-advised dash to recapture Burma from the Japanese in February 1942. ・・・
Even Clarence Gauss, the U.S. ambassador to wartime China, and no friend of Chiang's, noted in a message to Washington in June 1944 that critics might upbraid the United States because "we have not supplied the Chinese with arms" and "that the excursion into northern Burma was a mistake." ・・・
In recent years, however, the situation has changed radically. Chinese scholars have been given leeway to examine the war with more nuance (in part because politicians thought that being more favorable toward Chiang Kai-shek's memory might aid reunification with Taiwan), and it is now quite common to see praise for Chiang's contribution to the war effort in the mainland.
Yet this more sympathetic attitude within China toward the old Nationalist enemy has had an unexpected effect: the creation of a new sense of resentment about America's record as China's wartime partner. Chinese analysts have begun to link the treatment of Nationalist China with contemporary American attitudes in international society.・・・
This is half-baked revisionism.<蒋介石の「功績」を持ち上げる等、歴史の修正主義的見方だが、不十分だ。>
>China and the United States really were allies in the battle against fascism
→Japan was a liberal democracy. Whereas Nationalist China was fascist.<日本は自由民主主義国であり、蒋介石政権はファシスト政権だった。>
>・・・an ever-more aggressive Japanese imperialism, with the occupation of Manchuria in 1931 the clear signal that Tokyo had aggressive designs on China.・・・
If they had surrendered then -- or even earlier, in 1938 -- China would have become a Japanese colony, and Tokyo could have moved much earlier against Southeast Asia or even British India, making Allied victory in the Pacific far more difficult. ・・・
→Sheer fantasy . Japan was simply pursuing deterrence strategy against communist Russia.<ばかこけ。日本は共産主義ロシアに対する抑止戦略を追求していただけ。>
>Chinese analysts have begun to link the treatment of Nationalist China with contemporary American attitudes in international society.・・・
→This is simply the precursor of coming eruption of rage by the Chinese people toward America, who crushed Japan's afore mentioned deterrence strategy and then sold China to the cruel Mao. <(最近の中共における当時の米国への批判は)来たるべき支那の人々の、日本の上記抑止戦略を粉砕し、支那を狂った毛沢東に売り渡した米国に対する怒りの噴出の前兆さ。>
「・・・2012年11月に米・戦略国際問題研究所のエドワード・ルトワック(Edward N. Luttwak)上級アドバイザー・・・は・・・以下のように書いた。
「…福沢諭吉が提出した「脱亜論」は日本の思想史に対して深く影響を与え、… 「脱亜入欧」(後進世界であるアジアを脱し、ヨーロッパ列強の一員となる)の機運が盛り上がった後、…岡倉天心は「アジアは一つ」とするアジア主義を打ち出し、日本と中国とインドは文明的にも共通性があることを強調した。この2つの見たところ相反する思想は…第2次世界大戦において完全に結合する。これが、大東亜共栄圏のイデオロギー、すなわち「満州・中国と同盟し、アジアを統一して、アングロサクソンの世界に対抗しよう」というものだった。…」
Russia's proposal for Syrian President Bashar al-Assad to place his chemical weapons under international supervision and then destroy them is quickly gaining steam. ・・・
There's just one problem: the plan would be nearly impossible to actually carry out. ・・・
私が、「日支戦争をどう見るか」シリーズ(未公開)で彼の新著を俎上に載せ、台北タイムスに掲載された彼のコラムにも反論投稿を行った(コラム#省略)ところの、ミター(RANA MITTER)が、今度はフォーリンポリシー誌にコラムを掲載したので、これにも反論投稿をしておいたよ。↓
China and the United States really were allies in the battle against fascism・・・
・・・an ever-more aggressive Japanese imperialism, with the occupation of Manchuria in 1931 the clear signal that Tokyo had aggressive designs on China.・・・
If they had surrendered <in 1941> -- or even earlier, in 1938 -- China would have become a Japanese colony, and Tokyo could have moved much earlier against Southeast Asia or even British India, making Allied victory in the Pacific far more difficult. ・・・
Stilwell pressured Chiang into taking part in an ill-advised dash to recapture Burma from the Japanese in February 1942. ・・・
Even Clarence Gauss, the U.S. ambassador to wartime China, and no friend of Chiang's, noted in a message to Washington in June 1944 that critics might upbraid the United States because "we have not supplied the Chinese with arms" and "that the excursion into northern Burma was a mistake." ・・・
In recent years, however, the situation has changed radically. Chinese scholars have been given leeway to examine the war with more nuance (in part because politicians thought that being more favorable toward Chiang Kai-shek's memory might aid reunification with Taiwan), and it is now quite common to see praise for Chiang's contribution to the war effort in the mainland.
Yet this more sympathetic attitude within China toward the old Nationalist enemy has had an unexpected effect: the creation of a new sense of resentment about America's record as China's wartime partner. Chinese analysts have begun to link the treatment of Nationalist China with contemporary American attitudes in international society.・・・
This is half-baked revisionism.<蒋介石の「功績」を持ち上げる等、歴史の修正主義的見方だが、不十分だ。>
>China and the United States really were allies in the battle against fascism
→Japan was a liberal democracy. Whereas Nationalist China was fascist.<日本は自由民主主義国であり、蒋介石政権はファシスト政権だった。>
>・・・an ever-more aggressive Japanese imperialism, with the occupation of Manchuria in 1931 the clear signal that Tokyo had aggressive designs on China.・・・
If they had surrendered then -- or even earlier, in 1938 -- China would have become a Japanese colony, and Tokyo could have moved much earlier against Southeast Asia or even British India, making Allied victory in the Pacific far more difficult. ・・・
→Sheer fantasy . Japan was simply pursuing deterrence strategy against communist Russia.<ばかこけ。日本は共産主義ロシアに対する抑止戦略を追求していただけ。>
>Chinese analysts have begun to link the treatment of Nationalist China with contemporary American attitudes in international society.・・・
→This is simply the precursor of coming eruption of rage by the Chinese people toward America, who crushed Japan's afore mentioned deterrence strategy and then sold China to the cruel Mao. <(最近の中共における当時の米国への批判は)来たるべき支那の人々の、日本の上記抑止戦略を粉砕し、支那を狂った毛沢東に売り渡した米国に対する怒りの噴出の前兆さ。>
「・・・2012年11月に米・戦略国際問題研究所のエドワード・ルトワック(Edward N. Luttwak)上級アドバイザー・・・は・・・以下のように書いた。
太田述正ブログは移転しました 。