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http://www.chosunonline.com/news/20090908000020 前掲
・・・As host of the Kyoto summit in 1997, Japan is keen to reposition itself at the forefront of the battle against climate change. Its emissions rose 2.3% in the year to March 2008, putting its 16% above its 2012 Kyoto target.・・・
・・・Yukio Hatoyama has announced・・・ pledging to cut his country's greenhouse gas emissions by 25% from 1990 levels by 2020.
This goes way beyond the 8% set by Taro Aso's outgoing Liberal Democratic Party government.・・・
The incoming Democratic Party government hasn't said what will happen if there isn't a global deal, but you can be fairly sure Japan won't hold to the 25% figure as a unilateral pledge.
The carrot is similar to the one being dangled by the EU; a deal will bring a bigger cut (in the EU's case: 30% with a global deal; 20% without).・・・
Tokyo, therefore, has laid down a gauntlet to Washington. We shall see whether Washington responds.
Mr Hatoyama stressed that Japan’s 25 per cent target would depend on “all other major nations” joining in a “fair and effective” framework for regulating emissions. “Reduction targets set by our country alone cannot stop climate change,” he said.・・・
The DPJ has given few details of which areas it would target for emissions cuts. Its manifesto includes an apparently contradictory promise to phase out highway tolls.
The party is also likely to face resistance if it tries to turn its target into practical policies, with the powerful economy ministry’s senior bureaucrat warning on Monday that such cuts would come at a heavy price. ・・・
Under the 1997 Kyoto Protocol, Japan committed to cut emissions at least 6 per cent from 1990 levels by 2012 -- but remains far from that goal. In 2005, emissions were actually 7.8 per cent higher than in 1990.
・・・Keidanren, Japan’s biggest business federation, has said it opposes any cut bigger than 6 percent from 1990 levels.
Others call Mr. Hatoyama’s targets naive and a threat to Japan’s competitiveness.
“I don’t think Mr. Hatoyama realizes what he is committing Japan to,” said Tsutomu Toichi, managing director at the Institute of Energy Economics, a Tokyo-based research group. “He has to realize that this is not a campaign slogan. It’s an international pledge to which Japan will be held accountable.”・・・
German lawmakers demanded explanations Monday for how and why their soldiers in Afghanistan, normally restricted to peacekeeping duties, triggered a NATO airstrike that killed approximately 100 people.・・・
U.S. and NATO officials have said the German decision to order the bombing was based on reports from a single Afghan informant and sketchy video surveillance, a possible violation of new NATO rules limiting the use of airstrikes. Gen. Stanley A. McChrystal, the top U.S. and NATO commander in Afghanistan, has also questioned why German commanders stayed away from the bombing site afterward instead of sending a team to determine whether civilians had been killed. ・・・
For years, many German officials have criticized the Pentagon for relying on air power to attack the Taliban without sufficient regard for civilian casualties. But after the bombing in Kunduz, some lawmakers found themselves in the strange position of praising U.S. generals for their restraint while accusing German commanders of recklessness. ・・・
Regardless of whether most of those killed in the bombing were civilians or Taliban fighters, there was genuine shock among many Germans that one of their military commanders could have been responsible for an attack that killed so many people.
About 4,200 German troops are stationed in Afghanistan, the third-largest foreign contingent, after the those of the United States and Britain. But the German troops are generally restricted from engaging in combat operations and concentrate instead on civilian reconstruction programs. ・・・
When U.S. warplanes bombed two stolen fuel trucks in northern Afghanistan early Friday, causing an explosion that incinerated civilians as well as insurgent fighters, the incident could easily have turned into a propaganda opportunity for the Taliban.
Instead, popular and official reaction to the lethal airstrike has been far more tolerant than after similar past incidents. There have been no angry demonstrations against Western occupiers, and no blistering condemnation by President Hamid Karzai or local authorities. So far, not even the families of the dead have come forward to protest.
This time, according to human rights activists and foreign diplomats, rising Afghan anger toward the Taliban in the once-tranquil north, a swift public apology by U.S. military officials and national preoccupation with a troubled presidential election have combined to deflect popular outrage over the bombing. ・・・
・・・officials in Kunduz, instead of expressing outrage against the foreign forces, blamed the insurgents for provoking the bombing and even suggested that the civilians who died were Taliban sympathizers. There is no confirmed total death toll, but estimates by U.S. and Afghan officials range from 70 to more than 100.
According to one privately circulated report by international observers here, some Kunduz officials said the villagers were all "relatives" of the insurgents and were "equally guilty" because they were looting fuel from the tankers when they died. The report said no families of the victims had lodged formal complaints, suggesting possible complicity.
Other accounts painted a murkier, more complex picture of both the incident and the political environment in which it took place. Nadery, whose group sent investigators to the scene, said a group of about 20 Taliban fighters had roused the villagers late at night, using a combination of "threats and persuasion" to enlist their help in moving the trucks, while allowing them to siphon off the fuel. The bombs fell at 2:30 a.m. as villagers swarmed around the tankers. ・・・
http://www.chosunonline.com/news/20090908000020 前掲
・・・As host of the Kyoto summit in 1997, Japan is keen to reposition itself at the forefront of the battle against climate change. Its emissions rose 2.3% in the year to March 2008, putting its 16% above its 2012 Kyoto target.・・・
・・・Yukio Hatoyama has announced・・・ pledging to cut his country's greenhouse gas emissions by 25% from 1990 levels by 2020.
This goes way beyond the 8% set by Taro Aso's outgoing Liberal Democratic Party government.・・・
The incoming Democratic Party government hasn't said what will happen if there isn't a global deal, but you can be fairly sure Japan won't hold to the 25% figure as a unilateral pledge.
The carrot is similar to the one being dangled by the EU; a deal will bring a bigger cut (in the EU's case: 30% with a global deal; 20% without).・・・
Tokyo, therefore, has laid down a gauntlet to Washington. We shall see whether Washington responds.
Mr Hatoyama stressed that Japan’s 25 per cent target would depend on “all other major nations” joining in a “fair and effective” framework for regulating emissions. “Reduction targets set by our country alone cannot stop climate change,” he said.・・・
The DPJ has given few details of which areas it would target for emissions cuts. Its manifesto includes an apparently contradictory promise to phase out highway tolls.
The party is also likely to face resistance if it tries to turn its target into practical policies, with the powerful economy ministry’s senior bureaucrat warning on Monday that such cuts would come at a heavy price. ・・・
Under the 1997 Kyoto Protocol, Japan committed to cut emissions at least 6 per cent from 1990 levels by 2012 -- but remains far from that goal. In 2005, emissions were actually 7.8 per cent higher than in 1990.
・・・Keidanren, Japan’s biggest business federation, has said it opposes any cut bigger than 6 percent from 1990 levels.
Others call Mr. Hatoyama’s targets naive and a threat to Japan’s competitiveness.
“I don’t think Mr. Hatoyama realizes what he is committing Japan to,” said Tsutomu Toichi, managing director at the Institute of Energy Economics, a Tokyo-based research group. “He has to realize that this is not a campaign slogan. It’s an international pledge to which Japan will be held accountable.”・・・
German lawmakers demanded explanations Monday for how and why their soldiers in Afghanistan, normally restricted to peacekeeping duties, triggered a NATO airstrike that killed approximately 100 people.・・・
U.S. and NATO officials have said the German decision to order the bombing was based on reports from a single Afghan informant and sketchy video surveillance, a possible violation of new NATO rules limiting the use of airstrikes. Gen. Stanley A. McChrystal, the top U.S. and NATO commander in Afghanistan, has also questioned why German commanders stayed away from the bombing site afterward instead of sending a team to determine whether civilians had been killed. ・・・
For years, many German officials have criticized the Pentagon for relying on air power to attack the Taliban without sufficient regard for civilian casualties. But after the bombing in Kunduz, some lawmakers found themselves in the strange position of praising U.S. generals for their restraint while accusing German commanders of recklessness. ・・・
Regardless of whether most of those killed in the bombing were civilians or Taliban fighters, there was genuine shock among many Germans that one of their military commanders could have been responsible for an attack that killed so many people.
About 4,200 German troops are stationed in Afghanistan, the third-largest foreign contingent, after the those of the United States and Britain. But the German troops are generally restricted from engaging in combat operations and concentrate instead on civilian reconstruction programs. ・・・
When U.S. warplanes bombed two stolen fuel trucks in northern Afghanistan early Friday, causing an explosion that incinerated civilians as well as insurgent fighters, the incident could easily have turned into a propaganda opportunity for the Taliban.
Instead, popular and official reaction to the lethal airstrike has been far more tolerant than after similar past incidents. There have been no angry demonstrations against Western occupiers, and no blistering condemnation by President Hamid Karzai or local authorities. So far, not even the families of the dead have come forward to protest.
This time, according to human rights activists and foreign diplomats, rising Afghan anger toward the Taliban in the once-tranquil north, a swift public apology by U.S. military officials and national preoccupation with a troubled presidential election have combined to deflect popular outrage over the bombing. ・・・
・・・officials in Kunduz, instead of expressing outrage against the foreign forces, blamed the insurgents for provoking the bombing and even suggested that the civilians who died were Taliban sympathizers. There is no confirmed total death toll, but estimates by U.S. and Afghan officials range from 70 to more than 100.
According to one privately circulated report by international observers here, some Kunduz officials said the villagers were all "relatives" of the insurgents and were "equally guilty" because they were looting fuel from the tankers when they died. The report said no families of the victims had lodged formal complaints, suggesting possible complicity.
Other accounts painted a murkier, more complex picture of both the incident and the political environment in which it took place. Nadery, whose group sent investigators to the scene, said a group of about 20 Taliban fighters had roused the villagers late at night, using a combination of "threats and persuasion" to enlist their help in moving the trucks, while allowing them to siphon off the fuel. The bombs fell at 2:30 a.m. as villagers swarmed around the tankers. ・・・
太田述正ブログは移転しました 。