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 民主党の支持率は上昇気味なのに? 面白いねえ。



































 「内戦でのアメリカの傍観への疑義 [編集]1945年12月、ジョージ・C・マーシャル将軍はトルーマン大統領から中国における全権特使に任命され、13ヶ月中国に滞在したが、ソ連とアメリカで世界分割を行う密約を行っていた外交問題評議会(CFR)、太平洋問題調査会(IPR)の勢力に組した彼は、内戦において本来劣勢であった共産党が優勢となるような行動を意図的に取った、と言う主張があり、下記の点が指摘されている[2]。この疑惑は、後にアメリカ政界でジョセフ・マッカーシー議員によるマッカーシズム(赤狩り)にまで発展した。
 国務省官僚を含む太平洋問題調査会(IPR)は、アメリカ国内で積極的な中国共産党擁護プロパガンダを展開した。(IPRはマッカーシズムで攻撃され解散した) 」


し、同趣旨の話がマーシャルの支那への派遣(Marshall Mission)についての英語ウィキペディアに出てきます。↓

・・・McCarthy suggested that Marshall was old and feeble and easily duped; he did not charge Marshall with treason. Specifically McCarthy alleged:
 "When Marshall was sent to China with secret State Department orders, the Communists at that time were bottled up in two areas and were fighting a losing battle, but that because of those orders the situation was radically changed in favor of the Communists. Under those orders, as we know, Marshall embargoed all arms and ammunition to our allies in China. He forced the opening of the Nationalist-held Kalgan Mountain pass into Manchuria, to the end that the Chinese Communists gained access to the mountains of captured Japanese equipment. No need to tell the country about how Marshall tried to force Chiang Kai-shek to form a partnership government with the Communists."
 Public opinion became bitterly divided along party lines on Marshall's record. In 1952, Eisenhower while campaigning for president denounced the Truman administrations failures in Korea, campaigned alongside McCarthy, and refused to defend Marshall's policies.・・・

 私としては、マッカーシー自身が言っているように、単にマーシャルはバカ(old and feeble and easily duped)だというだけだった、と考えています。



 ・・・Astro Boy both promoted and reflected optimistic visions of prosperity through atomic energy typical both in Japan and the United States in the latter half of the last century. After all, the cute little robot with rockets for legs is known in Japan as Tetsuwan Atomu (Powerful Atom). His little sister is Uran (uranium), and his brother is Kobaruto (Cobalt). There is hardly anyone in the "nuclear family" not entirely radioactive. ・・・
 In the 1980s, Osamu Tezuka, the cartoonist who created Astro Boy, replaced the nuclear reactor in his robot hero's chest with a reactor using deuterium, the D in CANDU. Had TEPCO executives only paid more attention to the exploits of Astro Boy.・・・
 It is of course a paradox that nuclear victim Japan should have become what it is now: one of the world's most nuclear-committed, if not nuclear-obsessed countries. Protected and privileged within the American embrace, it has over this half century became a nuclear-cycle country and a plutonium superpower, the sole non-nuclear state committed to possessing both enrichment and reprocessing facilities and the fast-breeder reactor project. Its leaders chose to see the most dangerous substance known to humanity, plutonium, as the magical solution to the country's energy security. While international attention focused on the North Korean nuclear threat, Japan escaped serious international scrutiny as it pursued its nuclear destiny. One bizarre consequence is the emergence of Japan as a greater nuclear threat to the region than North Korea.・・・
 Perhaps most controversial of the site plans is that for two reactors to be built at Kaminoseki, population 3,700, an exquisitely beautiful national park site at the southern end of the Inland Sea about 80 kilometers from Hiroshima, one to commence operation in 2018 and the other in 2022. After nearly 30 years of attempts to start these works, blocked by fierce local resistance, especially on the part of the fishing community of Iwaishima, the island that faces the reactor site across about four kilometers of sea, preliminary forest clearing and sea refilling works began late in 2010. With fierce confrontation continuing between fishing boats, canoes and kayaks on the part of the protesters and the power company's ships, however, it is hard to imagine that after March 2011 the government will find the will to move in and crush the protesters. Indeed, the governor of the prefecture has demanded that work be halted (and in the wake of March 11 it has indeed halted, at least temporarily).・・・


 ・・・Japan's legal framework is not conducive to meaningful governance. For instance, there are no requirements for a minimum number of independent voting directors, a principle that is common elsewhere. The law also offers no mechanisms for boards to form special committees where such directors can act on behalf of the board in handling tricky oversight functions.・・・
  As of March, Tepco had a 27-member board. Yet that size didn't translate into effective monitoring because 18 of the 20 voting directors had come from within Tepco itself. None of the board members were foreigners, and none were women. Only one of the two outside directors had knowledge of nuclear operations.
 Tokyo should require that half or more of the members of listed-company boards be independent directors; and should allow boards to form legally recognized committees so that they can be effective in their role. The law also should require companies to disclose their policies with regard to director training and continuing education. ・・・
 Japan also needs to look at strengthening protection for whistleblowers. This also would bring the country much closer to the leading edge of international practice. It is telling that the 2002 scandals were exposed not by a Tepco employee, but by a former employee of a supplier, a person whom the present law would not protect.・・・


 ・・・military chiefs in Paris confirmed that French planes had dropped consignments of machine guns, rocket-propelled grenades, and anti-tank missiles to rebels in the western Nafusa mountains. ・・・
 Italy's foreign minister, Franco Frattini, has previously claimed that the UN resolution should not prohibit providing weapons to the rebels, saying this could be "morally justified".・・・
 The <UK> Ministry of Defence said British forces had not supplied any weapons, though the Foreign Office acknowledged the UN resolution could be interpreted in different ways. "Our position is clear," a spokesman said. "There is an arms embargo in Libya. At the same time, UN resolution 1973 allows all necessary measures to protect civilians and civilian populations from the threat of attack. We think that the UN resolution allows, in certain limited circumstances, defensive weapons to be provided. But the UK is not engaged in that. Other countries will interpret the resolution in their own way."

 The Syrian military and the government’s security forces have largely withdrawn from one of the country’s largest cities as well as other areas, residents and activists said Wednesday, leaving territory to protesters whose demonstrations have grown larger and whose chants have taunted a leadership that once inspired deep fear.・・・


 Supreme Court struck down a California law regulating the sale of violent video games to children on Monday. Writing for the majority, Justice Scalia noted that, unlike sexual content, which can be regulated, violence has been part of children's entertainment for centuries.・・・
 Researchers have repeatedly shown (PDF) in blind experiments that children are more aggressive in the moments after playing violent video games, and long-term studies suggest that the effects may be lasting among habitual gamers. As for pornography, there is some research showing that increased consumption of sexually explicit material leads to earlier sexual experiences, higher teen pregnancy rates, and undesirable views about gender roles. But these studies are problematic. Most of them involve questionnaires—because university ethics committees won't allow researchers to expose minors to sexual material (even though they're OK with violence). ・・・



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