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満杯だから受刑者釈放? 米加州刑務所、打つ手なし
第6艦隊 (アメリカ軍)
・・・In 2009, authorities said they detained 5,134 people and closed 1,045 fake invoice production sites. A year later, they said they “smashed” 1,593 criminal gangs and raided 74,833 enterprises that had filed false invoices with the government.・・・
・・・even government officials take part in black market activity. In 2010, for instance, the National Audit Office said it caught central government departments embezzling US$21 million with fake invoices.・・・
China’s fapiao system took root in the late 1980s and early 1990s, when the government began requiring companies to use official receipts issued by the tax authorities for every business transaction. The receipts usually come with a number and government seal.
The tax receipt system was quickly exploited. Gangs began producing high-quality imitations of the official invoices using specially designed printers with markings that bore a striking likeness to red government seals.・・・
・・・Chengguan are auxiliary para-police organized and hired by city governments to handle various urban problems under laws so vague and general that there is little restraint on their powers. Despite years of bitter public complaints over the thug-like, and often violent, behavior of many chengguan, little has been done to rein them in. ・・・
Although the main emphasis in Chinese media on chengguan misconduct has involved the use of excessive force against street vendors, the chengguang have also been found detaining people, even though that detention is limited by law to public security organs.
The chengguan are completely under the control of local governments, making them an exception to the otherwise nationwide practice of dual leadership by local and central governments. ・・・
Last month, a 34-year-old man who had been severely beaten by para-police in 2005 for operating an illegal taxi business in Guangdong detonated a bomb in Beijing’s Capital International Airport and suffered severe injury. He had lost the case he had brought to court and after eight years of petitioning surrendered to despair.・・・
・・・Exercising during learning was, in her study, significantly more effective than exercising beforehand or not exercising at all.
But that beneficial impact probably depended on the mildness of the workout, she said. Light-intensity exercise will elicit low but noticeable levels of physiological arousal, she said, which, in turn, presumably help to prime the brain for the intake of new information and the encoding of that information into memories.
If the exercise is more vigorous, however, it may overstimulate the body and brain, she said, monopolizing more of the brain’s attentional resources and leaving fewer for the creation of robust memories.
This theory also helps to explain why・・・memory recall was best a day or two after exercise, by which time・・・physiological arousal would have dissipated. ・・・
・・・ The meditation involved listening to music and focusing just on the present moment. ・・・
The study suggests that something is going on in the training that caused this implicit lessening of craving that results in people smoking less without even noticing it,・・・
・・・being aware of how cravings come and go can enhance your ability to resist them.
That may be why meditation-based methods could be especially helpful in treating addictions, since other forms of treatment tend to focus on trying to control— rather than accept— the reality of cravings.・・・
Traditional antismoking and addiction care also becomes defeating since it asks addicts to suppress their cravings, which generally only heightens their feelings of desire. “What that does is make that thought increase and the same is true for emotions,” Bowen says, “Trying to suppress any experience is rarely effective.”
The same effects may not be as helpful for other mental illnesses that often lead to addictions. People with depression or past experiences of trauma, for example, may find themselves feeling increasingly anxious during meditation, no matter how much they try to focus on the moment. Or they may be plagued by intrusive thoughts, feelings and images of the past during their mindfulness exercises.・・・
満杯だから受刑者釈放? 米加州刑務所、打つ手なし
第6艦隊 (アメリカ軍)
・・・In 2009, authorities said they detained 5,134 people and closed 1,045 fake invoice production sites. A year later, they said they “smashed” 1,593 criminal gangs and raided 74,833 enterprises that had filed false invoices with the government.・・・
・・・even government officials take part in black market activity. In 2010, for instance, the National Audit Office said it caught central government departments embezzling US$21 million with fake invoices.・・・
China’s fapiao system took root in the late 1980s and early 1990s, when the government began requiring companies to use official receipts issued by the tax authorities for every business transaction. The receipts usually come with a number and government seal.
The tax receipt system was quickly exploited. Gangs began producing high-quality imitations of the official invoices using specially designed printers with markings that bore a striking likeness to red government seals.・・・
・・・Chengguan are auxiliary para-police organized and hired by city governments to handle various urban problems under laws so vague and general that there is little restraint on their powers. Despite years of bitter public complaints over the thug-like, and often violent, behavior of many chengguan, little has been done to rein them in. ・・・
Although the main emphasis in Chinese media on chengguan misconduct has involved the use of excessive force against street vendors, the chengguang have also been found detaining people, even though that detention is limited by law to public security organs.
The chengguan are completely under the control of local governments, making them an exception to the otherwise nationwide practice of dual leadership by local and central governments. ・・・
Last month, a 34-year-old man who had been severely beaten by para-police in 2005 for operating an illegal taxi business in Guangdong detonated a bomb in Beijing’s Capital International Airport and suffered severe injury. He had lost the case he had brought to court and after eight years of petitioning surrendered to despair.・・・
・・・Exercising during learning was, in her study, significantly more effective than exercising beforehand or not exercising at all.
But that beneficial impact probably depended on the mildness of the workout, she said. Light-intensity exercise will elicit low but noticeable levels of physiological arousal, she said, which, in turn, presumably help to prime the brain for the intake of new information and the encoding of that information into memories.
If the exercise is more vigorous, however, it may overstimulate the body and brain, she said, monopolizing more of the brain’s attentional resources and leaving fewer for the creation of robust memories.
This theory also helps to explain why・・・memory recall was best a day or two after exercise, by which time・・・physiological arousal would have dissipated. ・・・
・・・ The meditation involved listening to music and focusing just on the present moment. ・・・
The study suggests that something is going on in the training that caused this implicit lessening of craving that results in people smoking less without even noticing it,・・・
・・・being aware of how cravings come and go can enhance your ability to resist them.
That may be why meditation-based methods could be especially helpful in treating addictions, since other forms of treatment tend to focus on trying to control— rather than accept— the reality of cravings.・・・
Traditional antismoking and addiction care also becomes defeating since it asks addicts to suppress their cravings, which generally only heightens their feelings of desire. “What that does is make that thought increase and the same is true for emotions,” Bowen says, “Trying to suppress any experience is rarely effective.”
The same effects may not be as helpful for other mental illnesses that often lead to addictions. People with depression or past experiences of trauma, for example, may find themselves feeling increasingly anxious during meditation, no matter how much they try to focus on the moment. Or they may be plagued by intrusive thoughts, feelings and images of the past during their mindfulness exercises.・・・
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