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 <アメリカ映画の大プロデューサーたるユダヤ人と言えば、>なぜスティーブン・スピルバーグを挙げない? <(コラム#3663参照)>








一 在ドイツ英陸軍の撤退<(コラム#3661)>については、保守党から出た話とは言っても、現在の英国では与野党間で安全保障問題については基本的に違いがないのであり、経費削減の見地からも、かねてから労働党政権内部でも検討されてきたことだ。
二 アフガニスタン政府の腐敗は甚だしい。日本は夥しい額の対アフガニスタン援助を行ってきたが、腐敗問題にもっと目を向け、援助が有効に使われているかどうかに関心を持って欲しい。
三 オバマ政権への期待が世界中から集まっているが、米国内の抵抗勢力と戦いつつオバマがやりたいことを実行に移して行くのは容易なことではない。ペイリン前アラスカ州知事のような人物が根強い人気を誇っていることを見るにつけても、前途多難だと思う。


 My view on contemporary history of the Japanese American relationship in a nutshell goes like this.


You may well have been shocked by such a 'crude' statement.
However, it is almost a patchwork of the references , such as the following, mainly written by the American intellectuals.

Only those published comparatively recently have been selected, (except※,) for your convenience.

1 What is America

Bruce Feiler 'AMERICA'S PROPHET Moses and the American Story'

2 American racial imperialism

Jackson Lears 'Rebirth of a Nation: The Making of Modern America, 1877-1920'
James Bradley 'THE IMPERIAL CRUISE A Secret History of Empire and War'

3 Japanese political system up to the end of WWII

※Gordon M. Berger, Parties out of Power in Japan 1931-1941

4 The essence of WWII(especially the Pacific War)

Nicholson Baker 'Human Smoke--The Beginnings of World War II, the End of Civilization'

5 Annihilation of Hiroshima and Nagasaki

Daniel Jonah Goldhagen 'WORSE THAN WAR Genocide, Eliminationism, and the Ongoing Assault on Humanity'
Tsuyoshi Hasegawa 'Racing The Enemy: Stalin, Truman, & the Surrender of Japan'







 Official Defense Ministry documents leaked to a British newspaper have revealed a climate of stark animosity among senior British officers toward American military commanders after the 2003 invasion of Iraq,・・・<which> revealed that British officers’ refusal to carry out American orders resulted in a formal State Department rebuke in 2004 to Britain’s ambassador in Washington, Sir David Manning.
The newspaper quoted the British commander in southern Iraq at the time, Maj. Gen. Andrew Stewart, as saying he spent “a significant amount of my time ‘consenting and evading’ U.S. orders” to take military action against a powerful Shiite militia in the south, and engaging in negotiation instead.
 Col. J. K. Tanner, chief of staff to General Stewart until June 2004 in the British divisional headquarters in the southern city of Basra, was quoted in the transcripts as saying that British commanders found that the Americans then in overall command in Baghdad, led by Lt. Gen. Ricardo S. Sanchez, were resistant to dialogue and negotiation over military strategy and other issues, to the point of “arrogance” and an insensitivity the colonel compared to “dealing with a group of Martians.”
 “The whole system was appalling,” Colonel Tanner said. “We experienced real difficulty in dealing with the American military and civilian organizations who, partly through arrogance and partly through bureaucracy, dictate that there is only one way: the American way.”
 He added, “Despite our so-called ‘special relationship,’ I reckon that we were treated no differently to the Portuguese.”・・・
 the strains in Iraq reached a peak in April 2004 when General Sanchez, the American commander, ordered the arrest in Baghdad of a powerful follower of the Shiite leader Moktada al-Sadr.
 Mr. Sadr responded by staging an uprising against American troops in Baghdad and Najaf, a Shiite holy city 100 miles south of the capital, that led to one of the most violent chapters in the war.
 In the south, the documents show, American commanders ordered the British to launch “offensive operations” against the Sadr militia, but British commanders responded instead by negotiating with local Shiite leaders.
 This led to a showdown in Basra between General Sanchez and British commanders, who argued that Britain’s colonial experience had taught that occupying powers had to govern restive populations “as they found them,” not to try to eliminate popular leaders like Mr. Sadr.
 The confrontation between the two nations’ militaries was etched out starkly in the Telegraph documents. Brig. Bruce Brealey, Britain’s chief of operations support in Basra in the second half of 2003, was quoted as telling debriefers that when American orders reached the British, “we noted the intent but tended to ignore the detail.” He added, “We would follow the ‘what,’ and often ignore the ‘how.’ ” General Stewart, in a similar vein, said that when he evaded American orders to take military action, it was because he believed that using negotiation could “achieve the same result using different means.”・・・
 The recriminations eased only after 2007, when American commanders under Gen. David H. Petraeus adopted new counterinsurgency tactics that British officers saw as drawing partly on lessons Britain had learned in earlier conflicts, leading British officers to say that the Americans had finally grasped lessons missed at the outset of the war.



 ・・・He was sworn to uphold the Constitution of the United States, as were the Union soldiers who fought at Gettysburg; but Lincoln did not speak of the Constitution on that November afternoon. Instead, he jumped back "four score and seven years" to 1776, when this "new nation [was] conceived in Liberty and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal." ・・・
 Lincoln was arguing, in effect, that the Declaration of Independence (with its notion of equality) and the Constitution (with its acceptance of slavery) were fundamentally incompatible. ・・・
 Lincoln lept boldly, and history judges him well. But such presidential assertiveness has not always ended well. For every Jefferson exceeding his authority to make the Louisiana Purchase (good), we have an FDR trying to pack the Supreme Court to better serve his own administration (bad). ・・・


 ・・・Nearly a century ago, early Zionists and Arab nationalists touted the blood relationship as the basis of a potential alliance in their respective struggles for independence. Israel’s first prime minister, David Ben-Gurion, and Yitzhak Ben Zvi, Israel’s longest-serving president, made this very argument in a book they wrote together in 1918. The next year, Emir Feisal, who organized the Arab revolt against the Ottoman empire and tried to create a united Arab nation, signed a cooperation agreement with the Zionist leader Chaim Weizmann that declared the two were “mindful of the racial kinship and ancient bonds existing between the Arabs and the Jewish people.”
Both sides later dropped the subject when they realized it was not furthering their political goals.
 (Though no final consensus has emerged on the ancestral link between Palestinians and Jews, Harry Ostrer, director of the Human Genetics Program at New York University Langone Medical Center, who has been studying the genetic organization of Jews, said, “The assumption of lineal descent seems reasonable.”)・・・


 ・・・Obama’s job approval rating is sinking ? now below 50 percent in the Gallup poll.・・・

 ルイ・・アームストロング(Louis Armstrong。1901〜71年)の新しい伝記の書評が出てました。↓

 Louis Armstrong, a k a Satchmo, a k a Pops, was to music what Picasso was to painting, what Joyce was to fiction・・・












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