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 「韓国、開城工業団地から全員撤収へ 北朝鮮の会談拒否に対抗…」
 「米、中国に「深い懸念」表明 劉霞氏軟禁は「国際法違反」…」


 中国紙が批判 中国当局は静観

 なお、集団的自衛権は触れず →安倍「一石投じ大きな意義」→中国紙「(; ・`д・´) ナ、ナンダッテー !!」、中共「( ´,_ゝ`)ふーん」
 こうですか!? わかりません><





Regular press conferences are now chaired by a woman. One of three regular briefers is a woman. And this month, the first woman was appointed to an executive post.・・・


 ・・・Much like the strategy employed with artillery, air power, and ballistic missiles, Assad's introduction of weapons of mass destruction intends to pave the way for more lethal and wide-ranging chemical attacks against the Syrian people in the future. ・・・
 Assad's approach to the conflict has been the inverse of what Western militaries call population-centric counterinsurgency: rather than clear insurgents out of population centers, Assad has sought to clear populations out of insurgent-held areas.
 The strategy has successfully ensured that even when the rebels gain territory they lose the population, either literally, through physical displacement or death, or in the hearts and minds department, as civilians bear the brunt of the bloodshed and blame the rebels for their plight. ・・・
 the Russians have historically adopted this model against insurgents in Afghanistan and Chechnya. ・・・


 ・・・Martin Luther brought this rhetoric to a fever pitch. In 1523 he accused the Roman Church of becoming “more ‘Jewish’ than the Jews,” and as he grew older he tried to convince his contemporaries that “so thoroughly hopeless, mean, poisonous, and bedeviled a thing are the Jews that for 1400 years they have been, and continue to be, our plague, pestilence, and all that is our misfortune.” Don’t believe in conversions, the aged Luther urged; the only way to baptize Jews was by tying millstones around their necks.・・・
 ・・・from Saint John to Saint Augustine to Muhammad, from Shakespeare to Luther to Hegel — depend on denigrating Jews.That’s what’s so chilling: great cultural achievements built on patterns of scapegoating and hatred.・・・


 ・・・the “Little Ice Age” experienced around the world between the 1610s and the late 1680s, causing death, disease and depopulation, that produced the social, economic and political upheavals of the same period・・・


第3回目(コラム#6115)の最後の曲'Don't hurry'の英訳歌詞を見つけた

Don't you be in a hurry to burry us; we still have some things left undone.
Our homes are filled with our children and we would like to live some more.
Our homes are filled with our children and we would like to live some more.

Don't you be in a hurry to shoot us in our backs; you have plenty of
time left for that.
Won't you leave us the chance to finish our dance, and even better, to
finish our song.
Won't you leave us the chance to finish our dance, and even better, to
finish our song.

Don't you be in a hurry to close our eyes; you don't need to, we all
like the dark.
The willow lashes our cheeks, excited by our nakedness.
The willow lashes our cheeks, excited by our nakedness.

Don't you be in a hurry to love us, don't you count the victories in days.
If we cannot live through today, you and I, then who will love you tomorrow.
If we cannot live through today, you and I, then who will love you tomorrow.

Don't you be in a hurry to burry us; we still have some things left undone.
Our homes are filled with our children and we would like to live some more.
Our homes are filled with our children and we would like to live some

 余り知られていないけれど、英語の(或いは英訳された)タイトルもついている曲、の取り残し分の続きです。(歌詞の翻訳をしつこくつけましたが、お時間があれば、連休中に歌詞を読みながら聴いてください。英語を訳せって? 勘弁勘弁!)

I loved you B. Sheremetyev作曲 プーシキン作詞
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o9d3_JXc6os (注)

I loved you so, and, maybe, my affection Has not yet faded, living as afore, But now you're free from worry and vexation, I do not want to grieve you any more. I loved you hopelessly, in silence, really, Now torn with jealousy, now shy as kid. I loved you so sincerely, so dearly, -  God grant that someone loves you like I did.

Unexpected Waltz  M.Fradkin作曲 E.Dolmatovsky作詞
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WKEbbvSnNQM (注)

The night is short, The clouds are asleep, And on my palm Rests your unfamiliar hand. After all the raids and alarms The village sleeps. I heard the sound of a waltz And dropped in for a while.

Refrain :
Though I do not know you, And my home is far away, I am as if I'm once again
Near my home again... In this empty hall We are dancing together, Please, say something to me About anything at all.

We will dance together, Sing and be friends. I have forgotten how to dance
And beg your pardon for that. The morning calls me To march out again...
As I leave your small town I will pass by your gate.

Refrain :
Though I do not know you, And my home is far away, I am as if I'm once again
Near my own home... In this empty hall We are dancing together, Please, say something to me About anything at all.

Dark Night(コラム#6075) Nikita Bogoslovsky作曲 Vladimir Agatov作詞(注)

Dark in the night.
Bullet’s whistling all over the steppe,
Only wind’s humming up in the wires,
Only stars dimly twinkle.

Dark in the night,
You, my darling, not sleep in your bed,
And, when quietly cradling the crib,
Wipe away secret tears.

Love for your eyes!
Their depth gently touches my heart.
What I desire,
Just to kiss them again so lightly.
This very night,
Separated us greatly, my Love!
And this frightening black winter steppe has lain down between us.

Still I believe,
Trusting you, dear spouse of mine.
In these dark nights, only this faith,
Kept me safe from a bullet.

Feeling of joy,
Makes me calm in the deadliest battle,
Knowing, you always meet me with love,
No matter what happened.
No fear of death,
I have met it, not once in the steppe,
It is spinning above me in air,
Now and then, or elsewhere.

Waiting for me,
You are awake, staying by baby’s bed,
And I know, forever and now,
No wrong to me will happen.

Вот солдаты идут(見よ、兵士が行く) K.モルチャノフ作曲 M.リヴォフスキー作詞(注)

見よ、兵士が行く 焼かれた草原を 静かに歌を歌いながら 白樺の、カエデの歌を 物憂げな庭を、 しだれ柳を、 そして故郷の森を、 そして故郷の森を、 広き畑を歌いながら

見よ、兵士が行く 高らかに、歌が広がる 栄光の堡塁が その歌に歌われる 戦での勇敢が、 命のための犠牲が、 偉大なる祖国への 彼らの忠誠が、 彼らの忠誠が歌われる
(7-9行目のバリエーション:激戦の堡塁が 戦での英雄が、 我らの栄光の祖国への)

見よ、兵士が行く 見知らぬ土地を 見よ、敵を打ち破り 家へと帰還するのだ 物憂げな庭の、 しだれ柳の、 そして故郷の森の、 そして故郷の森の、 広き畑のもとへと(3行目のバリエーション:全ての敵を打ち破り)

Жди меня Матвей Блантер作曲 Константин Симонов作詞(注)


Моя Москва(私のモスクワ) ドゥナエフスキー作曲 マルク・サモイロヴィッチ・リシャンスキー作詞(注)

私は光明に向かい 少なからず歩んだ 壕舎で 塹壕で タイガで暮らした 生きたまま 二度埋められ つらい別れも知った でも モスクワはつねに 私の誇り どこにあっても 繰り返した言葉は 愛する わが首都 輝ける街 わがモスクワ!

モスクワ郊外の林が好きだ 小川のせせらぎにかかる橋も 赤の広場が好きだ クレムリンの時計台の鐘も 市内にあっても 遠く離れた街でも おまえの噂は 途絶えることがない 愛する わが首都 輝ける街 わがモスクワ! 

あの厳しい秋を思い出す 戦車の履帯のきしみ 銃剣のきらめき まぶたに浮かぶのは 28人の英雄や お前を守り抜いた息子たち 敵はこんりんざい お前の頭を 打ちのめせない 愛する わが首都 輝ける街 わがモスクワ!

愛する わが首都 輝ける街 わがモスクワ!

Одинокая Гармонь(THE LONELY ACCORDION) 作曲? 作詞?
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4D06pQ3rayA (注)
 イブ・モンタン(フランス語) 但し、歌詞は原詩とは全く異なる。

Once again everything is still till dawn,
No door will squeak, no light will flash.
You can hear only that somewhere in the street
The lonely accordion is wandering.
Once again it goes out to a field behind the gates,
Then it comes back again,
As if looking for someone in the darkness
But unable to find anyone.

There is night-coolness from fields
From apple-trees many petals fall...
Please, confess,whom do you seek,
Speak it out, young accordion-player.
Maybe your happiness is near,
But she does not know if she is the one you are waiting for...
Why are you wandering, lonely, all night,
Why don't you let the girl sleep ?

Kak molody my byli
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GU1jUiXOJpo (注)

(This song is true story about russian soccer team in concentration camp during WWII.
 They were captured and forced to play against fascists with no rules.
 They were starving and injured. They were told that would be killed if they were to win.
 The team decided to win and die with honor. It was very hard to win for starving, badly injured and knowing that it is a death penalty. They were killed after they won the match.→ウー泣けるである!)

Summer lightnings have finished up blazing,
Bolts of thunder are fading inside.
Only we don’t forget darling faces,
Only we don’t forget dear eyes.

We have rounded off the first game and
Only one thing we did understand:
So that you could stand up to your merit,
Do the utmost to merit your stand!

We encountered encouraging smiles then,
Of the flowers on the roads of the earth,
We forgave friends of ours their blunders,
Only treachery never let off.

No deed in this world comes to pass void of fall-outs.
And springtime as well, after all, is immortal.
How youthful we were back then!
How youthful we were back then!
How truly we loved back then!
How trusted our own selves!

Look around at me, casual stranger,
I remember your principled eyes.
Maybe, you are myself, only younger.
We don’t recognize ourselves sometimes.

Эх, дороги(ああ道よ) Anatoly Novikov作曲 Lev Oshanin作詞(注)

ああ道よ 埃舞う 冷たく暗い 草原の道 草原の端に羽を休めん いかで闇 知るべきや
  この埃舞い飛ぶ草原に 弾は飛び交う 炎を上げ
ああ道よ 埃舞う 冷たく暗い 草原の道 銃声鳴り 烏は舞い 野に斃れし友の屍
  道は彼方へ走り 砂が舞う 名も無き地に 埃舞う
ああ道よ 埃舞う 冷たく暗い 草原の道 故郷に 陽は昇り 帰らぬ子を母は待つ
  果て無きこの道 ステップの道 祖国はただ眺む この跡を
ああ道よ 埃舞う 冷たく暗い 草原の道 いかが友を 忘られよう 吹雪の中 友をしのぶ





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