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昨日私は「中国の戦争宣伝の内幕 日中戦争の真実」(フレデリック・ヴィンセント・ウイリアムズ著、田中秀雄訳)を注文しました。
ユーチューブでチャンネル桜さんが翻訳した田中氏を招いて、南京事件を含めて、タウンゼントの「暗黒大陸 中国の実像」とこの本は日中戦争の真実を理解する上で欠かせない当時の良心的なアメリカ人の赤裸々な中国に関する報告書であるとして、中国国民党の宣伝工作について論じておられました。
・・・In November 1940, on learning of Franklin Roosevelt's defeat of Wendell Willkie, Winston Churchill composed one of his many flattering and importuning telegrams to the president in Washington. He had, he told FDR, prayed for the president's re-election. "Things are afoot which will be remembered as long as the English language is spoken in any quarter of the globe," Churchill wrote, "and in expressing the comfort I feel that the people of the United States have once again cast these great burdens upon you, I must avow my sure faith that the lights by which we steer will bring us all safely to anchor." It was a brilliant and lovely note?and Roosevelt never replied, an omission that bothered Churchill for years.・・・
・・・ Greenstock・・・, the British ambassador to the United Nations from 1998 to 2003, ・・・pointed out one problem with trying to enforce economic sanctions, using as an example Iraq's smuggling out of oil to nearby countries. Asked why Syria was not questioned about Iraqi oil going through its borders, Greenstock said, "The point about smuggling was that it was proceeding, not just through Syria but through Turkey and Jordan as well."
He added that a crackdown on Syria would require going after the other two countries, and both talked "mostly in private, but sometimes in public, about the economic cost of stopping the smuggling channels and wanted compensation for that."
In what many see as a major setback to Europe's effort to integrate its booming Muslim population ? and a potential boost to right-wing parties throughout the continent ? Swiss voters Sunday approved a move to ban the construction of new minarets in the country.
The Swiss government had urged voters to reject the ban, saying that it would violate religious freedom and human rights and intensify Islamic radicalism. But in Sunday's referendum, which was organized by a right-wing political party, more than 57 percent of Swiss residents ? a majority in 22 out of the country's 26's cantons ? approved the proposal. ・・・
・・・Mutaa is a form of "temporary marriage" only acceptable within Shiite communities, one that allows couples to have religiously sanctioned sex for a limited period of time, without any commitments, and without the obligatory involvement of religious figures. In conservative Muslim societies known for their strict sense of propriety, mutaa offers an escape clause. The contract is very simple. The woman says: "I marry myself to you for [a specific period of time] and for [a specified dowry]" and the man says: "I accept." The period can range between one hour and a year, and is subject to renewal. A Muslim woman can only marry a Muslim man, but a Muslim man can temporarily marry a Muslim, Christian, or Jewish woman, as long as she is a divorcée or a widow. However, those interviewed for this article confirmed that Hezbollah-the "Party of God"-has allowed the practice to spread to virgins or girls who have never married before, as long as the permission of her guardian (father or paternal grandfather) is obtained.
Temporary marriage has long been practiced by Shiites around the world. However, it has recently become more commonplace in Lebanon, notably within Hezbollah strongholds in Beirut's southern suburbs and in southern Lebanon after the 2006 war with Israel,・・・
According to Shiite writer and activist Lokman Slim, Hezbollah party members are not allowed to practice temporary marriage for security reasons, unless assigned by the party to do so. "We should make a clear distinction between Hezbollah as an organization and Hezbollah as it runs the community's culture and social affairs," Slim said.・・・
・・・ the brain systems providing for impulse control are still maturing during adolescence. ・・・
・・・there is a kind of normative decline in sensation-seeking after middle adolescence. A lot of adolescent crime is driven by thrill-seeking.・・・
・・・for adolescents, just having friends nearby doubles the number of risks they take. We’ve found that a certain part of the brain is activated by the presence of peers in adolescents, but not in adults. ・・・
・・・adolescents are more likely than adults to give false confessions.・・・
・・・When infants 18 months old see an unrelated adult whose hands are full and who needs assistance opening a door or picking up a dropped clothespin, they will immediately help・・・
The helping behavior seems to be innate because it appears so early and before many parents start teaching children the rules of polite behavior.・・・
・・・the helping is not enhanced by rewards, suggesting that it is not influenced by training. It seems to occur across cultures that have different timetables for teaching social rules. And helping behavior can even be seen in infant chimpanzees under the right experimental conditions.・・・
As children grow older, they become more selective in their helpfulness. Starting around age 3, they will share more generously with a child who was previously nice to them. Another behavior that emerges at the same age is a sense of social norms.・・・
Shared intentionality, ・・・is close to the essence of what distinguishes people from chimpanzees. A group of human children will use all kinds of words and gestures to form goals and coordinate activities, but young chimps seem to have little interest in what may be their companions’ minds. ・・・
The shared intentionality lies at the basis of human society・・・. From it flow ideas of norms, of punishing those who violate the norms and of shame and guilt for punishing oneself. Shared intentionality evolved very early in the human lineage, he believes, and its probable purpose was for cooperation in gathering food. ・・・
An interesting bodily reflection of humans’ shared intentionality is the sclera(強膜), or whites(白眼), of the eyes. All 200 or so species of primates have dark eyes and a barely visible sclera. All, that is, except humans, whose sclera is three times as large, a feature that makes it much easier to follow the direction of someone else’s gaze. ・・・
The division of labor between men and women ? men gather 68 percent of the calories in foraging(食べ物を漁る) societies ? requires cooperation between the sexes. Young people in these societies consume more than they produce until age 20, which in turn requires cooperation between the generations. ・・・
Experiments have shown that people will reject unfair distributions of money even it means they receive nothing. ・・・
“Warfare is ultimately not a denial of the human capacity for cooperation, but merely the most destructive expression of it.”
The roots of human cooperation may lie in human aggression. We are selfish by nature, yet also follow rules requiring us to be nice to others.
“That’s why we have moral dilemmas,” Dr. Tomasello said, “because we are both selfish and altruistic at the same time.”
・・・patients with chronic pain fared better when they counseled other pain patients, experiencing less depression, intense pain and disability. ・・・
・・・elderly people who volunteered for more than four hours a week were 44 percent less likely to die during the study period.
How giving can lead to mental and physical changes in health isn’t entirely clear, although studies suggest that altruism may be an antidote to stress. ・・・those with strong altruistic characteristics had lower levels of stress hormones.
By contrast, being self-centered may be damaging to health. ・・・people in the study who had more “self-references” (those who talked about themselves at length or used more first-person pronouns) had more severe heart disease and did worse on treadmill tests. ・・・
Analyzing two separate surveys of a total of 3,200 women who regularly volunteered, the article described a physical response from volunteering, similar to the results of vigorous exercise or meditation. The strongest effect was seen when the act of altruism involved direct contact with other people.・・・
・・・In a reversal of the rivalry in the United States, Yahoo Japan dominates Japan’s Web search market with 56.5 percent of all queries, according to the Internet research company, GA-Pro. Google, at 33.7 percent, is a distant second.・・・
・・・although 35 percent of Yahoo Japan is owned by Yahoo in Sunnyvale, Calif., it is viewed as a local company. ・・・
昨日私は「中国の戦争宣伝の内幕 日中戦争の真実」(フレデリック・ヴィンセント・ウイリアムズ著、田中秀雄訳)を注文しました。
ユーチューブでチャンネル桜さんが翻訳した田中氏を招いて、南京事件を含めて、タウンゼントの「暗黒大陸 中国の実像」とこの本は日中戦争の真実を理解する上で欠かせない当時の良心的なアメリカ人の赤裸々な中国に関する報告書であるとして、中国国民党の宣伝工作について論じておられました。
・・・In November 1940, on learning of Franklin Roosevelt's defeat of Wendell Willkie, Winston Churchill composed one of his many flattering and importuning telegrams to the president in Washington. He had, he told FDR, prayed for the president's re-election. "Things are afoot which will be remembered as long as the English language is spoken in any quarter of the globe," Churchill wrote, "and in expressing the comfort I feel that the people of the United States have once again cast these great burdens upon you, I must avow my sure faith that the lights by which we steer will bring us all safely to anchor." It was a brilliant and lovely note?and Roosevelt never replied, an omission that bothered Churchill for years.・・・
・・・ Greenstock・・・, the British ambassador to the United Nations from 1998 to 2003, ・・・pointed out one problem with trying to enforce economic sanctions, using as an example Iraq's smuggling out of oil to nearby countries. Asked why Syria was not questioned about Iraqi oil going through its borders, Greenstock said, "The point about smuggling was that it was proceeding, not just through Syria but through Turkey and Jordan as well."
He added that a crackdown on Syria would require going after the other two countries, and both talked "mostly in private, but sometimes in public, about the economic cost of stopping the smuggling channels and wanted compensation for that."
In what many see as a major setback to Europe's effort to integrate its booming Muslim population ? and a potential boost to right-wing parties throughout the continent ? Swiss voters Sunday approved a move to ban the construction of new minarets in the country.
The Swiss government had urged voters to reject the ban, saying that it would violate religious freedom and human rights and intensify Islamic radicalism. But in Sunday's referendum, which was organized by a right-wing political party, more than 57 percent of Swiss residents ? a majority in 22 out of the country's 26's cantons ? approved the proposal. ・・・
・・・Mutaa is a form of "temporary marriage" only acceptable within Shiite communities, one that allows couples to have religiously sanctioned sex for a limited period of time, without any commitments, and without the obligatory involvement of religious figures. In conservative Muslim societies known for their strict sense of propriety, mutaa offers an escape clause. The contract is very simple. The woman says: "I marry myself to you for [a specific period of time] and for [a specified dowry]" and the man says: "I accept." The period can range between one hour and a year, and is subject to renewal. A Muslim woman can only marry a Muslim man, but a Muslim man can temporarily marry a Muslim, Christian, or Jewish woman, as long as she is a divorcée or a widow. However, those interviewed for this article confirmed that Hezbollah-the "Party of God"-has allowed the practice to spread to virgins or girls who have never married before, as long as the permission of her guardian (father or paternal grandfather) is obtained.
Temporary marriage has long been practiced by Shiites around the world. However, it has recently become more commonplace in Lebanon, notably within Hezbollah strongholds in Beirut's southern suburbs and in southern Lebanon after the 2006 war with Israel,・・・
According to Shiite writer and activist Lokman Slim, Hezbollah party members are not allowed to practice temporary marriage for security reasons, unless assigned by the party to do so. "We should make a clear distinction between Hezbollah as an organization and Hezbollah as it runs the community's culture and social affairs," Slim said.・・・
・・・ the brain systems providing for impulse control are still maturing during adolescence. ・・・
・・・there is a kind of normative decline in sensation-seeking after middle adolescence. A lot of adolescent crime is driven by thrill-seeking.・・・
・・・for adolescents, just having friends nearby doubles the number of risks they take. We’ve found that a certain part of the brain is activated by the presence of peers in adolescents, but not in adults. ・・・
・・・adolescents are more likely than adults to give false confessions.・・・
・・・When infants 18 months old see an unrelated adult whose hands are full and who needs assistance opening a door or picking up a dropped clothespin, they will immediately help・・・
The helping behavior seems to be innate because it appears so early and before many parents start teaching children the rules of polite behavior.・・・
・・・the helping is not enhanced by rewards, suggesting that it is not influenced by training. It seems to occur across cultures that have different timetables for teaching social rules. And helping behavior can even be seen in infant chimpanzees under the right experimental conditions.・・・
As children grow older, they become more selective in their helpfulness. Starting around age 3, they will share more generously with a child who was previously nice to them. Another behavior that emerges at the same age is a sense of social norms.・・・
Shared intentionality, ・・・is close to the essence of what distinguishes people from chimpanzees. A group of human children will use all kinds of words and gestures to form goals and coordinate activities, but young chimps seem to have little interest in what may be their companions’ minds. ・・・
The shared intentionality lies at the basis of human society・・・. From it flow ideas of norms, of punishing those who violate the norms and of shame and guilt for punishing oneself. Shared intentionality evolved very early in the human lineage, he believes, and its probable purpose was for cooperation in gathering food. ・・・
An interesting bodily reflection of humans’ shared intentionality is the sclera(強膜), or whites(白眼), of the eyes. All 200 or so species of primates have dark eyes and a barely visible sclera. All, that is, except humans, whose sclera is three times as large, a feature that makes it much easier to follow the direction of someone else’s gaze. ・・・
The division of labor between men and women ? men gather 68 percent of the calories in foraging(食べ物を漁る) societies ? requires cooperation between the sexes. Young people in these societies consume more than they produce until age 20, which in turn requires cooperation between the generations. ・・・
Experiments have shown that people will reject unfair distributions of money even it means they receive nothing. ・・・
“Warfare is ultimately not a denial of the human capacity for cooperation, but merely the most destructive expression of it.”
The roots of human cooperation may lie in human aggression. We are selfish by nature, yet also follow rules requiring us to be nice to others.
“That’s why we have moral dilemmas,” Dr. Tomasello said, “because we are both selfish and altruistic at the same time.”
・・・patients with chronic pain fared better when they counseled other pain patients, experiencing less depression, intense pain and disability. ・・・
・・・elderly people who volunteered for more than four hours a week were 44 percent less likely to die during the study period.
How giving can lead to mental and physical changes in health isn’t entirely clear, although studies suggest that altruism may be an antidote to stress. ・・・those with strong altruistic characteristics had lower levels of stress hormones.
By contrast, being self-centered may be damaging to health. ・・・people in the study who had more “self-references” (those who talked about themselves at length or used more first-person pronouns) had more severe heart disease and did worse on treadmill tests. ・・・
Analyzing two separate surveys of a total of 3,200 women who regularly volunteered, the article described a physical response from volunteering, similar to the results of vigorous exercise or meditation. The strongest effect was seen when the act of altruism involved direct contact with other people.・・・
・・・In a reversal of the rivalry in the United States, Yahoo Japan dominates Japan’s Web search market with 56.5 percent of all queries, according to the Internet research company, GA-Pro. Google, at 33.7 percent, is a distant second.・・・
・・・although 35 percent of Yahoo Japan is owned by Yahoo in Sunnyvale, Calif., it is viewed as a local company. ・・・
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