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<「2ちゃんねる攻撃で米企業がFBIと法的措置検討 損害2億2千万円・・・」>
・・・ Kato (40), who is in the mail-order business・・・has since last year sent thousands of letters and e-mails to foreign governments and lawmakers asking them to investigate Kim's slush funds, which are believed to be stored in a bank in Luxembourg. His efforts began after reading the Jan. 2 issue of the Japanese magazine Aera, which interviewed a former South Korean intelligence official who said Kim transferred slush funds worth US$400 million from a Swiss bank account to another one in Luxembourg. ・・・
Although his e-mails are sent as requests from a private citizen, he has received official pledges from the governments of Australia, Canada, Luxembourg, and U.K. to investigate. The Luxembourg government told Kato that it has participated in international efforts to detect and block North Korea's illicit activities using financial institutions in the principality. ・・・
・・・Many experts who've looked closely at the matter agree that China today simply does not have the military capability to challenge the United States in the Pacific, though its modernization program has increased its ability to engage the United States close to Chinese shores. ・・・
人間の進化における料理の出現を重視するランガム(Richard Wrangham)の説(コラム#3299、3315、3566、3590、3591)を補足する記事が出てたよ。↓
・・・the reduction in the size of our digestive system was exactly the same amount that our brains grew by - 20%.・・・
・・・not only does cooked food release more energy, but the body uses less energy in digesting it. ・・・
・・・Although it does shield people from other forces, culture itself seems to be a powerful force of natural selection. People adapt genetically to sustained cultural changes, like new diets. And this interaction works more quickly than other selective forces, “leading some practitioners to argue that gene-culture co-evolution could be the dominant mode of human evolution・・・
Lactose tolerance is now well recognized as a case in which a cultural practice ? drinking raw milk ? has caused an evolutionary change in the human genome. ・・・
The style of stone tools called the Oldowan appeared 2.5 million years ago and stayed unchanged for more than a million years. The Acheulean stone tool kit that succeeded it lasted for 1.5 million years. But among behaviorally modern humans, those of the last 50,000 years, the tempo of cultural change has been far brisker. This raises the possibility that human evolution has been accelerating in the recent past under the impact of rapid shifts in culture. ・・・
・・・ the 1957 film Bridge on the River Kwei ・・・sanitises the depths to which the men sank on the building of the infamous railway bridge.
For years he went barefoot and naked except for a simple loin cloth. After another death march through the jungle, Alastair Urquhart was taken back to Singapore and, with 400 other men, loaded into the hold of a cargo ship.
There was standing room only. It was airless, fetid, the heat baking. Many died here too.
The ship did sink, torpedoed at sea by an US submarine.
He spent five days and night alone on a barge. By the time he was picked up by a Japanese whaling ship, he was dehydrated, hallucinating and close to death.
He ended up in a camp in mainland Japan. He was there when the war ended. But his prison camp was a few miles from the city of Nagasaki.
The blast of hot air from the bomb that fell on August 9th knocked him off his feet. Within days he was on his way home.
He arrived in Aberdeen in November. For years he'd dreamt of being re-united with his family. When, finally, he was, they scarcely recognised each other.
Those who returned came home to a country that did not understand what they had endured, and which, for the most part, did not want to know.
Like many of his generation, Alistair Urquhart didn't speak about his experience for 60 years. His wife died after 46 years of marriage without knowing any of it.
I am breaking my silence now, he writes in his book, to bear witness. I am a lucky man, but I am also an angry man, and my business with Japan is unfinished.
Germany has atoned. Young Germans know of their nation's dreadful crimes. But young Japanese are taught nothing of their nation's guilt.
・・・Hearing loss from exposure to loud noises is cumulative and irreversible・・・
・・・more than 15 minutes of exposure to 100 decibels is unsafe. The noise in a football stadium can reach 100 to 130 decibels.
And noise that is potentially dangerous to an adult is even more dangerous to a child・・・
Hearing loss, which accumulates slowly over a lifetime, is neither painful nor disfiguring, so it goes unnoticed.・・・
・・・In 1790, Hamilton set about establishing the financial credibility of the federal government. Central to his proposals was that the government would assume the debts of the states. This precipitated the “assumption” crisis because different states had different levels of debts and had proved more or less conscientious in paying them off.
James Madison complained that his home state of Virginia and some other Southern states that had paid their wartime debts would be unfairly treated if “having done their duty” they were obliged to “contribute to those states who have not equally done their duty.”
You can just hear those words being uttered today by a German burgher or Finnish techie faced by the financial woes of Portugal, Ireland, Greece and Spain ? a group that has acquired the acronym “PIGS.”・・・
“Assumption” was only approved when Hamilton trumped the ire of Madison and Jefferson by agreeing to locate the new federal capital (tentatively planned for New York) at a permanent site on the Potomac River. Through astute political horse-trading, the basis for the financial coherence of the United States was laid.
I don’t see any such clever deal that would make of Europe’s crisis an opportunity for a renewed push toward a United States of Europe. The integrative dream has faded. Europe, for the foreseeable future, will remain in the halfway house of monetary union, fiscal divergence and à la carte national politics.・・・
We are a long way here from Hamilton’s (unheeded) admonitions to his countrymen to avoid the perils of debt: The differences between America and Europe go beyond the political to their very nature.
・・・Toyota has in fact become an American company, but this is hardly a compliment. The company, once known for quality, shifted its focus to volume, just as the Americans had done.・・・
Toyota, it seemed, no longer wanted to be the best on the market -- its cars were often merely the cheapest. As was the case at Ford and GM in the past, unbridled growth was the company's new mantra. ・・・
アフガニスタンは、フランスのように、state building→nation building→democratization(私に言わせれば、自由主義化)のプロセスを経なければならないとし、まず、フランスのstate building(国家形成)に学べとの論考。↓
・・・It was primarily during the reigns of Louis XIII (1610-43) and, especially, Louis XIV (1643-1715) that the monarchy expanded its armed forces, legal authority, and bureaucracy and took control of the country.
This process was remarkably conflictual. Its first several decades were marked by peasant revolts, religious wars, and the obstinate resistance of provincial authorities, which culminated in the series of conflicts known as the Fronde (1648-53) and threatened to plunge the country into complete chaos. Louis XIV eventually defeated the recalcitrant nobles and local leaders on the battlefield, but the costs of victory were so high that he decided to complete the process of centralizing power by co-opting his remaining rivals rather than crushing them.
During the second half of the seventeenth century, accordingly, he and his ministers focused on buying off and winning over key individuals and social groups that might otherwise obstruct their state-building efforts. ・・・
Louis XIV and his ministers also adopted what would now be called targeted tax breaks.・・・
・・・the two Louis and their ministers essentially bribed their way to power.・・・
言うまでもなく、後者はベートーベンがこの曲を作曲した当時のピアノであり、ベートーベンは、右ペダル(サスティーンペダル=sustain pedal)を押しっぱなしで演奏せよと書いたところ、その指示に忠実に演奏している。これは聴いたらいかが。
最後の二つがドビュッシーで、「花火(Feux d'artifices)」を、現在のピアノと作曲した当時の1877年のピアノ(Erard)とで弾き比べている。
<「2ちゃんねる攻撃で米企業がFBIと法的措置検討 損害2億2千万円・・・」>
・・・ Kato (40), who is in the mail-order business・・・has since last year sent thousands of letters and e-mails to foreign governments and lawmakers asking them to investigate Kim's slush funds, which are believed to be stored in a bank in Luxembourg. His efforts began after reading the Jan. 2 issue of the Japanese magazine Aera, which interviewed a former South Korean intelligence official who said Kim transferred slush funds worth US$400 million from a Swiss bank account to another one in Luxembourg. ・・・
Although his e-mails are sent as requests from a private citizen, he has received official pledges from the governments of Australia, Canada, Luxembourg, and U.K. to investigate. The Luxembourg government told Kato that it has participated in international efforts to detect and block North Korea's illicit activities using financial institutions in the principality. ・・・
・・・Many experts who've looked closely at the matter agree that China today simply does not have the military capability to challenge the United States in the Pacific, though its modernization program has increased its ability to engage the United States close to Chinese shores. ・・・
人間の進化における料理の出現を重視するランガム(Richard Wrangham)の説(コラム#3299、3315、3566、3590、3591)を補足する記事が出てたよ。↓
・・・the reduction in the size of our digestive system was exactly the same amount that our brains grew by - 20%.・・・
・・・not only does cooked food release more energy, but the body uses less energy in digesting it. ・・・
・・・Although it does shield people from other forces, culture itself seems to be a powerful force of natural selection. People adapt genetically to sustained cultural changes, like new diets. And this interaction works more quickly than other selective forces, “leading some practitioners to argue that gene-culture co-evolution could be the dominant mode of human evolution・・・
Lactose tolerance is now well recognized as a case in which a cultural practice ? drinking raw milk ? has caused an evolutionary change in the human genome. ・・・
The style of stone tools called the Oldowan appeared 2.5 million years ago and stayed unchanged for more than a million years. The Acheulean stone tool kit that succeeded it lasted for 1.5 million years. But among behaviorally modern humans, those of the last 50,000 years, the tempo of cultural change has been far brisker. This raises the possibility that human evolution has been accelerating in the recent past under the impact of rapid shifts in culture. ・・・
・・・ the 1957 film Bridge on the River Kwei ・・・sanitises the depths to which the men sank on the building of the infamous railway bridge.
For years he went barefoot and naked except for a simple loin cloth. After another death march through the jungle, Alastair Urquhart was taken back to Singapore and, with 400 other men, loaded into the hold of a cargo ship.
There was standing room only. It was airless, fetid, the heat baking. Many died here too.
The ship did sink, torpedoed at sea by an US submarine.
He spent five days and night alone on a barge. By the time he was picked up by a Japanese whaling ship, he was dehydrated, hallucinating and close to death.
He ended up in a camp in mainland Japan. He was there when the war ended. But his prison camp was a few miles from the city of Nagasaki.
The blast of hot air from the bomb that fell on August 9th knocked him off his feet. Within days he was on his way home.
He arrived in Aberdeen in November. For years he'd dreamt of being re-united with his family. When, finally, he was, they scarcely recognised each other.
Those who returned came home to a country that did not understand what they had endured, and which, for the most part, did not want to know.
Like many of his generation, Alistair Urquhart didn't speak about his experience for 60 years. His wife died after 46 years of marriage without knowing any of it.
I am breaking my silence now, he writes in his book, to bear witness. I am a lucky man, but I am also an angry man, and my business with Japan is unfinished.
Germany has atoned. Young Germans know of their nation's dreadful crimes. But young Japanese are taught nothing of their nation's guilt.
・・・Hearing loss from exposure to loud noises is cumulative and irreversible・・・
・・・more than 15 minutes of exposure to 100 decibels is unsafe. The noise in a football stadium can reach 100 to 130 decibels.
And noise that is potentially dangerous to an adult is even more dangerous to a child・・・
Hearing loss, which accumulates slowly over a lifetime, is neither painful nor disfiguring, so it goes unnoticed.・・・
・・・In 1790, Hamilton set about establishing the financial credibility of the federal government. Central to his proposals was that the government would assume the debts of the states. This precipitated the “assumption” crisis because different states had different levels of debts and had proved more or less conscientious in paying them off.
James Madison complained that his home state of Virginia and some other Southern states that had paid their wartime debts would be unfairly treated if “having done their duty” they were obliged to “contribute to those states who have not equally done their duty.”
You can just hear those words being uttered today by a German burgher or Finnish techie faced by the financial woes of Portugal, Ireland, Greece and Spain ? a group that has acquired the acronym “PIGS.”・・・
“Assumption” was only approved when Hamilton trumped the ire of Madison and Jefferson by agreeing to locate the new federal capital (tentatively planned for New York) at a permanent site on the Potomac River. Through astute political horse-trading, the basis for the financial coherence of the United States was laid.
I don’t see any such clever deal that would make of Europe’s crisis an opportunity for a renewed push toward a United States of Europe. The integrative dream has faded. Europe, for the foreseeable future, will remain in the halfway house of monetary union, fiscal divergence and à la carte national politics.・・・
We are a long way here from Hamilton’s (unheeded) admonitions to his countrymen to avoid the perils of debt: The differences between America and Europe go beyond the political to their very nature.
・・・Toyota has in fact become an American company, but this is hardly a compliment. The company, once known for quality, shifted its focus to volume, just as the Americans had done.・・・
Toyota, it seemed, no longer wanted to be the best on the market -- its cars were often merely the cheapest. As was the case at Ford and GM in the past, unbridled growth was the company's new mantra. ・・・
アフガニスタンは、フランスのように、state building→nation building→democratization(私に言わせれば、自由主義化)のプロセスを経なければならないとし、まず、フランスのstate building(国家形成)に学べとの論考。↓
・・・It was primarily during the reigns of Louis XIII (1610-43) and, especially, Louis XIV (1643-1715) that the monarchy expanded its armed forces, legal authority, and bureaucracy and took control of the country.
This process was remarkably conflictual. Its first several decades were marked by peasant revolts, religious wars, and the obstinate resistance of provincial authorities, which culminated in the series of conflicts known as the Fronde (1648-53) and threatened to plunge the country into complete chaos. Louis XIV eventually defeated the recalcitrant nobles and local leaders on the battlefield, but the costs of victory were so high that he decided to complete the process of centralizing power by co-opting his remaining rivals rather than crushing them.
During the second half of the seventeenth century, accordingly, he and his ministers focused on buying off and winning over key individuals and social groups that might otherwise obstruct their state-building efforts. ・・・
Louis XIV and his ministers also adopted what would now be called targeted tax breaks.・・・
・・・the two Louis and their ministers essentially bribed their way to power.・・・
言うまでもなく、後者はベートーベンがこの曲を作曲した当時のピアノであり、ベートーベンは、右ペダル(サスティーンペダル=sustain pedal)を押しっぱなしで演奏せよと書いたところ、その指示に忠実に演奏している。これは聴いたらいかが。
最後の二つがドビュッシーで、「花火(Feux d'artifices)」を、現在のピアノと作曲した当時の1877年のピアノ(Erard)とで弾き比べている。
太田述正ブログは移転しました 。