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なお、原子炉(プルトニウム生産)+ウラン濃縮→水爆! ということを念頭に置いておこう。↓
North Korea is building a new nuclear reactor・・・
Although light-water reactors are generally used to produce electricity, the North Korean facility could be employed to make nuclear-weapons-grade plutonium, especially if the government is undertaking a parallel program to enrich uranium・・・
North Korea showed a visiting American nuclear scientist・・・Siegfried Hecker, emeritus director of the Los Alamos Nuclear Laboratory・・・earlier this month a vast new facility it secretly and rapidly built to enrich uranium・・・
For roughly 15 years, American intelligence agencies have reported evidence the North was seeking to enrich uranium, largely based on technology it bought from A. Q. Khan, the rogue Pakistani nuclear dealer, in a transaction that dates from 1996. There were later reports of North Korean efforts to buy critical centrifuge components, and a suspicious shipment of uranium hexafluoride to Libya that appeared to be of North Korean origin. The Bush administration accused the North in 2003 of secretly pursuing the technology, leading to the ouster of inspectors. ・・・
The North’s current arsenal of 8 to 12 weapons are all based on plutonium. But uranium, enriched to bomb grade, can also be used to drastically increase the destructive power of a nuclear blast, and that is the main use of uranium in modern arsenals, including United States warheads.
Experts caution, however, that true hydrogen bombs are quite hard to make, so it seems unlikely that North Korea would succeed in that anytime soon. ・・・
ヘッカー氏は報告書で、条件さえそろえば同施設で年に低濃縮ウラン2トン、または高濃縮ウラン40キロが生産可能と指摘している。 ・・・」
・・・The 1994 pact allowed international monitors to keep tabs on North Korea using a different way to make nuclear weapons—reprocessing spent plutonium fuel from nuclear power plants. U.S. officials said North Korea violated the deal by pursuing uranium enrichment.・・・
Mr. Hecker writes the uranium lab's capability "significantly exceeds my estimates and that of most other analysts." He said its potential output is consistent with the amount needed to power a new light-water reactor the country is building. ・・・
[Nevertheless, the uranium enrichment facilities could be readily converted to produce highly enriched uranium (HEU) bomb fuel (or parallel facilities could exist elsewhere)
Such a facility would be difficult to detect as demonstrated by the fact that this facility was undetected in the middle of the Yongbyon fuel-fabrication site・・・
http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2010/nov/21/us-envoy-north-korea-nuclear-weapons (上掲)
・・・First, despite its claims that everything Hecker saw was home-made, it is clear that North Korea has been able to go shopping around the world for the equipment it needs, despite multiple UN sanctions.・・・
The second striking element of the discovery is the speed at which the 2,000-centrifuge enrichment plant was built. It was not there just a year ago. That is highly unusual because getting precise high-speed centrifuges to work consistently and lining them up in "cascades" of 300 machines would normally take years.・・・
That raises the question of whether this plant was originally put together somewhere else and was moved to Yongbyon, or whether there is a parallel plant elsewhere.・・・
・・・third・・・the sophisticated centrifuge plant had gone undetected until the North Koreans had chosen to reveal it to Hecker.
・・・It shows how difficult it is to find these centrifuge plants,・・・that had implications in Iran, where some western intelligence agencies believe the government is pursuing a secret enrichment project in parallel to its publicly acknowledged programme.・・・
・・・English law was first put together by a king in the Dark Ages: King Alfred, who was a man of the people. So they say. ・・・
・・・the whole raison d’être of consciousness is to be able to read other people’s minds; autism, in this context, can be defined as an inability to “get” other people, hence “mindblind.”
Perhaps all philosophers are <mindblind/autistic>. It is why we end up studying philosophy.・・・
“Men tend to be autistic on average. More so than women.” The accepted male-to-female ratio for autism is roughly 4-to-1; for Asperger’s the ratio jumps even higher, by some accounts 10-to-1 (other statistics give higher or lower figures but retain the male prevalence). Asperger himself wrote that the autistic mind is “an extreme variant of male intelligence”; Baron-Cohen argues that “the extreme male brain” (not exclusive to men) is the product of an overdose of fetal testosterone.・・・
・・・this view might explain (in part) the preponderance of male philosophers.・・・
昨夜、映画『風と共に去りぬ(Gone with the Wind)』(1939年)・・ピュリッツァー賞受賞の同名のベストセラー大衆小説(1936年)をほぼ忠実になぞったもの・・を何と生まれて初めて(TVで)鑑賞したのですが、映画評コラムを書くほどの中身がなかったので、簡単に一口評論と、ウィキペディアからの最小限の引用とを下に掲げます。
同じ1939年に封切られた米国映画の『スミス都へ行く(Mr. Smith Goes To Washington)』が1941年に戦前の日本でも封切られた(コラム#4358(未公開))のに、どうして、『風と共に去りぬ』の方は封切られなかったのか、不思議です。
・・・the ramparts of the critical establishment almost universally male reviewers lamented the book's literary mediocrity and labeled it mere "entertainment.・・・
・・・Scarlett・・・ had loved something that never really existed. ・・・
・・・black actors from the film, were prevented from attending the premiere due to Georgia's Jim Crow laws, which would have kept them from sitting with the white members of the cast.・・・
It was a sensational hit during the Blitz in London, opening in April 1940, and played for four years.・・・
なお、原子炉(プルトニウム生産)+ウラン濃縮→水爆! ということを念頭に置いておこう。↓
North Korea is building a new nuclear reactor・・・
Although light-water reactors are generally used to produce electricity, the North Korean facility could be employed to make nuclear-weapons-grade plutonium, especially if the government is undertaking a parallel program to enrich uranium・・・
North Korea showed a visiting American nuclear scientist・・・Siegfried Hecker, emeritus director of the Los Alamos Nuclear Laboratory・・・earlier this month a vast new facility it secretly and rapidly built to enrich uranium・・・
For roughly 15 years, American intelligence agencies have reported evidence the North was seeking to enrich uranium, largely based on technology it bought from A. Q. Khan, the rogue Pakistani nuclear dealer, in a transaction that dates from 1996. There were later reports of North Korean efforts to buy critical centrifuge components, and a suspicious shipment of uranium hexafluoride to Libya that appeared to be of North Korean origin. The Bush administration accused the North in 2003 of secretly pursuing the technology, leading to the ouster of inspectors. ・・・
The North’s current arsenal of 8 to 12 weapons are all based on plutonium. But uranium, enriched to bomb grade, can also be used to drastically increase the destructive power of a nuclear blast, and that is the main use of uranium in modern arsenals, including United States warheads.
Experts caution, however, that true hydrogen bombs are quite hard to make, so it seems unlikely that North Korea would succeed in that anytime soon. ・・・
ヘッカー氏は報告書で、条件さえそろえば同施設で年に低濃縮ウラン2トン、または高濃縮ウラン40キロが生産可能と指摘している。 ・・・」
・・・The 1994 pact allowed international monitors to keep tabs on North Korea using a different way to make nuclear weapons—reprocessing spent plutonium fuel from nuclear power plants. U.S. officials said North Korea violated the deal by pursuing uranium enrichment.・・・
Mr. Hecker writes the uranium lab's capability "significantly exceeds my estimates and that of most other analysts." He said its potential output is consistent with the amount needed to power a new light-water reactor the country is building. ・・・
[Nevertheless, the uranium enrichment facilities could be readily converted to produce highly enriched uranium (HEU) bomb fuel (or parallel facilities could exist elsewhere)
Such a facility would be difficult to detect as demonstrated by the fact that this facility was undetected in the middle of the Yongbyon fuel-fabrication site・・・
http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2010/nov/21/us-envoy-north-korea-nuclear-weapons (上掲)
・・・First, despite its claims that everything Hecker saw was home-made, it is clear that North Korea has been able to go shopping around the world for the equipment it needs, despite multiple UN sanctions.・・・
The second striking element of the discovery is the speed at which the 2,000-centrifuge enrichment plant was built. It was not there just a year ago. That is highly unusual because getting precise high-speed centrifuges to work consistently and lining them up in "cascades" of 300 machines would normally take years.・・・
That raises the question of whether this plant was originally put together somewhere else and was moved to Yongbyon, or whether there is a parallel plant elsewhere.・・・
・・・third・・・the sophisticated centrifuge plant had gone undetected until the North Koreans had chosen to reveal it to Hecker.
・・・It shows how difficult it is to find these centrifuge plants,・・・that had implications in Iran, where some western intelligence agencies believe the government is pursuing a secret enrichment project in parallel to its publicly acknowledged programme.・・・
・・・English law was first put together by a king in the Dark Ages: King Alfred, who was a man of the people. So they say. ・・・
・・・the whole raison d’être of consciousness is to be able to read other people’s minds; autism, in this context, can be defined as an inability to “get” other people, hence “mindblind.”
Perhaps all philosophers are <mindblind/autistic>. It is why we end up studying philosophy.・・・
“Men tend to be autistic on average. More so than women.” The accepted male-to-female ratio for autism is roughly 4-to-1; for Asperger’s the ratio jumps even higher, by some accounts 10-to-1 (other statistics give higher or lower figures but retain the male prevalence). Asperger himself wrote that the autistic mind is “an extreme variant of male intelligence”; Baron-Cohen argues that “the extreme male brain” (not exclusive to men) is the product of an overdose of fetal testosterone.・・・
・・・this view might explain (in part) the preponderance of male philosophers.・・・
昨夜、映画『風と共に去りぬ(Gone with the Wind)』(1939年)・・ピュリッツァー賞受賞の同名のベストセラー大衆小説(1936年)をほぼ忠実になぞったもの・・を何と生まれて初めて(TVで)鑑賞したのですが、映画評コラムを書くほどの中身がなかったので、簡単に一口評論と、ウィキペディアからの最小限の引用とを下に掲げます。
同じ1939年に封切られた米国映画の『スミス都へ行く(Mr. Smith Goes To Washington)』が1941年に戦前の日本でも封切られた(コラム#4358(未公開))のに、どうして、『風と共に去りぬ』の方は封切られなかったのか、不思議です。
・・・the ramparts of the critical establishment almost universally male reviewers lamented the book's literary mediocrity and labeled it mere "entertainment.・・・
・・・Scarlett・・・ had loved something that never really existed. ・・・
・・・black actors from the film, were prevented from attending the premiere due to Georgia's Jim Crow laws, which would have kept them from sitting with the white members of the cast.・・・
It was a sensational hit during the Blitz in London, opening in April 1940, and played for four years.・・・
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