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MSさん・・・編集メンバー に追加させて頂きます。
・・・Poles cracked Nazi Enigma secret・・・
They had graduated from a University of Poznan cryptology course, set up by Polish officer・・・, who had been trained by the Germans before Poland became independent in 1918.・・・
The Poles were already deciphering Enigma messages in 1933, ・・・whereas the British did not seriously turn their attention to Enigma until the Spanish Civil War in 1936・・・
One of the lessons the British learned from the Polish experience was the importance of engaging the country's best mathematicians in the code-breaking project. ・・・
Turing created the "Bombe" ・・・ - a more sophisticated decoding machine than an earlier Polish machine called the "Bomba". ・・・
<Turing and the others'> work is reckoned to have shortened the war by as much as two years. ・・・
For decades after the war the contributions of Rejewski and other Polish cipher experts to the Allied victory over Nazi Germany went unrecognised. ・・・
・・・Denmark is the happiest nation in the world. More than two-thirds of Danes report being “very satisfied with their lives,” according to the Eurobarometer Survey, a figure that has held steady for more than 30 years. True, Danes tend to be healthy, married and active -- all contributing factors to happiness. But ・・・<t>he answer is <that> Danes have low expectations・・・
They live their lives as the Buddha advised: in the present tense, not grasping at some future happiness jackpot.・・・
・・・we grow happier as we grow older. Why? ・・・<because o> lder people tend to have lower aspirations or, to put it in a more positive way, greater acceptance. ・・・
・・・women are less happy today than they were in the 1970s, despite the great strides they’ve made in the workplace. Again,・・・“the women’s movement raised women’s expectations faster than society was able to meet them.”・・・
・・・The referendum call from Mohammad Khatami appeared to be part of an opposition strategy to keep Khamenei and allied hardliners on the defensive over last month's disputed elections.
It coincided with a demand from Mir Hossein Mousavi, the leading opposition candidate in those elections, for the release of opposition supporters detained for protesting against the official results, which gave a landslide victory to President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.
Another former president, Hashemi Rafsanjani, gave a speech at Friday prayers in which he said the Islamic Republic was in crisis and the government had lost the trust of millions of Iranians.・・・
・・・the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps -- has emerged as a driving force behind efforts to crush a still-defiant opposition movement・・・
“It is not a theocracy anymore,” said Rasool Nafisi, an expert in Iranian affairs and a co-author of an exhaustive study of the corps for the RAND Corporation. “It is a regular military security government with a facade of a Shiite clerical system.”・・・
Mr. Ahmadinejad is a former member, as are the speaker of Parliament, Ali Larijani, and the mayor of Tehran, Mohammad Baqer Qalibaf. And the influence of the Revolutionary Guards reaches deep into the education system, where it indoctrinates students in loyalty to the state, and into the state-controlled media, where it guides television and radio programming. ・・・
Shortly after the Iran-Iraq war, Mr. Rafsanjani, then the president, encouraged the corps to use its engineers to bolster its own budget and to help rebuild the country. Since then, a Revolutionary Guards company, Khatam al-Anbia, has become one of Iran’s largest contractors in industrial and development projects,・・・. Its contracts with the government, including projects like the construction of a Tehran subway line, hydroelectric dams, ports and railway systems, are carried out by the company’s subsidiaries or are parceled out to private companies.
What is less quantifiable is the corps’s black-market smuggling activity, which has helped feed the nation’s appetite for products banned by sanctions, while also enriching the corps. ・・・one member of Iran’s Parliament ・・・estimated that the Revolutionary Guards might do as much as $12 billion in black-market business annually.・・・
・・・left-leaning news magazine, L'Espresso, posted "pillow talk" recordings that an escort(高級売春婦) <named D'Addario> said she made during a night・・・of 4 November last year・・・with the septuagenarian(70歳代の) Italian leader・・・Silvio Berlusconi・・・
According to D'Addario, Berlusconi was entertaining her in the bedroom of his magnificent Rome residence, Palazzo Grazioli. In one fragment of conversation, Berlusconi appears to direct D'Addario to wait for him in bed while he showers. In another conversation, recorded the next day, she protests to ・・・the businessman who allegedly set her up with the Italian prime minister, that she had not received the 5,000ユーロ (4,300ポンド) she was expecting.
In a third snippet(<テープの>断片)>, it is claimed she confides to the same intermediary(仲介者) that Berlusconi asked her whether next time they met she would agree to a menage-a-trois(三人プレイ) with another of his girlfriends.・・・
D'Addario, who stood as a candidate in local elections this year for a group close to the prime minister's party・・・
The tapes also include ammunition(援護射撃) for Berlusconi's supporters, however. He has said that he has never paid for sex, and insisted that he was unaware the women who attended his parties were being rewarded.・・・
There is another respect in which the recordings could help Berlusconi. They imply that the 72 year-old billionaire politician, who has had prostate cancer(前立腺癌), nevertheless has remarkable sexual endurance. It remains to be seen if that will inspire more admiration than censure among ordinary Italians.・・・
・・・China’s outbound foreign direct investment has increased steadily this decade, and the outflow of $52 billion last year was a record. Still, the historical stock of the outbound direct investment of $170 billion is puny next to China’s foreign exchange reserves and its inward foreign investment stock of $876 billion. ・・・
“Made in China” will increasingly give way to “Made by China -- abroad,”・・・
<However,> the detention by China of Stern Hu, an Australian and Rio’s chief negotiator in fractious iron ore pricing talks<(コラム#3401(未公開))>, may dim China’s ambitions to expand abroad. ・・・
MSさん・・・編集メンバー に追加させて頂きます。
・・・Poles cracked Nazi Enigma secret・・・
They had graduated from a University of Poznan cryptology course, set up by Polish officer・・・, who had been trained by the Germans before Poland became independent in 1918.・・・
The Poles were already deciphering Enigma messages in 1933, ・・・whereas the British did not seriously turn their attention to Enigma until the Spanish Civil War in 1936・・・
One of the lessons the British learned from the Polish experience was the importance of engaging the country's best mathematicians in the code-breaking project. ・・・
Turing created the "Bombe" ・・・ - a more sophisticated decoding machine than an earlier Polish machine called the "Bomba". ・・・
<Turing and the others'> work is reckoned to have shortened the war by as much as two years. ・・・
For decades after the war the contributions of Rejewski and other Polish cipher experts to the Allied victory over Nazi Germany went unrecognised. ・・・
・・・Denmark is the happiest nation in the world. More than two-thirds of Danes report being “very satisfied with their lives,” according to the Eurobarometer Survey, a figure that has held steady for more than 30 years. True, Danes tend to be healthy, married and active -- all contributing factors to happiness. But ・・・<t>he answer is <that> Danes have low expectations・・・
They live their lives as the Buddha advised: in the present tense, not grasping at some future happiness jackpot.・・・
・・・we grow happier as we grow older. Why? ・・・<because o> lder people tend to have lower aspirations or, to put it in a more positive way, greater acceptance. ・・・
・・・women are less happy today than they were in the 1970s, despite the great strides they’ve made in the workplace. Again,・・・“the women’s movement raised women’s expectations faster than society was able to meet them.”・・・
・・・The referendum call from Mohammad Khatami appeared to be part of an opposition strategy to keep Khamenei and allied hardliners on the defensive over last month's disputed elections.
It coincided with a demand from Mir Hossein Mousavi, the leading opposition candidate in those elections, for the release of opposition supporters detained for protesting against the official results, which gave a landslide victory to President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.
Another former president, Hashemi Rafsanjani, gave a speech at Friday prayers in which he said the Islamic Republic was in crisis and the government had lost the trust of millions of Iranians.・・・
・・・the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps -- has emerged as a driving force behind efforts to crush a still-defiant opposition movement・・・
“It is not a theocracy anymore,” said Rasool Nafisi, an expert in Iranian affairs and a co-author of an exhaustive study of the corps for the RAND Corporation. “It is a regular military security government with a facade of a Shiite clerical system.”・・・
Mr. Ahmadinejad is a former member, as are the speaker of Parliament, Ali Larijani, and the mayor of Tehran, Mohammad Baqer Qalibaf. And the influence of the Revolutionary Guards reaches deep into the education system, where it indoctrinates students in loyalty to the state, and into the state-controlled media, where it guides television and radio programming. ・・・
Shortly after the Iran-Iraq war, Mr. Rafsanjani, then the president, encouraged the corps to use its engineers to bolster its own budget and to help rebuild the country. Since then, a Revolutionary Guards company, Khatam al-Anbia, has become one of Iran’s largest contractors in industrial and development projects,・・・. Its contracts with the government, including projects like the construction of a Tehran subway line, hydroelectric dams, ports and railway systems, are carried out by the company’s subsidiaries or are parceled out to private companies.
What is less quantifiable is the corps’s black-market smuggling activity, which has helped feed the nation’s appetite for products banned by sanctions, while also enriching the corps. ・・・one member of Iran’s Parliament ・・・estimated that the Revolutionary Guards might do as much as $12 billion in black-market business annually.・・・
・・・left-leaning news magazine, L'Espresso, posted "pillow talk" recordings that an escort(高級売春婦) <named D'Addario> said she made during a night・・・of 4 November last year・・・with the septuagenarian(70歳代の) Italian leader・・・Silvio Berlusconi・・・
According to D'Addario, Berlusconi was entertaining her in the bedroom of his magnificent Rome residence, Palazzo Grazioli. In one fragment of conversation, Berlusconi appears to direct D'Addario to wait for him in bed while he showers. In another conversation, recorded the next day, she protests to ・・・the businessman who allegedly set her up with the Italian prime minister, that she had not received the 5,000ユーロ (4,300ポンド) she was expecting.
In a third snippet(<テープの>断片)>, it is claimed she confides to the same intermediary(仲介者) that Berlusconi asked her whether next time they met she would agree to a menage-a-trois(三人プレイ) with another of his girlfriends.・・・
D'Addario, who stood as a candidate in local elections this year for a group close to the prime minister's party・・・
The tapes also include ammunition(援護射撃) for Berlusconi's supporters, however. He has said that he has never paid for sex, and insisted that he was unaware the women who attended his parties were being rewarded.・・・
There is another respect in which the recordings could help Berlusconi. They imply that the 72 year-old billionaire politician, who has had prostate cancer(前立腺癌), nevertheless has remarkable sexual endurance. It remains to be seen if that will inspire more admiration than censure among ordinary Italians.・・・
・・・China’s outbound foreign direct investment has increased steadily this decade, and the outflow of $52 billion last year was a record. Still, the historical stock of the outbound direct investment of $170 billion is puny next to China’s foreign exchange reserves and its inward foreign investment stock of $876 billion. ・・・
“Made in China” will increasingly give way to “Made by China -- abroad,”・・・
<However,> the detention by China of Stern Hu, an Australian and Rio’s chief negotiator in fractious iron ore pricing talks<(コラム#3401(未公開))>, may dim China’s ambitions to expand abroad. ・・・
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