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<女性大好き人間 >
<あのElina Garanca(コラム#3883)、もう1曲どうぞ。>
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IY-QTG5iLnw&NR=1 <
そもそも僕が Bellini を心地よく聴くなんて一昔前には考えられなかったことだ。
後半で彼女より高音の響きも声量も優るAnna Netrebko との掛け合いが何とも良い。現場で彼女らの耳をつんざくような声の中に埋もれて半ば耳を塞ぎながら陶然としていたい。・・・
ところで、Elina Garanca、キツイ感じで、いささか敬遠してたけど、このクリップじゃ妖艶でイイね。
それにしても、彼女、Anna Netrebkoとの共演多いなあ。
<前回>の・・・「一人題名のない音楽会」<(コラム#3925)>の中からもこういう心地よいもう一つの世界を見つけた。 <倍賞千恵子「さよならはダンスの後に」、>とても良い曲だね。
Decades before Kinsey, Stanford professor Clelia Mosher polled Victorian-era women・・・, most born before 1870,・・・ on their bedroom behavior?then kept the startling results under wraps.・・・
・・・it's a valuable historic document that gainsays(否定する) the stereotype that Victorian women knew little of sex and desired it even less. Granted, it is small and nonrepresentative, favoring well-educated, middle-class white women, and only those willing to disclose intimate matters. ・・・
Slightly more than half of these educated women claimed to have known nothing of sex prior to marriage; the better informed said they'd gotten their information from books, talks with older women and natural observations like "watching farm animals." Yet no matter how sheltered they'd initially been, these women had?and enjoyed?sex. Of the 45 women, 35 said they desired sex; 34 said they had experienced orgasms; 24 felt that pleasure for both sexes was a reason for intercourse; and about three-quarters of them engaged in it at least once a week.・・・
At least 30 respondents reported attempting birth control anyway. Many mentioned using douching(シャワー), withdrawal(抜去法) or the rhythm method(オギノ式?); a few had tried a "womb veil(ペッサリー)" or male condoms.・・・
・・・The Ritz has altered its dress code of 100 years to allow guests to wear jeans. But only to breakfast, mind, in the hope that the hotel will "see more bookings", a spokesperson explained. This is the latest proof that when it comes to hotels, all the innovation is taking place around the breakfast table. Until recently the choice was simple: full English or continental.・・・
It started, in London anyway, with breakfast bento boxes, available on request for Japanese guests at Claridge's, The Berkeley and The Dorchester. Last summer, the revamped Langham Hotel put morning miso soup on its regular menu. Rival hotels followed and the breakfast race began ? some Marriotts now offer tofu at dawn.・・・
・・・Step by step, ・・・“he began immersing himself in an African-American culture that seemed to live thousands of miles from where he was.・・・He listened to Marvin Gaye and Stevie Wonder, Grover Washington and Miles Davis; he watched ‘Soul Train’ and Richard Pryor on television. On his own he read Richard Wright’s ‘Native Son,’ the poems of Langston Hughes, ‘The Autobiography of Malcolm X,’ ‘The Souls of Black Folk,’ the essays of James Baldwin, Ralph Ellison’s ‘Invisible Man.’ ”・・・
Some readers may object that these chapters have the effect of defining Mr. Obama largely through the prism of race. This is something that the president, at times, and others, like Colin L. Powell, have resisted, arguing, in Mr. Powell’s words, that the junior Senator from Illinois ran for president “as an American who is black, not as a black American.”
Mr. Remnick, however, argues that “race is at the core of Obama’s story,” and Mr. Obama wrote at length in “Dreams” about his search for identity as an African-American and has also spoken of standing on the shoulders of the civil rights giants who made possible his own story.
“For Obama,” Mr. Remnick concludes, “the black freedom struggle defines not just the African-American experience, but the American experience itself” ? the story, as Mr. Obama has observed, that “we as African-Americans are American, and that our story is America’s story, and that by perfecting our rights we perfect the Union.”
・・・For the first time, the United States is explicitly committing not to use nuclear weapons against nonnuclear states that are in compliance with the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, even if they attacked the United States with biological or chemical weapons or launched a crippling cyberattack. ・・・
White House officials said the new strategy would include the option of reconsidering the use of nuclear retaliation against a biological attack, if the development of such weapons reached a level that made the United States vulnerable to a devastating strike. ・・・
He ended up with a document that differed considerably from the one President George W. Bush published in early 2002, just three months after the Sept. 11 attacks. ・・・
Mr. Bush’s document also reserved the right to use nuclear weapons “to deter a wide range of threats,” including banned chemical and biological weapons and large-scale conventional attacks. Mr. Obama’s strategy abandons that option ? except if the attack is launched by a nuclear state, or a nonsignatory or violator of the nonproliferation treaty. ・・・
There are five declared nuclear states ? the United States, Britain, France, Russia and China. Three states with nuclear weapons have refused to sign ? India, Pakistan and Israel ? and North Korea renounced the treaty in 2003. Iran remains a signatory, but the United Nations Security Council has repeatedly found it in violation of its obligations・・・
The chairman of Central Japan Railway, operator of Japan’s busiest bullet train link, has denounced China’s high-speed rail industry for “stealing” foreign technology and compromising safety.・・・
Mr Kasai has not allowed JR Central to bid on contracts in China for fear its technology will be taken, though other Japanese rail groups have done business in the country.
Many trains on China’s Wuhan-Guangzhou and Beijing-Tianjin routes are based on models operated by East Japan Railway and built by Kawasaki.
Trains on those routes travel at up to 350kph, more than 25 per cent faster than Shinkansen trains in Japan, and have had no serious accidents.
But Mr Kasai said that the Chinese were driving the trains at much closer to their maximum safe speeds.
“I don’t think they are paying the same attention to safety that we are.
“Pushing it that close to the limit is something we would absolutely never do.”
・・・a very small percentage of participants ? 2.5% to be exact ? were able to do other things successfully while driving (in the study, it was solving math problems and memorizing words) without a drop in performance on any task. In fact, some of these supertaskers performed better while multitasking than they did while completing the tasks alone. ・・・
Not only are they talented multitaskers, says Watson, but they also seem to perform better than others on memory tests to begin with.・・・
<女性大好き人間 >
<あのElina Garanca(コラム#3883)、もう1曲どうぞ。>
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IY-QTG5iLnw&NR=1 <
そもそも僕が Bellini を心地よく聴くなんて一昔前には考えられなかったことだ。
後半で彼女より高音の響きも声量も優るAnna Netrebko との掛け合いが何とも良い。現場で彼女らの耳をつんざくような声の中に埋もれて半ば耳を塞ぎながら陶然としていたい。・・・
ところで、Elina Garanca、キツイ感じで、いささか敬遠してたけど、このクリップじゃ妖艶でイイね。
それにしても、彼女、Anna Netrebkoとの共演多いなあ。
<前回>の・・・「一人題名のない音楽会」<(コラム#3925)>の中からもこういう心地よいもう一つの世界を見つけた。 <倍賞千恵子「さよならはダンスの後に」、>とても良い曲だね。
Decades before Kinsey, Stanford professor Clelia Mosher polled Victorian-era women・・・, most born before 1870,・・・ on their bedroom behavior?then kept the startling results under wraps.・・・
・・・it's a valuable historic document that gainsays(否定する) the stereotype that Victorian women knew little of sex and desired it even less. Granted, it is small and nonrepresentative, favoring well-educated, middle-class white women, and only those willing to disclose intimate matters. ・・・
Slightly more than half of these educated women claimed to have known nothing of sex prior to marriage; the better informed said they'd gotten their information from books, talks with older women and natural observations like "watching farm animals." Yet no matter how sheltered they'd initially been, these women had?and enjoyed?sex. Of the 45 women, 35 said they desired sex; 34 said they had experienced orgasms; 24 felt that pleasure for both sexes was a reason for intercourse; and about three-quarters of them engaged in it at least once a week.・・・
At least 30 respondents reported attempting birth control anyway. Many mentioned using douching(シャワー), withdrawal(抜去法) or the rhythm method(オギノ式?); a few had tried a "womb veil(ペッサリー)" or male condoms.・・・
・・・The Ritz has altered its dress code of 100 years to allow guests to wear jeans. But only to breakfast, mind, in the hope that the hotel will "see more bookings", a spokesperson explained. This is the latest proof that when it comes to hotels, all the innovation is taking place around the breakfast table. Until recently the choice was simple: full English or continental.・・・
It started, in London anyway, with breakfast bento boxes, available on request for Japanese guests at Claridge's, The Berkeley and The Dorchester. Last summer, the revamped Langham Hotel put morning miso soup on its regular menu. Rival hotels followed and the breakfast race began ? some Marriotts now offer tofu at dawn.・・・
・・・Step by step, ・・・“he began immersing himself in an African-American culture that seemed to live thousands of miles from where he was.・・・He listened to Marvin Gaye and Stevie Wonder, Grover Washington and Miles Davis; he watched ‘Soul Train’ and Richard Pryor on television. On his own he read Richard Wright’s ‘Native Son,’ the poems of Langston Hughes, ‘The Autobiography of Malcolm X,’ ‘The Souls of Black Folk,’ the essays of James Baldwin, Ralph Ellison’s ‘Invisible Man.’ ”・・・
Some readers may object that these chapters have the effect of defining Mr. Obama largely through the prism of race. This is something that the president, at times, and others, like Colin L. Powell, have resisted, arguing, in Mr. Powell’s words, that the junior Senator from Illinois ran for president “as an American who is black, not as a black American.”
Mr. Remnick, however, argues that “race is at the core of Obama’s story,” and Mr. Obama wrote at length in “Dreams” about his search for identity as an African-American and has also spoken of standing on the shoulders of the civil rights giants who made possible his own story.
“For Obama,” Mr. Remnick concludes, “the black freedom struggle defines not just the African-American experience, but the American experience itself” ? the story, as Mr. Obama has observed, that “we as African-Americans are American, and that our story is America’s story, and that by perfecting our rights we perfect the Union.”
・・・For the first time, the United States is explicitly committing not to use nuclear weapons against nonnuclear states that are in compliance with the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, even if they attacked the United States with biological or chemical weapons or launched a crippling cyberattack. ・・・
White House officials said the new strategy would include the option of reconsidering the use of nuclear retaliation against a biological attack, if the development of such weapons reached a level that made the United States vulnerable to a devastating strike. ・・・
He ended up with a document that differed considerably from the one President George W. Bush published in early 2002, just three months after the Sept. 11 attacks. ・・・
Mr. Bush’s document also reserved the right to use nuclear weapons “to deter a wide range of threats,” including banned chemical and biological weapons and large-scale conventional attacks. Mr. Obama’s strategy abandons that option ? except if the attack is launched by a nuclear state, or a nonsignatory or violator of the nonproliferation treaty. ・・・
There are five declared nuclear states ? the United States, Britain, France, Russia and China. Three states with nuclear weapons have refused to sign ? India, Pakistan and Israel ? and North Korea renounced the treaty in 2003. Iran remains a signatory, but the United Nations Security Council has repeatedly found it in violation of its obligations・・・
The chairman of Central Japan Railway, operator of Japan’s busiest bullet train link, has denounced China’s high-speed rail industry for “stealing” foreign technology and compromising safety.・・・
Mr Kasai has not allowed JR Central to bid on contracts in China for fear its technology will be taken, though other Japanese rail groups have done business in the country.
Many trains on China’s Wuhan-Guangzhou and Beijing-Tianjin routes are based on models operated by East Japan Railway and built by Kawasaki.
Trains on those routes travel at up to 350kph, more than 25 per cent faster than Shinkansen trains in Japan, and have had no serious accidents.
But Mr Kasai said that the Chinese were driving the trains at much closer to their maximum safe speeds.
“I don’t think they are paying the same attention to safety that we are.
“Pushing it that close to the limit is something we would absolutely never do.”
・・・a very small percentage of participants ? 2.5% to be exact ? were able to do other things successfully while driving (in the study, it was solving math problems and memorizing words) without a drop in performance on any task. In fact, some of these supertaskers performed better while multitasking than they did while completing the tasks alone. ・・・
Not only are they talented multitaskers, says Watson, but they also seem to perform better than others on memory tests to begin with.・・・
太田述正ブログは移転しました 。