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<Fat Tail>
スタンレー・マクリスタル大将(Gen. Stanley McChrystal)の騒動の元となった”Rolling Stone”に掲載された記事、読みました。
http://www.rollingstone.com/politics/news/17390/119236 (太田)
将軍がcounterinsurgencyに関するvisionary leaderなのか、それとも単に精力的で野心的な軍人なのか、この記事からだけでは当然判断できませんが、このままでは(パキスタンから切り離した)アフガニスタン単独での情勢好転は成し得ないのではないか、という疑念は更に強まりました。
“But even if he somehow manages to succeed, after years of bloody fighting with Afghan kids who pose no threat to the U.S. homeland, the war will do little to shut down Al Qaeda, which has shifted its operations to Pakistan. Dispatching 150,000 troops to build new schools, roads, mosques and water-treatment facilities around Kandahar is like trying to stop the drug war in Mexico by occupying Arkansas and building Baptist churches in Little Rock.”
・・・Al Qaeda is in Pakistan today ? or, worse, in the soul of thousands of Muslim youth from Bridgeport, Conn., to London, connected by “The Virtual Afghanistan”: the Internet. ・・・
さて、日本時間の昨日の20時頃、「本日のオバマ・マクリスタル「会談」の結果やいかん? 私の予想はクビだけど・・。」とツイッターでつぶやいた予想通り、マクリスタルはクビになりました。
だから、そのこと自体にはびっくりしなかったんだけど、オバマ大統領が文民統制(civilian control)という言葉を二度も使ってクビにした理由を説明した↓のにはびっくりしましたね。
・・・"It undermines the civilian control of the military that is at the core of our democratic system.・・・
American democracy depends on "strict adherence to the military chain of command, and respect for civilian control over that chain of command." ・・・
So far this month, at least 59 NATO troops, including 43 U.S. service members, have been killed in Afghanistan. That means June is on pace to become the deadliest month for NATO troops in the nearly nine-year war.
・・・"The most important issues at hand in the furore [over McChrystal] is the central one in a democracy: civilian control over the military," said Jonathan Alter, of Newsweek. ・・・
・・・this incident brings to mind the fact that a decade ago, one expert on the culture of America’s military tried to sound an alarm bell about the possibility that an all-volunteer military was opening up a potentially problematic cultural divide between soldiers and civilians.・・・
I think it’s significant that there was little if any hazing in the armed forces in World War II. It seems like a post-Vietnam-era phenomenon, as the military got separated from the mainstream of society.・・・
As American’s all-volunteer military continues to fight two wars that the vast majority of American society pays little or no attention to, there are signs that the troops on the ground are feeling intense frustration not just with civilians back home but also with the generals who have ordered them to try to win over hearts and minds at the same time. ・・・
・・・in Afghanistan. There the military's purely military tasks are secondary to the political and social tasks for which the military is ill-suited, and for which McChrystal is garishly so. ・・・
Counterinsurgency, as defined by McChrystal's successor, Gen. David Petraeus, and tepidly embraced by Barack Obama for a year or so, does not just involve nation-building, it is nation-building.
This does not require just political acumen; it requires the wisdom of Aristotle, the leadership skills of George Washington and the analytic sophistication of de Tocqueville. But, then, the grinding paradox of nation-building is this: No one with the aptitudes necessary for it would be rash or delusional enough to try it. ・・・
・・・Rolling Stone’s executive editor, Eric Bates, said he also found General McChrystal to be surprisingly willing to vent his grievances.
“I think there’s an enormous frustration there where they feel like people don’t get it,” Mr. Bates said. “And that seeps through into a lot of those quotes. They feel that the people who are supposed to be working with them aren’t working with them or don’t understand what the strategy is.” ・・・
・・・Petraeus is taking a demotion, from commander of the entire region, to take this post. ・・・
・・・The only big question he left hanging in just what happens to Central Command. Will Petraeus try to have both commands? Will someone else take over? ・・・
・・・Since 2000, 316 million people on the continent have signed up for cellphone service, more than the entire population of the United States; Africa’s billion people spent $860 billion in 2008, more than India’s population of 1.2 billion.
From 2000 to 2008, African economies grew at twice the pace that they did in the 1980s and 1990s. Moreover, Africa was one of only two regions ? Asia was the other ? where the collective economy rose through the global recession of 2009, by 1.4 percent.
In a clear sign of the reorientation of the economic landscape in Africa, China has provided more financing for roads, power, railways and other infrastructure in recent years than the World Bank.
And in a sign of increasing security, the number of serious conflicts in which more than 1,000 people died annually declined to an average of 2.6 a year in the 2000s from 4.8 in the 1990s, the report said. ・・・
McKinsey attributed Africa’s economic expansion to rising commodity prices, greater political stability aided by a reduction in violent conflicts, improved macroeconomic performance and market-friendly economic reforms.
Africa’s collective inflation rate fell to 8 percent after 2000, from 22 percent in the 1990s. Budget deficits declined to 1.8 percent of gross domestic product from 4.6 percent. A private sector emerged. Foreign direct investment surged to $62 billion in 2008 from $9 billion in 2000. ・・・
日本の天皇の韓国訪問がまだなのは当たり前か? いや、英国のアイルランド統治を地獄だとすれば、日本の朝鮮半島統治は天国でした。
The Queen is to make a historic first visit to the Irish Republic before the end of next year. The last monarch to visit Ireland was George V, who went to Dublin in 1911 at the time of the Home Rule crisis, when the country was still part of the UK.・・・
<Fat Tail>
スタンレー・マクリスタル大将(Gen. Stanley McChrystal)の騒動の元となった”Rolling Stone”に掲載された記事、読みました。
http://www.rollingstone.com/politics/news/17390/119236 (太田)
将軍がcounterinsurgencyに関するvisionary leaderなのか、それとも単に精力的で野心的な軍人なのか、この記事からだけでは当然判断できませんが、このままでは(パキスタンから切り離した)アフガニスタン単独での情勢好転は成し得ないのではないか、という疑念は更に強まりました。
“But even if he somehow manages to succeed, after years of bloody fighting with Afghan kids who pose no threat to the U.S. homeland, the war will do little to shut down Al Qaeda, which has shifted its operations to Pakistan. Dispatching 150,000 troops to build new schools, roads, mosques and water-treatment facilities around Kandahar is like trying to stop the drug war in Mexico by occupying Arkansas and building Baptist churches in Little Rock.”
・・・Al Qaeda is in Pakistan today ? or, worse, in the soul of thousands of Muslim youth from Bridgeport, Conn., to London, connected by “The Virtual Afghanistan”: the Internet. ・・・
さて、日本時間の昨日の20時頃、「本日のオバマ・マクリスタル「会談」の結果やいかん? 私の予想はクビだけど・・。」とツイッターでつぶやいた予想通り、マクリスタルはクビになりました。
だから、そのこと自体にはびっくりしなかったんだけど、オバマ大統領が文民統制(civilian control)という言葉を二度も使ってクビにした理由を説明した↓のにはびっくりしましたね。
・・・"It undermines the civilian control of the military that is at the core of our democratic system.・・・
American democracy depends on "strict adherence to the military chain of command, and respect for civilian control over that chain of command." ・・・
So far this month, at least 59 NATO troops, including 43 U.S. service members, have been killed in Afghanistan. That means June is on pace to become the deadliest month for NATO troops in the nearly nine-year war.
・・・"The most important issues at hand in the furore [over McChrystal] is the central one in a democracy: civilian control over the military," said Jonathan Alter, of Newsweek. ・・・
・・・this incident brings to mind the fact that a decade ago, one expert on the culture of America’s military tried to sound an alarm bell about the possibility that an all-volunteer military was opening up a potentially problematic cultural divide between soldiers and civilians.・・・
I think it’s significant that there was little if any hazing in the armed forces in World War II. It seems like a post-Vietnam-era phenomenon, as the military got separated from the mainstream of society.・・・
As American’s all-volunteer military continues to fight two wars that the vast majority of American society pays little or no attention to, there are signs that the troops on the ground are feeling intense frustration not just with civilians back home but also with the generals who have ordered them to try to win over hearts and minds at the same time. ・・・
・・・in Afghanistan. There the military's purely military tasks are secondary to the political and social tasks for which the military is ill-suited, and for which McChrystal is garishly so. ・・・
Counterinsurgency, as defined by McChrystal's successor, Gen. David Petraeus, and tepidly embraced by Barack Obama for a year or so, does not just involve nation-building, it is nation-building.
This does not require just political acumen; it requires the wisdom of Aristotle, the leadership skills of George Washington and the analytic sophistication of de Tocqueville. But, then, the grinding paradox of nation-building is this: No one with the aptitudes necessary for it would be rash or delusional enough to try it. ・・・
・・・Rolling Stone’s executive editor, Eric Bates, said he also found General McChrystal to be surprisingly willing to vent his grievances.
“I think there’s an enormous frustration there where they feel like people don’t get it,” Mr. Bates said. “And that seeps through into a lot of those quotes. They feel that the people who are supposed to be working with them aren’t working with them or don’t understand what the strategy is.” ・・・
・・・Petraeus is taking a demotion, from commander of the entire region, to take this post. ・・・
・・・The only big question he left hanging in just what happens to Central Command. Will Petraeus try to have both commands? Will someone else take over? ・・・
・・・Since 2000, 316 million people on the continent have signed up for cellphone service, more than the entire population of the United States; Africa’s billion people spent $860 billion in 2008, more than India’s population of 1.2 billion.
From 2000 to 2008, African economies grew at twice the pace that they did in the 1980s and 1990s. Moreover, Africa was one of only two regions ? Asia was the other ? where the collective economy rose through the global recession of 2009, by 1.4 percent.
In a clear sign of the reorientation of the economic landscape in Africa, China has provided more financing for roads, power, railways and other infrastructure in recent years than the World Bank.
And in a sign of increasing security, the number of serious conflicts in which more than 1,000 people died annually declined to an average of 2.6 a year in the 2000s from 4.8 in the 1990s, the report said. ・・・
McKinsey attributed Africa’s economic expansion to rising commodity prices, greater political stability aided by a reduction in violent conflicts, improved macroeconomic performance and market-friendly economic reforms.
Africa’s collective inflation rate fell to 8 percent after 2000, from 22 percent in the 1990s. Budget deficits declined to 1.8 percent of gross domestic product from 4.6 percent. A private sector emerged. Foreign direct investment surged to $62 billion in 2008 from $9 billion in 2000. ・・・
日本の天皇の韓国訪問がまだなのは当たり前か? いや、英国のアイルランド統治を地獄だとすれば、日本の朝鮮半島統治は天国でした。
The Queen is to make a historic first visit to the Irish Republic before the end of next year. The last monarch to visit Ireland was George V, who went to Dublin in 1911 at the time of the Home Rule crisis, when the country was still part of the UK.・・・
太田述正ブログは移転しました 。