太田述正ブログは移転しました 。
どこもかしこも、失言だ〜責任とれ〜の嵐だなw まぁ、今に限ったことぢゃないけど食傷気味・・を通り越していいかげん呆れるな。
「仙谷官房長官が「自衛隊は暴力装置」と言ったらしい。それを産経新聞や保守派が糾弾している。自衛隊への冒涜だと。士気が下がると。困ったことだ。言葉狩りではないのか? 「暴力装置」という言葉はマックス・ウェーバーが使った学術用語で、わしも『戦争論』の中で使っているし、かつて自衛隊の前で講演した時も使ったと思う。「左翼は自衛隊と警察が嫌いだが、国家を成り立たせるその二つの暴力装置を失ったら日本国は暴力団かオウム真理教が支配する無秩序状態に陥りますよ」といった文脈で。マックス・ウェーバーは、軍隊と警察は国家が独占する正当な物理的暴力だと『職業としての政治』で述べている。確かそうあったと思うのでまた読み直してみるつもりだが。わしはそれを『戦争論』の中で応用した。わしが使っても批判されなかった言葉を仙谷が使ったら大批判され謝罪に追い込まれる。単に仙谷が左翼だからという偏見からだ。わしも仙谷は左翼気味だと思うし嫌いだが、「言葉狩り」することによって議論を封じるのは、まさに左翼の常套手段だ。日本の保守派も左翼的性質があるということの証明ではないか。」
・・・The missile defense system approved on Friday is different from the fixed-missile defense that President George W. Bush initiated and that proved controversial. The idea is to have a phased system of mobile radars and anti--missile missiles, like the Patriot system, that would be less expensive than the Bush system. The NATO spokesman・・・said the nearly $1.5 billion cost could be managed over 10 years.・・・
Russia will be formally invited to participate in the missile defense system, especially with intelligence and radar sharing.・・・
・・・what Jesus taught, in Tolstoy’s version -- he actually rewrote the gospels -- was pacifism, anarchism, no government, no army, no upper classes, no quest for wealth. To this was added Tolstoy’s own increasingly obsessive vegetarianism.・・・
・・・there are not two Tolstoys, the novelist and the sectarian anarchist. There was one. War and Peace is not just a great national and family saga, it is a novel about personal and national regeneration. He was one of history’s great truth-tellers, the first of the great dissidents, and their patron saint. In a world dominated by crooked rulers, unjust wars, malice and corruption, and, above all, lies, Tolstoy became what Dante called a “one-man party” and struck out to right and left.
True, Tolstoy’s embrace of Christian anarchism was inconsistent on many levels but when the enemies in his sights included the grossly selfish Russian royal family, and an Orthodox Church that supported one of the most unjust political regimes in European history (and blessed field guns in the name of Christ), it is hard not to cheer the old bearded prophet and overlook any unkindness he might have displayed towards his wife.・・・
It was in South Africa that Gandhi first became enflamed by Tolstoy’s writings and began to put in practice the policy of passive resistance that would eventually defeat the British empire.
The recent conflicts in Iraq or Afghanistan do not suggest that war has ever been a solution to human problems. Tolstoy’s rejection not merely of war and violence, but of the very concept of government, still has a great deal of potential to change our world. At least, I have come to hope so.・・・
・・・The Fed chairman's message, though scholarly in tone, was unusually blunt in laying blame for inflationary pressures in emerging markets and for tensions over currencies on countries like China. A chart accompanying his comments also pinpoints Taiwan, Singapore and Thailand as aggressively trying to hold their currencies down, while India, Chile and Turkey aren't. ・・・
Central banks manage exchange rates by intervening in currency markets. As dollars flood into their economies from exports, the central banks use the dollars to purchase assets like U.S. Treasury bonds rather than allowing those dollars to be exchanged freely for domestic currencies. That keeps the domestic currencies from rising in value. ・・・
・・・In 1960, the year before Princess Diana, William's mother, was born, nearly 70% of American adults were married; now only about half are. Eight times as many children are born out of wedlock. Back then, two--thirds of 20--somethings were married; in 2008 just 26% were. And college graduates are now far more likely to marry (64%) than those with no higher education (48%). ・・・
・・・the richer and more educated you are, the more likely you are to marry, or to be married -- or, conversely, if you're married, you're more likely to be well off.・・・
Americans have a rate of marriage -- and of remarriage -- among the highest in the Western world. (In between is a divorce rate higher than that of most countries in the European Union.) ・・・
Americans are increasingly marrying people who are on the same socioeconomic and educational level. ・・・
Half or more・・・say that marital status is irrelevant to achieving respect, happiness, career goals, financial security or a fulfilling sex life. When it comes to raising kids, though, it's a landslide, with more than three--quarters saying it's best done married.
Yet very few people say children are the most important reason to get hitched. Indeed, 41% of babies were born to unmarried moms in 2008, an eightfold increase from 50 years ago, and 25% of kids lived in a single-parent home, almost triple the number from 1960.・・・
・・・China was economically neck-and-neck with the West until as recently as 1800. Per capita gross domestic product, they show, stagnated in the Ming era (1402-1626) and was significantly lower than that of pre--industrial Britain. China still had an overwhelmingly agricultural economy, with low-productivity cultivation accounting for 90% of GDP. And for a century after 1520, the Chinese national savings rate was actually negative. There was no capital accumulation in late Ming China; rather the opposite.・・・
・・・in 1600, per capita GDP in Britain was already 60% higher than in China.・・・
By 1820 U.S. per capita GDP was twice that of China; by 1870 it was nearly five times greater; by 1913 the ratio was nearly 10 to one. ・・・
In 1968 the average American was 33 times richer than the average Chinese, using figures calculated on the basis of purchasing power parity (allowing for the different costs of living in the two countries). Calculated in current dollar terms, the differential at its peak was more like 70 to 1.・・・
The Japanese had no idea which elements of Western culture were the crucial ones, so they ended up copying everything, from Western clothes and hairstyles to the practice of colonizing foreign peoples. Unfortunately, they took up empire--building at precisely the moment when the costs of imperialism began to exceed the benefits. Other Asian powers?notably India--wasted decades on the erroneous premise that the socialist institutions pioneered in the Soviet Union were superior to the market--based institutions of the West.・・・
例のマルウェア、ナタンツのウラン濃縮施設だけじゃなく、まだ稼働前のブシェールの原子炉の破壊も狙ったもんだったとさ。イスラエル(米国?)、これにも成功したのかなあ? ↓
・・・The malicious program, known as Stuxnet, is designed to disable both Iranian centrifuges used to enrich uranium and steam turbines at the Bushehr nuclear power plant, which is scheduled to begin operation next year・・・
・・・two different attack modules that are designed to run on different industrial controllers made by Siemens, the German industrial equipment maker. ・・・
The second code module -- aimed at the nuclear power plant -- was written with remarkable sophistication, he said. The worm moves from personal computers to Siemens computers that control industrial processes. It then inserts fake data, fooling the computers into thinking that the system is running normally while the sabotage of the frequency converters is taking place. “It is obvious that several years of preparation went into the design of this attack,”・・・
[ピアノソナタ第1番] Antonin Kubalek
[組曲『Much Ado About Nothing』]
Intermezzo Gartenscene バイオリン Max Rostal
Masquerade Hornpipe バイオリンGil Shaham 画像に(関係ないけど)美人女優Claudette Colbertが登場
第1楽章 ヒラリー・ハーン
第2楽章 ハイフェッツ
第3楽章 アンネ・ゾフィー・ムッター ロンドン交響楽団
[チェロ協奏曲](米映画『Deception』用サントラを発展させたもの)Quirine Viersen
ワグナーの『The Flying Dutchman』のテーマによる即興曲(西独映画『MAGIC FIRE』用サントラ)
TOMORROWの室内楽版(ピアノがコルンゴルト)(公開されなかった米映画『THE CONSTANT NYMPH』用サントラ)
どこもかしこも、失言だ〜責任とれ〜の嵐だなw まぁ、今に限ったことぢゃないけど食傷気味・・を通り越していいかげん呆れるな。
「仙谷官房長官が「自衛隊は暴力装置」と言ったらしい。それを産経新聞や保守派が糾弾している。自衛隊への冒涜だと。士気が下がると。困ったことだ。言葉狩りではないのか? 「暴力装置」という言葉はマックス・ウェーバーが使った学術用語で、わしも『戦争論』の中で使っているし、かつて自衛隊の前で講演した時も使ったと思う。「左翼は自衛隊と警察が嫌いだが、国家を成り立たせるその二つの暴力装置を失ったら日本国は暴力団かオウム真理教が支配する無秩序状態に陥りますよ」といった文脈で。マックス・ウェーバーは、軍隊と警察は国家が独占する正当な物理的暴力だと『職業としての政治』で述べている。確かそうあったと思うのでまた読み直してみるつもりだが。わしはそれを『戦争論』の中で応用した。わしが使っても批判されなかった言葉を仙谷が使ったら大批判され謝罪に追い込まれる。単に仙谷が左翼だからという偏見からだ。わしも仙谷は左翼気味だと思うし嫌いだが、「言葉狩り」することによって議論を封じるのは、まさに左翼の常套手段だ。日本の保守派も左翼的性質があるということの証明ではないか。」
・・・The missile defense system approved on Friday is different from the fixed-missile defense that President George W. Bush initiated and that proved controversial. The idea is to have a phased system of mobile radars and anti--missile missiles, like the Patriot system, that would be less expensive than the Bush system. The NATO spokesman・・・said the nearly $1.5 billion cost could be managed over 10 years.・・・
Russia will be formally invited to participate in the missile defense system, especially with intelligence and radar sharing.・・・
・・・what Jesus taught, in Tolstoy’s version -- he actually rewrote the gospels -- was pacifism, anarchism, no government, no army, no upper classes, no quest for wealth. To this was added Tolstoy’s own increasingly obsessive vegetarianism.・・・
・・・there are not two Tolstoys, the novelist and the sectarian anarchist. There was one. War and Peace is not just a great national and family saga, it is a novel about personal and national regeneration. He was one of history’s great truth-tellers, the first of the great dissidents, and their patron saint. In a world dominated by crooked rulers, unjust wars, malice and corruption, and, above all, lies, Tolstoy became what Dante called a “one-man party” and struck out to right and left.
True, Tolstoy’s embrace of Christian anarchism was inconsistent on many levels but when the enemies in his sights included the grossly selfish Russian royal family, and an Orthodox Church that supported one of the most unjust political regimes in European history (and blessed field guns in the name of Christ), it is hard not to cheer the old bearded prophet and overlook any unkindness he might have displayed towards his wife.・・・
It was in South Africa that Gandhi first became enflamed by Tolstoy’s writings and began to put in practice the policy of passive resistance that would eventually defeat the British empire.
The recent conflicts in Iraq or Afghanistan do not suggest that war has ever been a solution to human problems. Tolstoy’s rejection not merely of war and violence, but of the very concept of government, still has a great deal of potential to change our world. At least, I have come to hope so.・・・
・・・The Fed chairman's message, though scholarly in tone, was unusually blunt in laying blame for inflationary pressures in emerging markets and for tensions over currencies on countries like China. A chart accompanying his comments also pinpoints Taiwan, Singapore and Thailand as aggressively trying to hold their currencies down, while India, Chile and Turkey aren't. ・・・
Central banks manage exchange rates by intervening in currency markets. As dollars flood into their economies from exports, the central banks use the dollars to purchase assets like U.S. Treasury bonds rather than allowing those dollars to be exchanged freely for domestic currencies. That keeps the domestic currencies from rising in value. ・・・
・・・In 1960, the year before Princess Diana, William's mother, was born, nearly 70% of American adults were married; now only about half are. Eight times as many children are born out of wedlock. Back then, two--thirds of 20--somethings were married; in 2008 just 26% were. And college graduates are now far more likely to marry (64%) than those with no higher education (48%). ・・・
・・・the richer and more educated you are, the more likely you are to marry, or to be married -- or, conversely, if you're married, you're more likely to be well off.・・・
Americans have a rate of marriage -- and of remarriage -- among the highest in the Western world. (In between is a divorce rate higher than that of most countries in the European Union.) ・・・
Americans are increasingly marrying people who are on the same socioeconomic and educational level. ・・・
Half or more・・・say that marital status is irrelevant to achieving respect, happiness, career goals, financial security or a fulfilling sex life. When it comes to raising kids, though, it's a landslide, with more than three--quarters saying it's best done married.
Yet very few people say children are the most important reason to get hitched. Indeed, 41% of babies were born to unmarried moms in 2008, an eightfold increase from 50 years ago, and 25% of kids lived in a single-parent home, almost triple the number from 1960.・・・
・・・China was economically neck-and-neck with the West until as recently as 1800. Per capita gross domestic product, they show, stagnated in the Ming era (1402-1626) and was significantly lower than that of pre--industrial Britain. China still had an overwhelmingly agricultural economy, with low-productivity cultivation accounting for 90% of GDP. And for a century after 1520, the Chinese national savings rate was actually negative. There was no capital accumulation in late Ming China; rather the opposite.・・・
・・・in 1600, per capita GDP in Britain was already 60% higher than in China.・・・
By 1820 U.S. per capita GDP was twice that of China; by 1870 it was nearly five times greater; by 1913 the ratio was nearly 10 to one. ・・・
In 1968 the average American was 33 times richer than the average Chinese, using figures calculated on the basis of purchasing power parity (allowing for the different costs of living in the two countries). Calculated in current dollar terms, the differential at its peak was more like 70 to 1.・・・
The Japanese had no idea which elements of Western culture were the crucial ones, so they ended up copying everything, from Western clothes and hairstyles to the practice of colonizing foreign peoples. Unfortunately, they took up empire--building at precisely the moment when the costs of imperialism began to exceed the benefits. Other Asian powers?notably India--wasted decades on the erroneous premise that the socialist institutions pioneered in the Soviet Union were superior to the market--based institutions of the West.・・・
例のマルウェア、ナタンツのウラン濃縮施設だけじゃなく、まだ稼働前のブシェールの原子炉の破壊も狙ったもんだったとさ。イスラエル(米国?)、これにも成功したのかなあ? ↓
・・・The malicious program, known as Stuxnet, is designed to disable both Iranian centrifuges used to enrich uranium and steam turbines at the Bushehr nuclear power plant, which is scheduled to begin operation next year・・・
・・・two different attack modules that are designed to run on different industrial controllers made by Siemens, the German industrial equipment maker. ・・・
The second code module -- aimed at the nuclear power plant -- was written with remarkable sophistication, he said. The worm moves from personal computers to Siemens computers that control industrial processes. It then inserts fake data, fooling the computers into thinking that the system is running normally while the sabotage of the frequency converters is taking place. “It is obvious that several years of preparation went into the design of this attack,”・・・
[ピアノソナタ第1番] Antonin Kubalek
[組曲『Much Ado About Nothing』]
Intermezzo Gartenscene バイオリン Max Rostal
Masquerade Hornpipe バイオリンGil Shaham 画像に(関係ないけど)美人女優Claudette Colbertが登場
第1楽章 ヒラリー・ハーン
第2楽章 ハイフェッツ
第3楽章 アンネ・ゾフィー・ムッター ロンドン交響楽団
[チェロ協奏曲](米映画『Deception』用サントラを発展させたもの)Quirine Viersen
ワグナーの『The Flying Dutchman』のテーマによる即興曲(西独映画『MAGIC FIRE』用サントラ)
TOMORROWの室内楽版(ピアノがコルンゴルト)(公開されなかった米映画『THE CONSTANT NYMPH』用サントラ)
太田述正ブログは移転しました 。