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「日本人10人を一時軟禁 中国人工員ら、労働条件に反発・・・
・・・ the most astonishing fact about the current international scene is that there isn't a single conflict in which two uniformed militaries are pitted against each other. The last one was a brief clash in 2008 between Russia and Georgia. In our day, the specter of conventional conflict, which has dominated the imagination of the West since the days of the Greek hoplites, has almost been lifted.
But the world is hardly at peace. Algeria fights hostage-takers at a gas plant. France fights Islamist extremists in Mali. Israel fights Hamas. The U.S. and its allies fight the Taliban in Afghanistan. Syria's Bashar al-Assad fights rebels seeking to overthrow him. Colombia fights and negotiates with the FARC. Mexico fights drug gangs. And various African countries fight the Lord's Resistance Army.
These are wars without front lines, without neatly defined starting and end points. They are messy, bloody affairs, in which attackers, typically without uniforms, engage in hit-and-run raids and often target civilians. They are, in short, guerrilla wars, and they are deadly. ・・・
1. Guerrilla warfare is not new.・・・
2. Guerrilla warfare is the form of conflict universally favored by the weak, not an "Eastern" way of war. ・・・ few people have ever chosen guerrilla warfare voluntarily; it is the tactic of last resort for those too weak to create regular armies. Likewise, terrorism is the tactic of last resort for those too weak to create guerrilla forces.
3. Guerrilla warfare has been both underestimated and overestimated.・・・
4. Insurgencies have been getting more successful since 1945, but they still lose most of the time. ・・・
・・・out of 443 insurgencies since 1775, insurgents succeeded in 25.2% of the concluded wars while incumbents prevailed in 63.8%. The rest were draws. ・・・
5. The most important recent development in guerrilla warfare has been the rise of public opinion. What accounts for the fact that guerrillas have been getting more successful since 1945・・・
6. Few counter-insurgency campaigns have ever succeeded by inflicting mass terror—at least in foreign lands.・・・
7. "Winning hearts and minds" is often successful as an anti-guerrilla strategy, but it isn't as touchy-feely as commonly supposed. ・・・the populace will embrace the government only if it is less dangerous to do so than to support the insurgency.・・・
8. Most insurgencies are long-lasting; attempts to win a quick victory backfire. The average insurgency since 1775 has lasted seven years. The figure is even longer for post-1945 insurgencies—nearly 10 years. ・・・
9. Technology has been relatively unimportant in guerrilla war—but that may be changing. ・・・
< http://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E6%B8%85%E6%B0%B4%E5%AE%89%E4%B8%89 >
かうして古都北京は廃墟とならず、今もなお昔の如くに存在しているのである。」(清水安三『石ころの生涯』より。「萬晩報」(130120)からの転載 )
・・・Algeria allowed France, its former colonial master, to use its airspace for the new military initiative in Mali. The Algerians also moved troops to the Mali border after initially resisting the recommendation・・・
・・・ The leadership in Algiers will tell their critics that they warned in 2011 that the NATO intervention in Libya would result in the collapse of the state, and that the flow of weapons out of Libya and into the hands of violent non-state actors could destabilize the region. Algiers also cautioned that any military approach to the instability in northern Mali was likely to only escalate the conflict and raise the likelihood of Islamist terrorist attacks in Algeria. Consequently, the international community is indirectly responsible for what transpired and is in no position to dictate how Algeria should have responded. ・・・
「日本人10人を一時軟禁 中国人工員ら、労働条件に反発・・・
・・・ the most astonishing fact about the current international scene is that there isn't a single conflict in which two uniformed militaries are pitted against each other. The last one was a brief clash in 2008 between Russia and Georgia. In our day, the specter of conventional conflict, which has dominated the imagination of the West since the days of the Greek hoplites, has almost been lifted.
But the world is hardly at peace. Algeria fights hostage-takers at a gas plant. France fights Islamist extremists in Mali. Israel fights Hamas. The U.S. and its allies fight the Taliban in Afghanistan. Syria's Bashar al-Assad fights rebels seeking to overthrow him. Colombia fights and negotiates with the FARC. Mexico fights drug gangs. And various African countries fight the Lord's Resistance Army.
These are wars without front lines, without neatly defined starting and end points. They are messy, bloody affairs, in which attackers, typically without uniforms, engage in hit-and-run raids and often target civilians. They are, in short, guerrilla wars, and they are deadly. ・・・
1. Guerrilla warfare is not new.・・・
2. Guerrilla warfare is the form of conflict universally favored by the weak, not an "Eastern" way of war. ・・・ few people have ever chosen guerrilla warfare voluntarily; it is the tactic of last resort for those too weak to create regular armies. Likewise, terrorism is the tactic of last resort for those too weak to create guerrilla forces.
3. Guerrilla warfare has been both underestimated and overestimated.・・・
4. Insurgencies have been getting more successful since 1945, but they still lose most of the time. ・・・
・・・out of 443 insurgencies since 1775, insurgents succeeded in 25.2% of the concluded wars while incumbents prevailed in 63.8%. The rest were draws. ・・・
5. The most important recent development in guerrilla warfare has been the rise of public opinion. What accounts for the fact that guerrillas have been getting more successful since 1945・・・
6. Few counter-insurgency campaigns have ever succeeded by inflicting mass terror—at least in foreign lands.・・・
7. "Winning hearts and minds" is often successful as an anti-guerrilla strategy, but it isn't as touchy-feely as commonly supposed. ・・・the populace will embrace the government only if it is less dangerous to do so than to support the insurgency.・・・
8. Most insurgencies are long-lasting; attempts to win a quick victory backfire. The average insurgency since 1775 has lasted seven years. The figure is even longer for post-1945 insurgencies—nearly 10 years. ・・・
9. Technology has been relatively unimportant in guerrilla war—but that may be changing. ・・・
< http://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E6%B8%85%E6%B0%B4%E5%AE%89%E4%B8%89 >
かうして古都北京は廃墟とならず、今もなお昔の如くに存在しているのである。」(清水安三『石ころの生涯』より。「萬晩報」(130120)からの転載 )
・・・Algeria allowed France, its former colonial master, to use its airspace for the new military initiative in Mali. The Algerians also moved troops to the Mali border after initially resisting the recommendation・・・
・・・ The leadership in Algiers will tell their critics that they warned in 2011 that the NATO intervention in Libya would result in the collapse of the state, and that the flow of weapons out of Libya and into the hands of violent non-state actors could destabilize the region. Algiers also cautioned that any military approach to the instability in northern Mali was likely to only escalate the conflict and raise the likelihood of Islamist terrorist attacks in Algeria. Consequently, the international community is indirectly responsible for what transpired and is in no position to dictate how Algeria should have responded. ・・・
太田述正ブログは移転しました 。