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・・・Speaking in Strasbourg, France, deep in the subsidized heartlands of the European Union in April last year, Obama deplored a growing mutual antipathy, bordering on open hostility, between Europe and America. Europeans were too often guilty of an "insidious" anti-Americanism while Americans had at times "shown arrogance and been dismissive, even derisive" of Europe's achievements. ・・・
・・・the widespread American stereotype of Europeans as godless wimps・・・"They [the Europeans] are weak, petulant, hypocritical, disunited, duplicitous, sometimes anti-Semitic and often anti-American appeasers," ・・・
Rising secularism and spreading, ultraliberal social attitudes in Europe contrast ever more sharply with a perceived new American Puritanism. ・・・
The two countries reiterated that the fundamental principle of respect for each other’s sovereignty and territorial integrity is at the core of the three U.S.-China joint communiques which guide U.S.-China relations.
・・・For the foreseeable future, no government will be in a position to advance major new initiatives, especially those pertaining to Japan’s security policy. And the sad reality is that even if the DPJ had won a convincing victory, Washington’s interest in a more active security partnership-in which Japan would spend more on its armed forces, participate more in overseas operations, and perhaps even revise or reinterpret its Constitution to permit self-defense within the alliance-would continue to face serious obstacles.
As the government’s fiscal situation worsens, it becomes less and less likely that Tokyo will take up an ambitious security policy agenda. Fixing the government’s finances is a key step to addressing the other pocketbook issues with which voters are concerned. It is unlikely that a government implementing controversial budget cuts and tax increases would also take up the contentious question of how it should contribute to the defense of Japan and security in East and Central Asia. Its fear would be that the public would punish leaders perceived as focused on problems far from Japanese shores as it implements policies that hurt Japanese households. Moreover, for a cash-strapped government, the status quo, in which Japan limits its defense spending while subsidizing U.S. bases in Japan, continues to suit Japan’s interests. The logic of the Yoshida doctrine-which was formulated during the early postwar period, and which called for low defense spending combined with an alliance founded on U.S. bases in Japan?remains relevant today: Japanese leaders once saw the doctrine as the key to postwar economic development, and now the same policies provide resources for shoring up Japan’s social safety net and halting economic decline.
The irony, then, is that despite the DPJ’s desire for a more equal relationship with the United States, the political and economic logic of austerity suggests that Japan will likely grow even more dependent on the U.S. for its security, with the difference being that the relationship will be more fragile.・・・
・・・While public attention has focused on the fierce diplomatic disputes between Israel and the United States over settlement expansion in Palestinian territories, security and military ties between the two nations have grown ever closer during the Obama administration. ・・・
・・・an exchange of military and intelligence expertise that U.S. officials say is unique in the world. ・・・
・・・annual U.S. military assistance to Israel has been boosted from $2.5 billion in 2009 to $3 billion in 2011, meaning that almost a quarter of Israel's actual defense expenditures comes from the United States・・・
Unlike most other countries, which are required to use U.S. military assistance to buy U.S. weapons and technology, Israel is permitted to use 26 percent of the funds for the development and production of its own weapons. ・・・
The United States also maintains stockpiles of ammunition, spare parts, communication gear and other military items in Israel, which the Jewish state can draw on if it runs short during a war. ・・・
・・・There's a wealth of research showing everyone wins when we, men and women, share more common ground. For example, studies now imply that when a kid is sick, if the father stays home with the child that day, he will likely suffer fewer consequences at work than his wife would if she did it, because our social norms say that men are more committed to work than women are. Even if we strongly disagree with that norm, let's take advantage of it. If more men know there's an arbitrage, that men pay a lower cost for being home with junior's fever than their wives do, wouldn't more reasonable, caring fathers do this?・・・
・・・the Germans were the only true heirs of classical Greece and Rome. ・・・what was special about Germany<?>・・・
・・・the importance of the 17th- and 18th-century religious revival known as Pietism, which urged believers to devote themselves to improving life on earth. ・・・
At Göttingen and Halle in the 18th century, and at Berlin and Bonn in the 19th, Germany invented the modern university, combining teaching with research in both humanities and science ? at a time when Harvard and Oxford were conservative and theology-centered. University grads staffed a new bureaucracy of experts, and their work in laboratories and archives made research “a rival form of authority in the world.” The universities also enshrined a new ideal of individual cultivation (the fetishized German word is “Bildung”). Germans from Kant to Mann embraced this “secular form of Pietism,” turning inward to find truths not anchored in reason or revelation - and often, like Mann in 1915, choosing mystical wholeness over messy liberal politics. ・・・
・・・we would・・・face the question of whether Hitler was the nemesis(復讐の女神) or the culmination of German genius. ・・・
・・・Speaking in Strasbourg, France, deep in the subsidized heartlands of the European Union in April last year, Obama deplored a growing mutual antipathy, bordering on open hostility, between Europe and America. Europeans were too often guilty of an "insidious" anti-Americanism while Americans had at times "shown arrogance and been dismissive, even derisive" of Europe's achievements. ・・・
・・・the widespread American stereotype of Europeans as godless wimps・・・"They [the Europeans] are weak, petulant, hypocritical, disunited, duplicitous, sometimes anti-Semitic and often anti-American appeasers," ・・・
Rising secularism and spreading, ultraliberal social attitudes in Europe contrast ever more sharply with a perceived new American Puritanism. ・・・
The two countries reiterated that the fundamental principle of respect for each other’s sovereignty and territorial integrity is at the core of the three U.S.-China joint communiques which guide U.S.-China relations.
・・・For the foreseeable future, no government will be in a position to advance major new initiatives, especially those pertaining to Japan’s security policy. And the sad reality is that even if the DPJ had won a convincing victory, Washington’s interest in a more active security partnership-in which Japan would spend more on its armed forces, participate more in overseas operations, and perhaps even revise or reinterpret its Constitution to permit self-defense within the alliance-would continue to face serious obstacles.
As the government’s fiscal situation worsens, it becomes less and less likely that Tokyo will take up an ambitious security policy agenda. Fixing the government’s finances is a key step to addressing the other pocketbook issues with which voters are concerned. It is unlikely that a government implementing controversial budget cuts and tax increases would also take up the contentious question of how it should contribute to the defense of Japan and security in East and Central Asia. Its fear would be that the public would punish leaders perceived as focused on problems far from Japanese shores as it implements policies that hurt Japanese households. Moreover, for a cash-strapped government, the status quo, in which Japan limits its defense spending while subsidizing U.S. bases in Japan, continues to suit Japan’s interests. The logic of the Yoshida doctrine-which was formulated during the early postwar period, and which called for low defense spending combined with an alliance founded on U.S. bases in Japan?remains relevant today: Japanese leaders once saw the doctrine as the key to postwar economic development, and now the same policies provide resources for shoring up Japan’s social safety net and halting economic decline.
The irony, then, is that despite the DPJ’s desire for a more equal relationship with the United States, the political and economic logic of austerity suggests that Japan will likely grow even more dependent on the U.S. for its security, with the difference being that the relationship will be more fragile.・・・
・・・While public attention has focused on the fierce diplomatic disputes between Israel and the United States over settlement expansion in Palestinian territories, security and military ties between the two nations have grown ever closer during the Obama administration. ・・・
・・・an exchange of military and intelligence expertise that U.S. officials say is unique in the world. ・・・
・・・annual U.S. military assistance to Israel has been boosted from $2.5 billion in 2009 to $3 billion in 2011, meaning that almost a quarter of Israel's actual defense expenditures comes from the United States・・・
Unlike most other countries, which are required to use U.S. military assistance to buy U.S. weapons and technology, Israel is permitted to use 26 percent of the funds for the development and production of its own weapons. ・・・
The United States also maintains stockpiles of ammunition, spare parts, communication gear and other military items in Israel, which the Jewish state can draw on if it runs short during a war. ・・・
・・・There's a wealth of research showing everyone wins when we, men and women, share more common ground. For example, studies now imply that when a kid is sick, if the father stays home with the child that day, he will likely suffer fewer consequences at work than his wife would if she did it, because our social norms say that men are more committed to work than women are. Even if we strongly disagree with that norm, let's take advantage of it. If more men know there's an arbitrage, that men pay a lower cost for being home with junior's fever than their wives do, wouldn't more reasonable, caring fathers do this?・・・
・・・the Germans were the only true heirs of classical Greece and Rome. ・・・what was special about Germany<?>・・・
・・・the importance of the 17th- and 18th-century religious revival known as Pietism, which urged believers to devote themselves to improving life on earth. ・・・
At Göttingen and Halle in the 18th century, and at Berlin and Bonn in the 19th, Germany invented the modern university, combining teaching with research in both humanities and science ? at a time when Harvard and Oxford were conservative and theology-centered. University grads staffed a new bureaucracy of experts, and their work in laboratories and archives made research “a rival form of authority in the world.” The universities also enshrined a new ideal of individual cultivation (the fetishized German word is “Bildung”). Germans from Kant to Mann embraced this “secular form of Pietism,” turning inward to find truths not anchored in reason or revelation - and often, like Mann in 1915, choosing mystical wholeness over messy liberal politics. ・・・
・・・we would・・・face the question of whether Hitler was the nemesis(復讐の女神) or the culmination of German genius. ・・・
太田述正ブログは移転しました 。