太田述正ブログは移転しました 。
・・・Folks in these communities have Black friends and co-workers. They vote for Obama. They have all of Michael Jackson's and Miles Davis's recordings. But when they see a Black man at their door or their neighbor's door and he is not wearing a postal, FedEx or UPS uniform, they see thief, burglar or worse. And, they have no regret or remorse for that visceral reaction.・・・
・・・timing was also a probable factor in this brouhaha. The entire week before Gates's arrest was consumed with reports of the congressional hearings for Obama's Supreme Court nominee, Judge Sonia Sotomayor. She would be the first Hispanic and only the third woman sitting in our highest court. Hence, racial resentment had already been simmering on the shock-jock media burners. ・・・
・・・the nation's latest unemployment numbers show. African Americans have close to double the joblessness of whites, while the unemployment rate among Latinos is a third higher than that of whites. In a nation that is rapidly becoming more racially diverse, these are destabilizing disparities in power and class. In the professional world, blacks and Hispanics make up a mere 4 percent to 6 percent of the nation's lawyers, doctors and engineers. ・・・
・・・most of those incarcerated(受刑者達) are black and Hispanic men. (They constitute approximately two-thirds of those being held in state prisons and municipal jails.) ・・・
・・・Truman -- a biblical literalist and a Christian Zionist -- had long been a fierce believer in Jewish statehood for reasons both religious and moral. The Old Testament(旧約聖書) said that Jews belonged in Israel. And Truman was appalled by the Holocaust (which gave him nightmares), as well as by the scandalously poor treatment of postwar Jewish refugees in European displaced-persons camps. And so this “simple man” waged a long and often bitter diplomatic campaign to help ensure that the Jews got a country of their own. ・・・
・・・He describes the first Zionists(シオニスト達) to settle 19th-century Palestine as “hippies,” so drunk on Tolstoy that they craved the peasant toil denied them in Russia, where Jews couldn’t own land. “They built their ideology around a few paragraphs from ‘Anna Karenina.’ ” Of 300 Russian Jews who signed on for the first voyage to Palestine, only 15 made it. “The rest got distracted. Met a girl -- gone. Were moved by a line of poetry -- gone.”
In Cohen’s hands, even the stone-faced leaders who carried Israel into statehood can seem vulnerable. On the eve of the Six-Day War in 1967, Yitzhak Rabin suffered a nervous collapse, was given a pill and was put to bed. The Yom Kippur War in 1973 so panicked Moshe Dayan that he flipped out in “the Pit,” a military bunker beneath Tel Aviv. Golda Meir also broke down during the 1973 conflict ? “Her eyes were weepy and wild, and she spoke of suicide.”・・・
・・・For decades, the French have relished any opportunity to mock Americans for their supposed childish Yankee puritainisme when it comes to matters of sex. These days, though, France is experiencing its own blush of youthful prudishness(性的潔癖さ) as an entire generation of younger French women say "non, merci" to the summer tradition of topless sun bathing.・・・
・・・Nisan(にいさん) is part of a thriving subculture of men and women in Japan who indulge in real relationships with imaginary characters. These 2-D lovers, as they are called, are a subset of otaku culture-- the obsessive fandom that has surrounded anime, manga and video games in Japan in the last decade.・・・
According to many who study the phenomenon, the rise of 2-D love can be attributed in part to the difficulty many young Japanese have in navigating modern romantic life. According to a government survey, more than a quarter of men and women between the ages of 30 and 34 are virgins; 50 percent of men and women in Japan do not have friends of the opposite sex. ・・・
・・・Folks in these communities have Black friends and co-workers. They vote for Obama. They have all of Michael Jackson's and Miles Davis's recordings. But when they see a Black man at their door or their neighbor's door and he is not wearing a postal, FedEx or UPS uniform, they see thief, burglar or worse. And, they have no regret or remorse for that visceral reaction.・・・
・・・timing was also a probable factor in this brouhaha. The entire week before Gates's arrest was consumed with reports of the congressional hearings for Obama's Supreme Court nominee, Judge Sonia Sotomayor. She would be the first Hispanic and only the third woman sitting in our highest court. Hence, racial resentment had already been simmering on the shock-jock media burners. ・・・
・・・the nation's latest unemployment numbers show. African Americans have close to double the joblessness of whites, while the unemployment rate among Latinos is a third higher than that of whites. In a nation that is rapidly becoming more racially diverse, these are destabilizing disparities in power and class. In the professional world, blacks and Hispanics make up a mere 4 percent to 6 percent of the nation's lawyers, doctors and engineers. ・・・
・・・most of those incarcerated(受刑者達) are black and Hispanic men. (They constitute approximately two-thirds of those being held in state prisons and municipal jails.) ・・・
・・・Truman -- a biblical literalist and a Christian Zionist -- had long been a fierce believer in Jewish statehood for reasons both religious and moral. The Old Testament(旧約聖書) said that Jews belonged in Israel. And Truman was appalled by the Holocaust (which gave him nightmares), as well as by the scandalously poor treatment of postwar Jewish refugees in European displaced-persons camps. And so this “simple man” waged a long and often bitter diplomatic campaign to help ensure that the Jews got a country of their own. ・・・
・・・He describes the first Zionists(シオニスト達) to settle 19th-century Palestine as “hippies,” so drunk on Tolstoy that they craved the peasant toil denied them in Russia, where Jews couldn’t own land. “They built their ideology around a few paragraphs from ‘Anna Karenina.’ ” Of 300 Russian Jews who signed on for the first voyage to Palestine, only 15 made it. “The rest got distracted. Met a girl -- gone. Were moved by a line of poetry -- gone.”
In Cohen’s hands, even the stone-faced leaders who carried Israel into statehood can seem vulnerable. On the eve of the Six-Day War in 1967, Yitzhak Rabin suffered a nervous collapse, was given a pill and was put to bed. The Yom Kippur War in 1973 so panicked Moshe Dayan that he flipped out in “the Pit,” a military bunker beneath Tel Aviv. Golda Meir also broke down during the 1973 conflict ? “Her eyes were weepy and wild, and she spoke of suicide.”・・・
・・・For decades, the French have relished any opportunity to mock Americans for their supposed childish Yankee puritainisme when it comes to matters of sex. These days, though, France is experiencing its own blush of youthful prudishness(性的潔癖さ) as an entire generation of younger French women say "non, merci" to the summer tradition of topless sun bathing.・・・
・・・Nisan(にいさん) is part of a thriving subculture of men and women in Japan who indulge in real relationships with imaginary characters. These 2-D lovers, as they are called, are a subset of otaku culture-- the obsessive fandom that has surrounded anime, manga and video games in Japan in the last decade.・・・
According to many who study the phenomenon, the rise of 2-D love can be attributed in part to the difficulty many young Japanese have in navigating modern romantic life. According to a government survey, more than a quarter of men and women between the ages of 30 and 34 are virgins; 50 percent of men and women in Japan do not have friends of the opposite sex. ・・・
太田述正ブログは移転しました 。