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http://www.guardian.co.uk/culture/gallery/2012/oct/06/ten-best-sex-guides#/?picture=397158114&index=0 …
≫安倍さんと言えば防衛庁を防衛省へ格上げした人なんでしょ? ≪(コラム#5761。XADXbvz40)
「日本維新とみんなの党、「渡辺喜美外し」で仕切り直し 維新の勢いに陰りという事情も・・・」
飛行モード 必要な場合を除き、回転翼を上に向ける「垂直離着陸モード(ヘリモード)」での飛行は米軍施設・区域内に限る。回転翼を前傾させる「転換モード」での飛行時間は可能な限り短くする。・・・」
NYタイムスが、薄熙来の前妻 Li Danyuとの単独インタビュー記事を掲げた。
<彼女との間に設けた息子 Li Danyu(Brendan Liと名乗る)はコロンビア大卒。↓>
・・・his son from his first marriage, Li Wangzhi, also known as Brendan Li, a graduate of Columbia University who was working in finance in Beijing. ・・・
Ms. Li spoke with nostalgia of her romance with Mr. Bo, which began when the two met in 1975, at the end of the Cultural Revolution. Ms. Li said she did not stay in contact with Mr. Bo after their bitter breakup in 1981.
The web of entanglements among the families reflects the insular nature of China’s “red nobility.” Ms. Li’s older brother, Li Xiaoxue, is married to Ms. Gu’s older sister, the daughter of an army general. ・・・
Ms. Li and Mr. Bo, whose elite families had known each other for years, began their love affair in 1975. Mr. Bo had just endured years of prison during the Cultural Revolution, when his father was purged, and was working in a factory.
Ms. Li, whose family had also suffered, was working as a military doctor. “What he did a lot was he read the selected works of Marx and Lenin,” Ms. Li said. “He was a simple and progressive young man.”
Living in different cities because of their jobs, they wrote letters to each other every three days. In a poem, Mr. Bo ends with lines that reflect both political fervor and romantic feelings: ・・・
They were married in September 1976 and had a son the next year.
Mr. Bo enrolled in Peking University. He tried to read eight pages of English each day from library books, she said. He told her, “Eventually China will open to the world, so we have to learn.”
The two moved into Zhongnanhai, the Beijing leadership compound, after Mr. Bo’s father became a vice premier. But Mr. Bo did not aspire to join those ranks, Ms. Li said. Mr. Bo switched from studying history to journalism.
The end of the relationship began on their son’s fourth birthday, June 20, 1981. Mr. Bo surprised Ms. Li by asking for a divorce. “He felt very sad and cried and hugged us,” she said. That night, he told her, “I have no feelings for you anymore.”
薄の現在の妻のGu Kailai(谷開来)は、薄と薄の大連時代(1992年〜2000年)に出会ったと言っているが、実際には北京大学時代(1977年〜。途中で中国社会科学院に転じ、1982年に修士号取得)・・谷は北京大卒・・に、不倫関係になったのではないか。↓>
Ms. Li refused to grant the divorce, though she moved out of Zhongnanhai. The case went to court. The divorce was completed in 1984. Ms. Gu, in a book she wrote, said she met Mr. Bo that year in Dalian. But Ms. Li said Mr. Bo might have been secretly seeing Ms. Gu when the two were at Peking University, while Mr. Bo was still married.
To try to stop the divorce, Ms. Li told officials that Ms. Gu had destroyed the marriage. In the interviews, Ms. Li said Ms. Gu, a lawyer, had threatened legal action if Ms. Li persisted. ・・・
(事実関係は、http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bo_Xilai 等に拠った。)
・・・ if President Obama is re-elected, it will be despite the economy and because of his campaign,” he says. “If Mitt Romney wins, it will be because of the economy and despite his campaign.・・・
http://www.guardian.co.uk/culture/gallery/2012/oct/06/ten-best-sex-guides#/?picture=397158114&index=0 …
≫安倍さんと言えば防衛庁を防衛省へ格上げした人なんでしょ? ≪(コラム#5761。XADXbvz40)
「日本維新とみんなの党、「渡辺喜美外し」で仕切り直し 維新の勢いに陰りという事情も・・・」
飛行モード 必要な場合を除き、回転翼を上に向ける「垂直離着陸モード(ヘリモード)」での飛行は米軍施設・区域内に限る。回転翼を前傾させる「転換モード」での飛行時間は可能な限り短くする。・・・」
NYタイムスが、薄熙来の前妻 Li Danyuとの単独インタビュー記事を掲げた。
<彼女との間に設けた息子 Li Danyu(Brendan Liと名乗る)はコロンビア大卒。↓>
・・・his son from his first marriage, Li Wangzhi, also known as Brendan Li, a graduate of Columbia University who was working in finance in Beijing. ・・・
Ms. Li spoke with nostalgia of her romance with Mr. Bo, which began when the two met in 1975, at the end of the Cultural Revolution. Ms. Li said she did not stay in contact with Mr. Bo after their bitter breakup in 1981.
The web of entanglements among the families reflects the insular nature of China’s “red nobility.” Ms. Li’s older brother, Li Xiaoxue, is married to Ms. Gu’s older sister, the daughter of an army general. ・・・
Ms. Li and Mr. Bo, whose elite families had known each other for years, began their love affair in 1975. Mr. Bo had just endured years of prison during the Cultural Revolution, when his father was purged, and was working in a factory.
Ms. Li, whose family had also suffered, was working as a military doctor. “What he did a lot was he read the selected works of Marx and Lenin,” Ms. Li said. “He was a simple and progressive young man.”
Living in different cities because of their jobs, they wrote letters to each other every three days. In a poem, Mr. Bo ends with lines that reflect both political fervor and romantic feelings: ・・・
They were married in September 1976 and had a son the next year.
Mr. Bo enrolled in Peking University. He tried to read eight pages of English each day from library books, she said. He told her, “Eventually China will open to the world, so we have to learn.”
The two moved into Zhongnanhai, the Beijing leadership compound, after Mr. Bo’s father became a vice premier. But Mr. Bo did not aspire to join those ranks, Ms. Li said. Mr. Bo switched from studying history to journalism.
The end of the relationship began on their son’s fourth birthday, June 20, 1981. Mr. Bo surprised Ms. Li by asking for a divorce. “He felt very sad and cried and hugged us,” she said. That night, he told her, “I have no feelings for you anymore.”
薄の現在の妻のGu Kailai(谷開来)は、薄と薄の大連時代(1992年〜2000年)に出会ったと言っているが、実際には北京大学時代(1977年〜。途中で中国社会科学院に転じ、1982年に修士号取得)・・谷は北京大卒・・に、不倫関係になったのではないか。↓>
Ms. Li refused to grant the divorce, though she moved out of Zhongnanhai. The case went to court. The divorce was completed in 1984. Ms. Gu, in a book she wrote, said she met Mr. Bo that year in Dalian. But Ms. Li said Mr. Bo might have been secretly seeing Ms. Gu when the two were at Peking University, while Mr. Bo was still married.
To try to stop the divorce, Ms. Li told officials that Ms. Gu had destroyed the marriage. In the interviews, Ms. Li said Ms. Gu, a lawyer, had threatened legal action if Ms. Li persisted. ・・・
(事実関係は、http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bo_Xilai 等に拠った。)
・・・ if President Obama is re-elected, it will be despite the economy and because of his campaign,” he says. “If Mitt Romney wins, it will be because of the economy and despite his campaign.・・・
太田述正ブログは移転しました 。