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4 産業「革命」はどうしてイギリスで起こったのか
ローゼンは、ロケット号を、その2000年近く前、アレキサンドリアのヘロン(Heron of Alexandria<。10?〜70年。プトレマイオス朝のエジプト居住のギリシャ人数学者・エンジニア
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hero_of_Alexandria (太田)
時代の主たるプレヤーは、イギリス最初の特許法を制定したエドワード・コーク(Edward Coke<。1552〜1634年。イギリスの法律家・下院議員
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edward_Coke (太田)
(コラム#519)>)、その『ニューアトランティス(New Atlantis)』が王立協会(Royal Society)の設立をもたらしたフランシス・ベーコン(Francis Bacon<。1561〜1626年。イギリスの哲学者・政治家・科学者・法律家・法学者・著述家
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Francis_Bacon (太田)
(コラム#46、1334、1467、1489)>)、そして、知的財産権の概念をはっきり表現したジョン・ロック(John Locke<。1632〜1704年。イギリスの哲学者・医者
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Locke (太田)
「・・・我々は、ワットを、そのひらめいた瞬間(eureka moment)に基づいて「人類史上の中で最も有用な男」として記憶しているだけでなく、彼が人類史上最も有用な男であるという評判に基づいて彼のひらめいた瞬間を記憶している。
だからこそ、英国の特許局(Patent Office)は、ワットがひらめいた瞬間の頃には年間20に満たない数の特許しか許可していなかったのに、ワットが亡くなった頃には、年間300に近い数の特許を許可するに至ったのだ。
5 終わりに
レスリー・ゲルブ(Leslie H. Gelb)による、ピーター・ベイナート(Peter Beinart)の 'THE ICARUS SYNDROME A History of American Hubris'(コラム#4058、4060)の書評が出た
・・・“the hubris of dominance,” an awkward phrase that he defines as “the belief that America could make itself master of every important region on earth.”・・・
Wilson’s misconceptions sprang as much from idealism as from reason ? the same sort of idealism that today leads to foolish dreams about softening Islamic extremists with understanding and love.
And while Johnson was seduced from time to time by toughness, that wasn’t the main explanation for the escalation of the war in Vietnam. The United States fought because of a conviction that Vietnam was in danger of becoming the first of many Asian dominoes to fall to Communism. Domestic politics reinforced this notion: losing would be seen as weakness and would cause the fall of the ultimate domino ? the White House. Johnson was driven less by hubris than by a sense of being trapped: he felt he couldn’t win and he couldn’t get out.
As for Bush’s lunge into Iraq, he certainly believed he could vanquish a tin-horn dictator like Saddam Hussein. What drove him to battle, however, was a desire not simply to strut his power, but also to redress what he saw as his father’s greatest mistake, letting Hussein survive the Persian Gulf war of 1991. Even more, the invasion flowed from Bush’s view that Hussein was close to developing nuclear weapons. (It’s worth mentioning that most foreign policy experts, including Beinart and me, did not dissent from this line of thinking.) ・・・
Yes, overconfidence can result in excess. Yet its roots rest in the can-do spirit of Americans, a virtue that has led to great ventures like NATO and the Marshall Plan.
Yes, ideology triggers bizarre commitments to bring democracy to countries run by corrupt and ineffective leaders. Yet American principles are also what drove Washington to prevent genocide in Bosnia and Kosovo, even as civilized Europeans averted their eyes. And yes, domestic politics have produced unconscionable losses in lives and treasure. Yet American democracy has always fixed itself and rebounded. So much of what is bad about the United States is the flip side of what is good about the United States. That is why America’s demons ? dogmatic principles, self-destructive politics and the arrogance of power ? can never be eliminated, only juggled by great leaders. ・・・
4 産業「革命」はどうしてイギリスで起こったのか
ローゼンは、ロケット号を、その2000年近く前、アレキサンドリアのヘロン(Heron of Alexandria<。10?〜70年。プトレマイオス朝のエジプト居住のギリシャ人数学者・エンジニア
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hero_of_Alexandria (太田)
時代の主たるプレヤーは、イギリス最初の特許法を制定したエドワード・コーク(Edward Coke<。1552〜1634年。イギリスの法律家・下院議員
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edward_Coke (太田)
(コラム#519)>)、その『ニューアトランティス(New Atlantis)』が王立協会(Royal Society)の設立をもたらしたフランシス・ベーコン(Francis Bacon<。1561〜1626年。イギリスの哲学者・政治家・科学者・法律家・法学者・著述家
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Francis_Bacon (太田)
(コラム#46、1334、1467、1489)>)、そして、知的財産権の概念をはっきり表現したジョン・ロック(John Locke<。1632〜1704年。イギリスの哲学者・医者
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Locke (太田)
「・・・我々は、ワットを、そのひらめいた瞬間(eureka moment)に基づいて「人類史上の中で最も有用な男」として記憶しているだけでなく、彼が人類史上最も有用な男であるという評判に基づいて彼のひらめいた瞬間を記憶している。
だからこそ、英国の特許局(Patent Office)は、ワットがひらめいた瞬間の頃には年間20に満たない数の特許しか許可していなかったのに、ワットが亡くなった頃には、年間300に近い数の特許を許可するに至ったのだ。
5 終わりに
レスリー・ゲルブ(Leslie H. Gelb)による、ピーター・ベイナート(Peter Beinart)の 'THE ICARUS SYNDROME A History of American Hubris'(コラム#4058、4060)の書評が出た
・・・“the hubris of dominance,” an awkward phrase that he defines as “the belief that America could make itself master of every important region on earth.”・・・
Wilson’s misconceptions sprang as much from idealism as from reason ? the same sort of idealism that today leads to foolish dreams about softening Islamic extremists with understanding and love.
And while Johnson was seduced from time to time by toughness, that wasn’t the main explanation for the escalation of the war in Vietnam. The United States fought because of a conviction that Vietnam was in danger of becoming the first of many Asian dominoes to fall to Communism. Domestic politics reinforced this notion: losing would be seen as weakness and would cause the fall of the ultimate domino ? the White House. Johnson was driven less by hubris than by a sense of being trapped: he felt he couldn’t win and he couldn’t get out.
As for Bush’s lunge into Iraq, he certainly believed he could vanquish a tin-horn dictator like Saddam Hussein. What drove him to battle, however, was a desire not simply to strut his power, but also to redress what he saw as his father’s greatest mistake, letting Hussein survive the Persian Gulf war of 1991. Even more, the invasion flowed from Bush’s view that Hussein was close to developing nuclear weapons. (It’s worth mentioning that most foreign policy experts, including Beinart and me, did not dissent from this line of thinking.) ・・・
Yes, overconfidence can result in excess. Yet its roots rest in the can-do spirit of Americans, a virtue that has led to great ventures like NATO and the Marshall Plan.
Yes, ideology triggers bizarre commitments to bring democracy to countries run by corrupt and ineffective leaders. Yet American principles are also what drove Washington to prevent genocide in Bosnia and Kosovo, even as civilized Europeans averted their eyes. And yes, domestic politics have produced unconscionable losses in lives and treasure. Yet American democracy has always fixed itself and rebounded. So much of what is bad about the United States is the flip side of what is good about the United States. That is why America’s demons ? dogmatic principles, self-destructive politics and the arrogance of power ? can never be eliminated, only juggled by great leaders. ・・・
太田述正ブログは移転しました 。