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 ・・・Barely more than three years ago, Sarkozy gave Kadafi the red carpet treatment in Paris, welcoming him with open arms and allowing the Libyan leader to pitch a Bedouin tent near the Elysee. Now the French president was announcing that he was sending warplanes in to bomb him.・・・
 ・・・the French have themselves been criticized for their muted response to the democratic uprisings in the Arab world, particularly in Tunisia, where France's cozy relations with the former government made it slow to support the demonstrations. In fact, on a visit to Tunis, the capital, three years earlier, Sarkozy had praised the nation's fight against terrorism and declared civil liberties to be expanding.
 Having misplayed Tunisia, and taken a back seat in Egypt, Sarkozy was determined not to be relegated to the sidelines over Libya.・・・
 Ten days ago, European leaders and foreign ministers were reportedly furious after Sarkozy announced that France was recognizing the Libyan opposition, the first country to do so, just 24 hours before a summit to discuss the crisis.・・・
 For France, Libya is important, partly because it shares a border with four French-speaking countries strategic to France: Tunisia, Algeria, Chad and Niger. France also imports oil from Libya, and the French oil giant Total controls an important Libyan oil field.
 For Sarkozy, though, Libya offers something else: an opportunity.

 He'll be up for reelection in 2012, and the French appreciate nothing more than a president who puts them on the world stage and embodies what Charles de Gaulle once famously called "a certain idea of France" as a nation of exceptional destiny.・・・


 ・・・A week ago he was staring at polls so ominous some analysts wondered if he'd even make it into second place in next year's presidential contest. One survey put Sarkozy behind both his most likely Socialist opponent and Marine Le Pen・・・
 The French economy is stalling, with unemployment stuck at 9.6%.・・・according to comparative polling, "the French are the most pessimistic nation in Europe" – that they are, incredibly, more worried about their future than the peoples of Iraq and Afghanistan.・・・
 ・・・it has entirely derailed the programme on which he was elected. Out went the early, breathless talk of Thatcherising, or Blairising, the still-statist French economy, injecting a dose of neo-liberal Anglo-Saxonism. Whatever appeal that message might once have had vanished in the rubble of Lehman Brothers. ・・・
 His troubles are compounded because he has to look over both his shoulders, left and right. ・・・
 Sarkozy's behaviour and temperament is simply unsuited to the grandeur of the office of president of the French Republic. ・・・After Chirac, Mitterrand and Giscard, the French electorate expect their president to look a certain way: tall, fatherly, aristocratic, with statue-like features ready to be carved in marble. Sarkozy – smaller, nervy and ever-so-slightly arriviste – just doesn't look the part.・・・





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 ドライベントの開放自体は惨事でも何でもないけれども、状況の対応として国家は事実上 非常事態宣言をしたのだという転換点になると注目していたのです。















US: Firing guided missiles from USS Barry and USS Stout; providing amphibious warships, and command-and-control ship USS Mount Whitney・・・B-2 Stealth Bombers were also employed, dropping some 40 bombs on a Libyan airfield. ・・・
France: Carried out mission with at least 12 warplanes including Mirage fighters and Rafale jets; deploying aircraft carrier, warships
UK: Providing Typhoon and Tornado jet fighters; surveillance planes; HMS Westminster and HMS Cumberland; submarines・・・
 Tornado<s>・・・flew the round trip from their base in Britain to launch Storm Shadow missiles against Libyan air defences. Storm Shadow is a long-range stand-off missile that can be launched well out of range of enemy air defences.・・・
Italy: Nato base at Naples understood to be central hub; other Mediterranean bases made available
Canada: Providing six F-18 fighter jets and 140 personnel
 ・・・Qatar is to send four planes to join the coalition・・・Denmark and Norway are each sending six planes. Spain has sent at least three planes, plus a refuelling aircraft, while Italy also has jets ready to deploy.・・・
 “Initial operations have been very effective,” Adm. Mike Mullen, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said・・・. “We’ve taken out most of his air defense systems and some of his airfields. But there is still a great deal to be done.”
 U.S. fighter jets on Sunday mounted attacks on Libyan ground forces advancing on the rebel-held city of Benghazi.・・・
 “Benghazi is certainly not safe from attack but it is certainly under less threat than it was yesterday, and we believe [Gaddafi’s] forces are under significant stress and suffering from both isolation and a good deal of confusion,” said Vice Adm. Bill Gortney, the director of the Pentagon’s Joint Staff.
British and French fighter jets also took part in the strikes on the advancing Libyan forces, Gortney said.・・・
 U.S. forces also mounted strikes with satellite-guided bombs on an airfield outside of Misrata, where the Libyan air force maintained fighter jets in hardened shelters.
 As of Sunday afternoon the Libyan government had not launched any aircraft over the country and the U.S. military had detected no radar emissions from any of the air defense sites that it had targeted・・・
 Despite a plume of smoke around one of Gaddafi’s compounds in Tripoli, U.S. officials said that they were not targeting the Libyan leader. “At this point I can guarantee he is not on the target list,” Gortney said. “We are not targeting his residence.”・・・
 On Sunday, however, the Arab League secretary general deplored the broad scope of the bombing campaign and said he would call a new league meeting to reconsider Arab approval of military intervention.
 “What is happening in Libya differs from the aim of imposing a no-fly zone,” the secretary general, Amr Moussa, said in a statement on the official Middle East News Agency. “And what we want is the protection of civilians and not the shelling of more civilians.”・・・
http://www.washingtonpost.com/world/international-coalition-launches-strikes-on-libya/2011/03/19/ABlT8bw_print.html 前掲
 The commander of the military effort to enforce the UN resolution against Muammar Gaddafi is a US admiral who is co-ordinating the air and naval strikes from the USS Mount Whitney, the flagship of the US Navy's Sixth Fleet.
 Samuel Locklear III is also a Nato commander and may be chosen to continue in the post. That would give the operation a degree of continuity, though his experience is naval and a key part of the job will be to enforce the no-fly zone and co-ordinate which countries are flying what planes, where and when.・・・
 British forces are being led by Air Marshal Sir Stuart Peach, who is based at the armed forces joint headquarters in Northwood, Middlesex.
 He is working with Rear Admiral Ian Calder, also at Northwood, and Air Vice Marshal Greg Bagwell at the Ramstein airbase in Germany.
 Military commanders say this is not as complex as it might appear – and that video conference calls make co-ordination possible.・・・
 ・・・Gen. Carter F. Ham, who as the head of the United States Africa Command is overseeing the operation・・・
 The Americans, working with the British, French and others, flew a wider array of missions than the day before, when Navy cruise missile barrages were their main weapons. They deployed B-2 stealth bombers, F-16 and F-15 fighter jets and Harrier attack jets flown by the Marine Corps striking at Libyan ground forces, air defenses and airfields. Navy electronic warplanes, EA-18G Growlers, jammed Libyan radar and communications. British pilots flew many of the bombing missions, and French, British and American planes all conducted ground attacks near Benghazi・・・
 ・・・coalition forces had not hit Libyan mobile surface-to-air missile batteries and that shoulder-launched missiles, called Man-Portable Air-Defense Systems, or Manpads, also remained. ・・・
 ・・・however, most Arab governments maintained public silence, and the strongest expressions of opposition came from the greatest distance. Presidents Hugo Chavez of Venezuela, Daniel Ortega of Nicaragua and Evo Morales of Bolivia and former Cuban president Fidel Castro condemned the intervention and suggested that Western powers were seeking to get their hands on Libya’s oil reserves rather than limit the bloodshed in the country.
 Russia and China, which abstained from the voting on the U.N. Security Council resolution authorizing military intervention, also expressed regret that Western powers had chosen to get involved despite their advice.・・・
 When the Arab League approved imposition of a no-fly zone, only Syria and Algeria opposed the decision・・・
 Al-Qaeda, which could be expected to oppose foreign intervention in an Arab country and embrace Gaddafi’s description of the Western campaign as a new crusade, made no immediate comment.・・・
 Iran and its Shiite Muslim allies in the Lebanese organization Hezbollah, reflexively opposed to Western influence in the Middle East, also were forced into a somewhat equivocal position, condemning Gaddafi for his bloody tactics but opposing the Western military intervention.・・・
 ・・・As Gaddafi's soldiers fled from around Benghazi after the air assault, the rebels seized the advantage to move back toward Ajdabiya, a town the two sides have battled over for nearly a week.・・・
 Essam Gheriani, a spokesman for the national council, said that with the air strikes destabilising Gaddafi, the revolutionaries would organise fresh popular uprisings in cities still under the Libyan leader's control, in the belief that it will be difficult for him to find the forces to put them down.・・・
 ・・・By early evening, the front line had fallen to some five kilometers north of Ajdabiyah, in a windy stretch of desert just south of a village called Zuweitina. Rebels poured by the truckload toward the front, even as regime tanks opened fire at them from Ajdabiyah's northern gate. Ambulances followed. ・・・
 ・・・The British defence secretary, Liam Fox, said it was possible that allied forces would treat Gaddafi himself as a legitimate target for air strikes. He said: "There is a difference between someone being a legitimate target and whether we go ahead and target him.・・・
 But the US, reflecting confusion over war aims, rejected the idea that Gaddafi is a target. "We are not going after Gaddafi," vice-admiral Bill Gortney, told a press conference.・・・
 A French defence ministry spokesman, Laurent Teisseire, said Qatar planes would be flying alongside French jets "in the hours to come". An Italian source told the Guardian that jets from the UAE may be hosted at Decimomannu base on Sardinia.・・・
 Mullen insisted that the goals of the mission were limited to protection of civilians and not the removal of Gaddafi.・・・
 The Pentagon line contrasts with the more hawkish line in Britain, where David Cameron has insisted Gaddafi needs to go.・・・
 French・・・aircraft carrier Charles de Gaulle had left the port of Toulon and was en route to the Libyan coast. A number of RAF Typhoons had landed at Gioia del Colle in southern Italy. Aircraft from Spain, Denmark and Canada were also in the region.・・・
 ・・・The French Defense Ministry said on Sunday that it expected four Qatari Mirage 2000 jets to fly over Libya.
 The four Qatari jets will have autonomous command and support but will fly jointly with French aircraft・・・.
 <反体制派を銃撃しているバーレーンとイェーメンがアラブ連盟決議に賛成しているブラックユーモア! 米国はこの両国の方をリビアより重視。米国が世界覇権国であることを止めた瞬間じゃないか。オバマはそのことを訴えたいんじゃないかな。↓>
 ・・・The Kadafi dilemma is the latest and most dangerous challenge to the region's established order. The leaders of Tunisia and Egypt have been overthrown. The police in Bahrain and Yemen are shooting protesters. The Arab world, which has been loath to change for generations, is confronting an unsettling burst democratic fervor that is tearing down icons and demanding free elections.・・・
 Yemen and Bahrain are strategically more important to Washington and Arab interests than Libya, despite the latter's vast oil supplies.・・・
 ・・・"China used to have a rigid non-interference policy," Dennis Blair, the Obama administration's former Director of National Intelligence, said in an interview Friday in Beijing, where he has been meeting with Chinese energy officials last week. "Now, they are taking a more mature, sophisticated view of what their interests are."
 Beijing risks being seen as having a double standard in the wake of the Libya vote, said Shen Dingli, a professor of international relations at Fudan University in Shanghai, as it tacitly supports military intervention against Libya but continues to oppose it in matters closer to home. "China should have one principle," he said.
 ・・・To many around the world, the events of the past week — the arrival of 2,000 troops from Saudi Arabia and other neighbors, the declaration of martial law, the forceful clearing out of Pearl Square, the military takeover of the main hospital and then the spiteful tearing down of the Pearl monument itself — seem like the brutal work of a desperate autocracy.
 But for Sunnis, who make up about a third of the country’s citizenry but hold the main levers of power, it was the only choice of a country facing a rising tide of chaos that imperiled its livelihood and future. ・・・
 For government supporters here, it was the way protesters blocked the financial district that was especially worrisome. They say they worry mostly about what happened to Lebanon. Beirut was once the financial capital of the Middle East. Then sectarian tensions among Sunnis, Shiites, Christians and Druze, exacerbated by meddling of foreign powers, broke out in the mid-1970s, leading to civil war.
 Not only did the country tear out its own heart, the financial business there pulled out and never returned. Today, much of that business is here in Bahrain. Downtown Manama has mushroomed. Bahrainis worry that if Sunni-Shiite sectarianism grows out of control, the financial business will again pick up stakes and move to the waiting competitors, Dubai and Qatar. ・・・


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