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「フィリピンBC級戦犯」 永井均
ネトウヨならば、「反日本だ」と 言うんでしょうね。
「「首相式辞は侵略否定」 村山氏が厳しく批判・・・
Rana Mitter(コラム#6340以下(未公開))に、ボクが指摘しているところの、痛い点をつかれてるぞ。↓
・・・the Yasukuni Shrine・・・, which honors more than 1,000 war criminals who took part in Japan’s disastrous war in Asia, remains a place of fascination for Japanese rightists, who persist in claiming that Japan’s war in Asia was a war of liberation against Western imperialism.
This claim sounds particularly hollow in the People’s Republic of China (PRC) and South Korea, which suffered horribly from imperial Japan’s invasion and occupation of much of Asia. ・・・
The Second Sino-Japanese War was an attempt by the liberal democratic Japan to protect Asia from the menace of Russian communism.
War of liberation against Western colonialism was a secondary banner raised when Japan was forced to neutralize American and British disturbance on this War.
What ensued when Japan was defeated?
East Asia inundated by communism, and the collapse of Western colonialism.
Who won the Second Sino-Japanese/Pacific War?
You have to study more and answer this question, Mr. Mitter.
・・・Without going into all the reasons why societies demonize, legislate, and control sex, it’s clear that the stigma created by the sex-negative elements of our culture can create real problems for performers. Though we may be aware of what we’re doing when we get into the business, we may not be able to foresee the societally-imposed difficulties that await us once we’re in porn, including future (baseless) job discrimination, misapprehensions in personal relationships, and more.
Of course, these are problems created not by porn itself, but by our society’s cluttered view of sex. It doesn’t help that these misunderstandings are seized on by religious fundamentalists, social conservatives, anti-porn liberals, certain feminists, and others for power. These are the same groups that embraced Lovelace’s anti-porn stance while she was alive and continue to exploit her complicated humanity and specific story of abuse after her death.・・・
Porn is mostly populated by people who aren’t victims, who have made thoughtful choices, and who won’t be climaxing with regret.・・・
http://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E3%82%A2%E3%83%A1%E3%83%AA%E3%82%AB%E7%A6%8F%E9%9F%B3%E3%83%AB%E3%82%BF%E3%83%BC%E6%B4%BE%E6%95%99%E4%BC%9A の長に初めて女性が就任した。↓
・・・Change has come to one of America’s largest Christian denominations. Last week the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America elected its first female presiding bishop, the church’s top office. Bishop Elizabeth Eaton won in a surprise 600-287 landslide at the denomination’s triennial Churchwide Assembly in Pittsburgh. A 4-million member denomination with nearly 10,000 congregations, the ELCA is twice as large as the Episcopal Church, which elected its first female presiding bishop seven years ago.
Like most mainline denominations, however, the ELCA faces a membership decline–accelerated by its 2009 decision to allow openly gay pastors. Since then, half a million members have left the denomination.
I’m old enough to remember Public Service Announcements from President Eisenhower telling us all to go to the church or synagogue of our choice. ・・・
There are people now who are spiritual and not religious. I would characterize myself as religious but not spiritual.
Cairo is no longer the region’s cultural heart: Egypt doesn’t produce great art, music or literature. Arab TV audiences are much more likely now to be watching Turkish soap operas, Lebanese music videos and Qatari satellite news channels. Egyptian universities are now laughably bad, and the Gulf states prefer Indian, Pakistani and Filipino labor to Egyptian. Egypt’s media scene is a regional joke.・・・
Washington・・・should stop pretending Egypt is an important player in Arab affairs, and pay more attention to countries that are. It should stop giving giving the generals $1.5 billion a year. That money is better spent on countries where the democratic experiment still has a chance of success. ・・・
・・・In early 2011, Saudis expressed bitterness at the U.S. urging then-Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak, a longtime ally of Saudi Arabia and the U.S., to cede to popular demands to surrender power.
Saudi analysts at the time said that the Saudi perception that the U.S. had abandoned Mr. Mubarak contributed to the Saudi kingdom's decision to send troops around the same time to prop up the government of neighboring Bahrain amid public demonstrations there.
The kingdom's quick support for the Egyptian military this month and last underscore the extent to which security and the rolling back of political Islam have preoccupied the Saudi monarchy since the Arab revolutions.
Most of the king's public statements in recent months have focused on the perceived threat from religious movements like the Muslim Brotherhood, which officially is banned in Saudi Arabia.
On Saturday, the Saudi government said it was sending three field hospitals to Egypt in the interests of "standing by and supporting the brotherly Egyptian people" amid continuing street violence there.
Saudi Arabia and the fellow Gulf monarchies of Kuwait and the United Arab Emirates in early July pledged $12 billion in aid to Egypt. The support came within days of the Egyptian military taking into custody the elected Egyptian President Mohammed Morsi, an ally of the Muslim Brotherhood.・・・
Meanwhile, in Turkey, an Islamically oriented government that for years won admiration for a pragmatic, business-friendly regime, has alienated many former supporters with what are seen as bungled or overly aggressive policies. So has Qatar, which, countering Saudi Arabia, backed political Islam.・・・
The Obama administration has taken preliminary steps to withhold financial aid to the Egyptian government, officials said on Sunday, though it is curtailing economic assistance, not the much larger military aid on which Egypt’s generals depend.・・・
「フィリピンBC級戦犯」 永井均
ネトウヨならば、「反日本だ」と 言うんでしょうね。
「「首相式辞は侵略否定」 村山氏が厳しく批判・・・
Rana Mitter(コラム#6340以下(未公開))に、ボクが指摘しているところの、痛い点をつかれてるぞ。↓
・・・the Yasukuni Shrine・・・, which honors more than 1,000 war criminals who took part in Japan’s disastrous war in Asia, remains a place of fascination for Japanese rightists, who persist in claiming that Japan’s war in Asia was a war of liberation against Western imperialism.
This claim sounds particularly hollow in the People’s Republic of China (PRC) and South Korea, which suffered horribly from imperial Japan’s invasion and occupation of much of Asia. ・・・
The Second Sino-Japanese War was an attempt by the liberal democratic Japan to protect Asia from the menace of Russian communism.
War of liberation against Western colonialism was a secondary banner raised when Japan was forced to neutralize American and British disturbance on this War.
What ensued when Japan was defeated?
East Asia inundated by communism, and the collapse of Western colonialism.
Who won the Second Sino-Japanese/Pacific War?
You have to study more and answer this question, Mr. Mitter.
・・・Without going into all the reasons why societies demonize, legislate, and control sex, it’s clear that the stigma created by the sex-negative elements of our culture can create real problems for performers. Though we may be aware of what we’re doing when we get into the business, we may not be able to foresee the societally-imposed difficulties that await us once we’re in porn, including future (baseless) job discrimination, misapprehensions in personal relationships, and more.
Of course, these are problems created not by porn itself, but by our society’s cluttered view of sex. It doesn’t help that these misunderstandings are seized on by religious fundamentalists, social conservatives, anti-porn liberals, certain feminists, and others for power. These are the same groups that embraced Lovelace’s anti-porn stance while she was alive and continue to exploit her complicated humanity and specific story of abuse after her death.・・・
Porn is mostly populated by people who aren’t victims, who have made thoughtful choices, and who won’t be climaxing with regret.・・・
http://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E3%82%A2%E3%83%A1%E3%83%AA%E3%82%AB%E7%A6%8F%E9%9F%B3%E3%83%AB%E3%82%BF%E3%83%BC%E6%B4%BE%E6%95%99%E4%BC%9A の長に初めて女性が就任した。↓
・・・Change has come to one of America’s largest Christian denominations. Last week the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America elected its first female presiding bishop, the church’s top office. Bishop Elizabeth Eaton won in a surprise 600-287 landslide at the denomination’s triennial Churchwide Assembly in Pittsburgh. A 4-million member denomination with nearly 10,000 congregations, the ELCA is twice as large as the Episcopal Church, which elected its first female presiding bishop seven years ago.
Like most mainline denominations, however, the ELCA faces a membership decline–accelerated by its 2009 decision to allow openly gay pastors. Since then, half a million members have left the denomination.
I’m old enough to remember Public Service Announcements from President Eisenhower telling us all to go to the church or synagogue of our choice. ・・・
There are people now who are spiritual and not religious. I would characterize myself as religious but not spiritual.
Cairo is no longer the region’s cultural heart: Egypt doesn’t produce great art, music or literature. Arab TV audiences are much more likely now to be watching Turkish soap operas, Lebanese music videos and Qatari satellite news channels. Egyptian universities are now laughably bad, and the Gulf states prefer Indian, Pakistani and Filipino labor to Egyptian. Egypt’s media scene is a regional joke.・・・
Washington・・・should stop pretending Egypt is an important player in Arab affairs, and pay more attention to countries that are. It should stop giving giving the generals $1.5 billion a year. That money is better spent on countries where the democratic experiment still has a chance of success. ・・・
・・・In early 2011, Saudis expressed bitterness at the U.S. urging then-Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak, a longtime ally of Saudi Arabia and the U.S., to cede to popular demands to surrender power.
Saudi analysts at the time said that the Saudi perception that the U.S. had abandoned Mr. Mubarak contributed to the Saudi kingdom's decision to send troops around the same time to prop up the government of neighboring Bahrain amid public demonstrations there.
The kingdom's quick support for the Egyptian military this month and last underscore the extent to which security and the rolling back of political Islam have preoccupied the Saudi monarchy since the Arab revolutions.
Most of the king's public statements in recent months have focused on the perceived threat from religious movements like the Muslim Brotherhood, which officially is banned in Saudi Arabia.
On Saturday, the Saudi government said it was sending three field hospitals to Egypt in the interests of "standing by and supporting the brotherly Egyptian people" amid continuing street violence there.
Saudi Arabia and the fellow Gulf monarchies of Kuwait and the United Arab Emirates in early July pledged $12 billion in aid to Egypt. The support came within days of the Egyptian military taking into custody the elected Egyptian President Mohammed Morsi, an ally of the Muslim Brotherhood.・・・
Meanwhile, in Turkey, an Islamically oriented government that for years won admiration for a pragmatic, business-friendly regime, has alienated many former supporters with what are seen as bungled or overly aggressive policies. So has Qatar, which, countering Saudi Arabia, backed political Islam.・・・
The Obama administration has taken preliminary steps to withhold financial aid to the Egyptian government, officials said on Sunday, though it is curtailing economic assistance, not the much larger military aid on which Egypt’s generals depend.・・・
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